Eugene snickered.

'There wasn't anyone left who gave a damn enough to ask questions. The Padillas had all scattered. Besides, by the time the spring thaw came, coyotes had picked those sheep clean.'

'Still, Calvin had to hush it up,' Kerney proposed.

'How did he do it?'

'With money. How else? Besides that, there wasn't a white man in Catron County who would side against us with the Padillas. I doubt there are many today who would.' Eugene switched his attention to Gatewood.

'Omar, are you going to arrest me now that you've heard my confession?'

'I don't think so,' Gatewood answered.

Eugene nodded his approval at Omar's reply.

'See what I mean?'

'Does killing Karen even the score with Edgar?'

Eugene showed his stained teeth and smirked.

'It doesn't even come close. Why are you sneering at me?'

'Wearing army fatigues with eagles on your collar doesn't make you a colonel,' Kerney said.

'Your brother won his rank in battle. All you are is a sick, crazy old man playing soldier.'

Eugene snarled, picked up the AK-47, rolled the wheelchair within striking range, and slammed the butt on Kerney's gimpy knee. The pain sent shock waves through him.

They found Phil Cox in his wrecked truck, chained to the steering wheel, barely conscious, and incoherent. He had a smashed cheekbone and an ugly bruise on his left temple. Jim checked his vital signs while steam hissed out of the cracked truck radiator. Edgar Cox leaned over Jim's shoulder with panic on his face, demanding that he ask about Karen.

Phil's eyes were unfocused. All he did was grunt when Jim grilled him about Karen. Stiles got everybody back in the truck, took over the driving, and kept his eyes peeled, hoping Karen would come into view.

They caught up to her at the last curve in the road that dipped down to the ranch. Jim killed the engine, and with Edgar at his side he ran to her.

Jim had to pry the Winchester from her hands.

Karen grudgingly let it go, looking at him with smoldering eyes that were as dangerous as any he had ever seen.

Edgar enveloped her in a hug. Karen remained immobile, her arms locked against her sides. Some of the tenseness faded, and she raised a hand and patted her father reassuringly on the back.

Molly and the kids surrounded her, the children jabbering and scared.

Karen's expression softened.

She let go of Edgar, dropped to one knee, and wrapped Cody and Elizabeth in her arms. Jim hushed everybody up and corralled them back to the truck. With Cody on her lap and an arm wrapped around Elizabeth, Karen sat on the tailgate and answered Jim's questions.

When Jim had heard enough, he gently squeezed Karen's hand in appreciation.

'That was one hell of a thing you did.'

'It wasn't half what I should have done,' Karen said hotly.

'You did enough. Now we know what we're facing.' He turned to Edgar.

'We need a new plan.'

'I'm going with you,' Edgar snarled.

Jim nodded.

'I'll take the point on this one.' He looked at the sky. Thick clouds were gun-metal gray.

'Molly, stay here with Karen and the children. If anybody comes anywhere near you in a threatening manner, shoot him. We'll sort it out later.'

'I'll do it,' Karen said flatly.

Karen's eyes were smoking again. An argument wasn't worth the time.

'Fine,' he said.

'Both of you can do it. Take turns.' He swung back to Edgar.

'You're going to be my distraction. Give me ten minutes to get into position before you drive down there. I want to be inside the house when you pull up.'

Edgar glanced at Jim's sling.

'You're wounded. I should be the one going in.'

Jim pulled his arm free and felt the stitches in his biceps start to pop.

'I want you under cover at all times.'

'I'll use the truck.'

'Good enough. Put a couple of rounds into the house to get their attention. And for chrissake, don't shoot me or Kerney.'

'Don't worry, son. I know how to take fire and put steel on a hard target.'

'I believe you do. Colonel Cox.'

Jim looked at the group. Molly and Karen seemed solid. Cody and Elizabeth were wide-eyed with apprehension.

'Nobody here is going to get hurt,' Jim said to the children.

'I want you both to do exactly what your mother and Molly tell you.'

The children nodded gravely.

'Are you set?' he asked Edgar.

'Ten minutes and counting,' Edgar replied, looking at his wristwatch.

Jim kissed Molly.

'I thought she was your partner,' Edgar said.

'I lied.'

'I am,' said Molly.

Jim flashed her an enormous smile and kissed her again.

'I partially lied,' he said to Edgar.

With Molly's 9mm in his waistband, Jim trotted down the hill and started a curving loop toward the ranch house. Behind him he heard Cody announce in a loud voice that he wanted to go with Grandfather.

'You're staying right here, young man,' Karen said, holding Cody back with a hand clamped firmly on his shoulder. He pouted, stomped his foot, and tried unsuccessfully to pull free. She didn't let go until Edgar drove around the bend and out of sight.

Cody waited until the other lady said something to his mother that made her look away. Then he darted into some bushes at the side of the road and started running full-tilt down the hill to catch up with Grandfather.

Omar dialed Karen's number and let it ring for a long time before hanging up. He put the receiver down and stared at Kerney as though he were responsible for Phil's lateness.

Kerney sat in the middle of the floor where he'd been dumped. The cuffs cut into his wrists, and his knee felt as if it had been blown out.

'They should have been here by now,' Gatewood said, walking back to his position behind Kerney.

Eugene Cox had the AK-47 resting on both arms of the wheelchair, his fingers near the trigger housing.

It was loaded with a full clip.

'Go find them,' he ordered.

'I'll take care of Kerney.'

Gatewood hitched up his belt and puffed out his cheeks.

'Are you sure you'll be all right?'

Eugene gave him a scornful look.

'Don't treat me like a cripple. Get going.'

As Omar turned for the door, he heard the sound of an engine and tires on gravel.

'No need to,' he said as he walked to the window to look out.

'Phil's here.'

'That's not Phil's truck,' Gene said.

'I know the sound of it.'

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