'Did Steve Lujan murder Hector Padilla?'

'I can't answer that.'

'I'm real happy for your success Charlie, but it doesn't get us any closer to finding out who shot Jim and blew up my trailer.'

Perry chewed his lip for a minute before he answered.

'Your assumption about Lujan killing Padilla is reasonable. Maybe we can get Spence to confirm it. But if you think Steve came after the two of you to cover his tracks, you're betting on the wrong horse. I don't think Spence would allow that.'

'Would Spence do it himself?'

'No way. He was under full surveillance when Jim was shot and your trailer was blown up. He wasn't even in the neighborhood.'

'So who is coming after us?' Kerney demanded.

Charlie shrugged his shoulders.

'Your guess is as good as mine.'

'What about the Catron County Militia? The People of the West? The Free Range Society?'

Charlie smirked.

'Take your pick. Look, Kerney, let me make it clear. This operation wasn't designed to round up every pissed-off, angry white male in Catron County who wanted to join the revolution, rewrite the Constitution, or take a deer out of season. We've got a national militia organization developing that could make the Ku Klux Klan look like a bunch of boy scouts in bed sheets, once it really gets rolling. That's our target, and we plan to cut its head off.'

'One more question.'

'What is it?'

'Did you put a tail on me?'

'You bet I did. You're a loose cannon. I'll let Gatewood know we've got a suspect in the Lujan murder and tell him to rescind the arrest warrant on you.'

'Gatewood got the warrant approved?'

'He sure did. You're a fugitive.'

'Don't tell Gatewood anything.'

Jim Stiles gave Kerney a quizzical look.

'Why not?'

'What kind of hand are you playing?' Charlie demanded.

'Just a hunch.'

'Have it your way,' Charlie said.

Kerney sat down in the easy chair in Jim's living room wearing a pair of blue jeans that were a tad too tight around the waist and a blue cowboy shirt that fit him pretty well. He was just out of the shower and felt a hell of a lot better after a shave and a fresh change of clothes, supplied by his host.

Jim sprawled on the couch, sipped a beer, and waited for Kerney to settle himself.

'Why didn't you want Charlie to tell Gatewood to cancel the arrest warrant?' he asked.

'I don't trust Gatewood,' Kerney answered.

'He's too eager to make me his prime suspect.

Besides, I need an edge.'

Stiles rested his head on the arm of the couch.

'An edge against who?'

Kerney smiled.

'That's the question, isn't it? Tell me about the local militia.'

'I don't know who runs it,' Jim replied.

'They keep a pretty low profile. What I've heard is mostly rumors.'

'Gatewood said he knew the leadership.'

'Maybe he does.'

'Is he connected with them in any way?'

'Hell, I don't know.'

'Does the name Ulibarri mean anything to you?'

'Sure. Steve Lujan's sister, Ramona Ulibarri. She lives in Southern California with her husband.'

'Any kids?'

'Two teenage boys, I think. Maybe a little younger.

They visit every summer.'

'Do you know the kids' names?'

'No. But the husband's name is Ray. Why are you interested in them?'

'A BLM officer checked with Gatewood after he stopped a kid on an ATV outside of Deming. The kid said he was from Reserve and gave his name as Ulibarri. Gatewood told the officer he didn't know anybody in the county by that name.'

'Gatewood knows the family,' Jim said.

'They only moved to California a short while back.'

'Was Gatewood informed of the mountain lion translocation?'

Stiles adjusted his position.

'I'm almost certain he was.'

'How certain are you?'

'If he reads his mail, he had to know. Santa Fe sends out bulletins to all local law enforcement agencies on every translocation of a cat, with an advisory to inform us if the animal is found dead or killed.'

'Then he knew.'

'Most likely. Do you think Gatewood's dirty?'

'Gatewood's a politician. He could be anything.'

Jim laughed.

'That's funny, but I don't think Omar Gatewood would shoot me.'

'Maybe he didn't. Maybe he just helped get you shot.'

'That's an interesting idea. How do we find out?'

'Amador Ortiz. His phone call sent you to Padilla Canyon. Maybe somebody encouraged him to make that call.'

'Let's talk to him,' Jim said as he got off the couch.

'I'll go with you.'

Before Kerney could answer, the front door opened and Molly Hamilton flew into the room. She glanced at Kerney, sparks flashing in her eyes, and gave Jim a very nasty look.

'Goddamn you!'


She walked to Stiles and poked her finger in his chest.

'You were supposed to call me, remember?'

'I'm sorry.'

She poked him again.

'That's not good enough.'

'I think I'll leave,' Kerney said, unraveling himself from the chair.

'Stay put, Kerney. I'll get to you in a minute.' She poked Jim again.

'I've been all over the damn place looking for you, wondering if you'd been shot again, or kidnapped, or something.'

'We haven't been anywhere near a phone until just now,' Jim explained.

'We just got back. We're fine. Stop worrying.'

'Shit!' Molly punched Jim in the chest with her fist and dropped her head. When she raised it, the anger on her face had been replaced with tears.

'I wish it was that easy to do,' she said.

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