twirled. Her face was hideous. Contorted, angry, frightened. Aggressive and frightened at the same moment, which I knew from real life was the most dangerous state a person could be in.
She growled.
“Ohma!” Mother.
The voice came from somewhere deep in the Widow Po’s throat.
Madame Chon sat up as if someone had jabbed her in the butt with an electric prod. “Un-suk-i?” she asked.
“Na pei kopa!” I’m hungry. “Why didn’t you come look for me? Why was your door locked to me? I’ve been searching for you. Where are you, Mother? Where have you been?”
I hadn’t noticed earlier, but now I realized that off to my right for the last few seconds I’d been hearing an incessant humming. Like a bumblebee but louder. Jill Matthewson was praying. Her eyes were closed and she was humming through moist lips and then, without being called, she rose to her feet and walked forward; stepping deftly between the cushions and the seated women, with her eyes still closed, heading straight for the Widow Po.
“Nugu syo?” the Widow Po asked. Who is it? But she asked it in the voice that Madame Chon recognized as her daughter’s.
“Jill,” Corporal Jill Matthewson said. “It’s me. I’m here for you.”
She spoke in English, but the Widow Po-or Chon Un-suk or whoever it was-seemed to understand. Once more, the Widow Po collapsed to the floor. This time she lay on her back, writhing and moaning like a child. A pitiful sound emerged from her full-grown body. A sound any human being would react to. The sound of a child in pain. The sound of a child dying.
Jill knelt next to her. I scooted to my left to see better. Jill’s eyes were still closed but her hands performed the movements they’d been trained to perform. First, she cleared the air passage. Then she checked for bleeding. Then she took off her own blouse and covered the Widow Po and grabbed the drum that lay on the floor and used it to elevate the Widow Po’s feet. Then she leaned forward and said in English, “You’re going to be all right, honey. You’ll be all right. Someone’s coming to help you. They’ll be here soon.”
The Widow Po said, “Ohma,” and then she took a huge breath, held it, and as she let it out her entire body shuddered. She lay still.
I thought the Widow Po was dead; I was sure she was dead. So did Jill Matthewson. Or the person who once called herself Jill Matthewson. In a trance, Jill leaned down, touched the body’s chest over the heart, pinched the carotid artery, and lowered her cheek in front of the Widow Po’s open mouth. When she was sure that the body below was dead, Jill began to cry. I tried to rise to my feet. No one, not even a mudang as skilled as the Widow Po, could hold her breath for that long. I tried to rise to my feet but Madame Chon grabbed my elbow with two hands and, with the strength of a man, held me where I was.
Nervously, Ernie slugged down another shot of soju.
Then, Jill Matthewson leaned further over the body, slid her forearms beneath the body’s back, and raised the body of the Widow Po into the air. The Widow Po, tall and as heavy as she was, hung lifelessly in Jill Matthewson’s arms. Jill, still on her knees, turned and finally her eyes opened. She seemed to be searching for someone, and then she found her. The woman sitting next to me, Madame Chon, the mother of Chon Un-suk. Jill rose to her feet- almost effortlessly considering all the weight she was carrying- and walked toward Madame Chon. Everyone rose to their feet, sighing, crying, hugging one another. When Jill stood in front of Madame Chon, she bowed and as if she were offering a bouquet of roses, she placed the lifeless body in Madame Chon’s arms. Tears streamed from Madame Chon’s eyes but she grabbed the body, enfolded it, clasped it against her breast, and kneeled. Jill helped her lower the body until the Widow Po lay, lifeless, across the lap of Madame Chon.
No more sound came from the Widow Po. Only whimpering from the crowd.
Jill left the room. Ernie and I found her out in the courtyard, leaning next to the stone well.
The next morning, Madame Chon assured us that the Widow Po was all right.
“She do all the time,” she told us.
“She dies all the time?” Ernie asked.
“Yes. Then come back. No problem.”
Jill punched Ernie in the shoulder.
They were starting to like each other. I’d noticed that, and I can’t say that I was happy about it. Brandy, I didn’t mind, but now Ernie was after Jill Matthewson. It wasn’t any of my business, I knew that rationally, but it bothered me nevertheless. I liked the way she smiled and the freckles across her nose and the way she was determined to do the right thing.
After a breakfast of steamed rice, roasted mackerel, and pickled bean sprouts, we were ready to start our day. As we sipped barley tea, I made Jill go over it again, the story of how she and the stripper, Kim Yong-ai, overnight, raised two thousand dollars U.S.
“She helped me all the time,” Jill said. “How to change the charcoal, how to cook on the butane stove, how to wash my laundry and where to hang it up to dry. With everything.”
“So you became friends?” Ernie asked.
“Yeah. She lived right next door. We drank tea. We talked.”
“Her English was pretty good?” I asked.
“Okay. I taught her some. She taught me Korean. Out of her dictionary.”
“So the Division honchos did a number on her at the mafia meeting,” Ernie said. “She had a case of the ass.”
“Wouldn’t you?” Jill asked.
“I suppose I would,” Ernie replied.
“She wanted out of the life,” Jill continued, “but she was two thousand dollars in debt to gangsters for key money for her hooch, and for costumes, and for transportation to gigs, and for money just to live.”
“So she asked you to help?” Ernie said.
“Why do you make it sound that way? Like she was trying to con me or something? I knew about it, she told me, but she never asked me for money.”
“Until after she was raped by the Division honchos.”
“Even then,” Jill said, becoming angry now, “she didn’t ask me for money. She asked me to help her get even.”
“And the best way to do that…” Ernie let the question hang.
Jill frowned.
Their romance was deteriorating quickly but I knew Ernie was just doing his job. Skeptical and cop are the same word.
“She showed me photographs another girl had taken,” Jill said. “Of old farts with pot bellies on top of her. And on top of the other girls. Even Colonel Alcott.”
“Why do you say ‘even’ Colonel Alcott?” Ernie asked.
“Because he always made a big deal about being a deacon in his church back home and made speeches about trusting in God and all that stuff but as soon as he had a chance, he hopped on a helpless Korean business girl just like every other GI in the ville.”
She glared at Ernie. The statement was more like an accusation. Ernie crossed his arms and stared back at her. She continued.
“So we decided to use the photographs to get money. Not money out of their pockets, all of them were too cheap for that, but money out of the slush fund. The mafia meeting slush fund.”
“Where was this slush fund located?” Ernie asked.
“On compound. In Colonel Alcott’s room. It’s more than a room really, it’s almost like a little house. Bigger than the trailer me and my mom lived in. He has a safe in there.”
“So you just waltzed up one day,” Ernie said, “showed Colonel Alcott the photographs and demanded two thousand dollars?”
“That’s pretty much it. He wanted to bargain but I told him he could replace the money with one black- market run out to the ville and I told him that I didn’t care about my military career and I would write my congressman in a heartbeat if he didn’t come across. So he did. Two thousand big ones.”
“And then Miss Kim thanked you,” Ernie said, “tears in her eyes.”