Her fingers found the keyboard. ''Dear Sean,' ' she said. 'That's a good start, now, isn't it?'

Half an hour later Seliah had composed an invitation to her husband. Hood stood behind the women and read over their shoulders. Seliah had proposed a weekend in San Francisco, at the Monaco, where they'd stayed before. ''Just three days from now we can have a bit of heaven, sweet man.' ' She assured Sean that this was a private e- mail, an absolute and total secret from Blowdown. It was classy and sexy and perfect, Hood thought. He felt bad about it.

'I'd say yes to this,' he said. 'I'd get there early.'

'He'll say yes, too,' said Seliah. 'There's no way he can refuse me.'

'Maybe not the first time,' said Bly. 'But eventually he'll say yes and we'll… have him and he'll be safe with us.'

Another moment of silence.

'You've done the right thing, Seliah,' said Hood. 'And you're going to get him back.'

Seliah typed, 'Your Loving Wife, Seliah,' then tapped the 'send' bar with a red nail. She sighed and sat back.

Hood put a hand on Seliah's shoulder and she reached up and set her hand on his. He was surprised how hot it was, like she was burning with fever. 'Let's go out to dinner tonight,' she said. 'The three of us. Dutch and nothing fancy.'

'I've got a date, believe it or not,' said Bly. 'With a real, live man.'

'You're a lucky woman, Janet. Charlie? Me and you?'


'Come by six thirty, would you? Sean will have accepted my invite by then. We can catch the sunset at the Fisherman's. And I can finish that Costa Rica story. I'll tell you everything that happened.' Hood drove toward Buenavista.

'What's wrong with her?' asked Bly.

'I don't know.'

'How can you sweat when it's fifty-five degrees inside? Did you hear the way she hissed at me? In her bathroom she's got a beach towel hung across the mirror. So I peek in the bedroom and she's got the dresser mirror turned around to face the wall. Every curtain and blind in the house, drawn tight. Vampire books and videos all over the place-did you see them? What's that all about?'

'Sean acts the same way,' said Hood. 'In the videos. He hisses obscenities. He sweats. He hung that dress over the mirror in the scorpion girl's house.'

'There's a warning in that e-mail,' said Bly. 'They've worked something out. You watch. If he accepts, they'll scoot off somewhere else and we'll look like the Three Stooges. Do you trust her, Charlie?'


'Be careful tonight, Deputy.'

'Always. You, too.'

Bly cracked a small smile. 'I am not what she said I am.'


Hood knocked on Seliah's door and waited. He heard music inside. He turned to look at the sun lowering toward Catalina Island.

'Come on in, Charlie.'

She wore baggy hiker's pants and a Susan Komen T-shirt and an Angels cap and red slip-on sneakers. She followed him into the living room where the curtains were still drawn tight and the laptop sat where it had been before.

'He turned me down. Bly got to it first and forwarded. She must have called you.'

'Yes. You knew that would happen, Seliah.'

Hood sat and read Ozburn's message.

… I love you more than life, Seliah, but I smell Blowdown on you. This letter doesn't even sound like you. Don't let them manipulate. Don't let them break you down. Go away if you have to… 'Do I need to write him back right now?'

'No. Later is better.'

She slung a little silk bag over her shoulder. 'Ready?'

Hood drove them down the hill to the restaurant at the foot of the pier. They got a table outside and a bucket of clams and beers. Seliah drank hers quickly, then ordered a bottle of petite sirah. Hood couldn't read her face through the sunglasses and the hat. She was subdued and deliberate. She told him she'd run ten miles after he and Bly had left, and she felt a little spacey.

'So, we went to Costa Rica to help Sean,' she said. 'The undercover assignment was killing him. He was bitter and disillusioned with his work. He missed me and his home and our runs on the beach. So we got to San Jose and rented a cute little Piper and tooled all around the western coast for a couple of days. Expensive, but, Charlie, there's nothing like the earth from above. Then we got checked into our tree house hotel on the volcano and we made great love and ate good food and enjoyed the creatures and the staff and the other tourists. It was called the Arenal Volcano View eco-resort and you could see the volcano from every single room, the bar, the dining room and the observation deck. You could hear it rumble. In the middle of the night people would rush out onto their decks if it got loud enough and they thought it would blow. Everybody but us had at least two cameras going-a video and a regular. We just had my little digital but we got some good shots.

'There were all sorts of characters running around that place, getting the volcano rush. One night Sean and Leftwich stayed up late talking. The next day the three of us took a nice long hike up the volcano. It was beautiful and dramatic and Sean and Joe had to hike way the heck up near the rim and, of course, I had to keep up with them. We got close. Every few minutes the volcano would rumble and spit up rocks the size of passenger cars and tons of black-red magma would come pouring out. Just like you picture in hell. Awesome to behold. Of course if it blew, even just a little, we'd have been cooked where we stood. That was part of the rush. Leftwich told us he'd never seen Arenal so angry as that day. He was messing with us, but it was fun.

'We got back that afternoon and started drinking. By dinnertime we were fairly bombed. Joe had his magic potion that somehow stayed cold on its own, and we had cocktails, too, then ordered bottles of wine with dinner and brandies after. I remember the conversation getting heavy between Sean and Joe. The consequences of sin. Good and evil. God and the devil. Man and Jesus. The blackness of human nature and God's love. Sean was really letting it hang out about his work. No details, nothing about which agency he was with or where he was stationed, but all the bitterness and anger, Charlie, it was ready to blow up, just like Arenal. I went to the room. My head was spinning. I read a page and crashed. I woke up at two in the morning, the light still on, about a billion bugs stuck to the screen outside.

'Sean wasn't beside me so I got on some clothes and went down to the bar but the bar was closed. I saw a light inside Joe's room so I walked down there. I stepped up close to the screen to look in. There were lots of bugs and moths and freaky-looking things on the screen so I crept up slow so they wouldn't fly up into my face. And when I looked in, there was a ceiling fan, making the room flicker. Sean was flat on his back on the bed, still wearing his tropical shirt and shorts and flip-flops. He was actually snoring. And Father Joe was sitting at the foot of the bed in a chair, leaning forward toward Sean. His back was to me. It looked like he was reaching out with his hands. His head was bowed. I thought he was praying but I wasn't sure. So I moved a couple of big steps to my right, and I'm really quiet about this because something tells me not to disturb him. The bugs flitter and flutter a little. And from there, I could see that Father Joe wasn't praying at all. His hands were out and he was… well, touching Sean's toe. Or possibly toes.'

'Touching his toe or toes.'

'Correct. And he was talking very quietly. Conversationally. I couldn't hear the words. Weirdest thing, Charlie. A drunk, muttering priest with my husband in his bed. Playing with his toes. It made me… mad. I thought maybe he was one of those molester priests.'

Seliah finished her first glass of wine and poured another. She smiled and offered the bottle but his glass was

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