are all dead.'

For a moment there was complete stillness and silence in the room, before one of the councillors asked, 'Dead? All dead? How do you know?'

'Ajax told us.' Sempronius indicated Macro.' He brought us the heads of the men of the Twelfth Hispania, and had their commander confirm the details before being murdered in front of our eyes. If you don't believe me then you can see for yourself at first light. Ajax left the heads in front of the main gate. He said he wanted to provide us, and those back in Rome, with proof of his ruthlessness. It's possible that he also needed to burn his bridges to make sure that his followers realised there was no going back. Not after they had massacred an entire town. For the slaves there is, from now on, only freedom or death.'

'If he has proved his point, then he does not need to kill our people,' said Polocrites.

'I disagree. After Matala, he is no longer restrained by fear of the consequences.' Sempronius recalled the wild rage and hatred he had seen in the gladiator's eyes, and his cruel pleasure at the death of Portillus. 'I'd go further. He has a taste for death and an insatiable thirst to get revenge on those who were his masters. It would be madness to trust him, and little short of suicide to place ourselves in his hands.'

'What are you suggesting we do then?' Polocrites opened his hands helplessly.

'We must defend Gortyna. We must not submit to his demands.'

'How can we defend Gortyna against that host?' Polocrites rounded on Macro. 'You're the soldier here. What chance have we got of holding the city?'

Macro looked up. 'About as much chance as surviving if the rebels take us hostage.'

The councillor's jaw slackened, then he turned to his companions.

'Did you hear? The situation is hopeless.'

'It's not hopeless,' Macro countered sharply. 'I didn't say that. It depends on a number of things. The enemy have more men, but they haven't got much good kit, and they're not trained soldiers. They don't have any siege equipment, and they're going to have to learn how to attack a city from scratch. On the other hand, given the length of the wall we have to defend, and the fact that sections of it are weak where we've had to rush the repairs, numbers may well win the day. However, if we can hold them off long enough for Cato to return with reinforcements, then the day is ours.'

'And how likely is it that your friend has succeeded in reaching Egypt?'

Macro had his doubts. There would have been dangers on the road to the fishing port, then Cato would have had to cross the sea to the African coast, where there might be pirates picking off lone merchant ships. Even if he reached Alexandria he would have to face the sea again on the return journey. Macro's breath escaped with a frustrated hiss.' Centurion Cato…' he paused and glanced at Sempronius, 'I mean Tribune Cato, is one of the most resourceful officers in the Roman army. If any man can get through to Alexandria and get us the men we need to end this rebellion, it is him.'

'I see. And how long do you think it will be before he can return with an army powerful enough to destroy the gladiator and his followers?'

'Hard to say' Macro pursed his lips. 'Another ten days at the earliest, but more likely to be nearer twenty.'

Polocrites stared at him for a moment before shaking his head with a chuckle. 'For some reason I am not encouraged by this news.'

He rose to his feet and turned to the other councillors. 'There is another way to save Gortyna. To save our people.'

'Then tell us,' said Sempronius. 'I'm sure we would all be delighted to discover the means to our salvation.'

Polocrites ignored him steadfastly as he addressed his companions.

'Ajax must know that he will lose many hundreds of his men, perhaps thousands, if he is forced to assault Gortyna. It may also take several days. All of which will dispirit his followers. Every day they are forced to fight us will feed their bloodlust. There will be no mercy if they take the city. We will be put to the sword. Our women will be raped and tortured and our children butchered.'

Macro nodded. 'All the more reason to fight to the last man.'

'No,' Polocrites responded sharply. 'All the more reason to find another way out of the peril we are placed in.' He continued in a crafty tone. 'What if we were to offer to hand over the Romans to Ajax? If we were to co-operate in providing his hostages, then surely he would be grateful to the people of Gortyna for sparing his men the need to assault the city, and saving the rebels the time and effort of mounting a siege.' Polocrites paused briefly, then concluded, 'I think we can make a separate peace with the rebels.'

There was an uncomfortable silence before Macro laughed. 'You cheeky Greek bastard! For a moment there I thought you were serious.'

Polocrites turned to him with a deadpan expression. 'I am serious.'

'No you're not.' Macro smiled. 'Because if you were, that would make you a dirty little back-stabbing traitor. And if that was the case, then I'd have no choice but to cut your throat and hurl your worthless carcass over the city wall and into the ditch for the dogs to feed on.'

'You wouldn't dare,' Polocrites said quietly.

'Sorry' Macro shrugged. 'Like I said, I'd have no choice. It'd be regrettable but necessary. I'm sure you would understand… But since you're having a joke with us, and you really wouldn't even contemplate dishonouring yourself in such a cowardly manner, there's no harm done. Now, you've had your fun. There's no question of surrender, and no question of negotiating with Ajax.' He paused and casually pulled out his dagger, and carefully edged the point under a fingernail to dislodge some dirt. 'I do have that right, don't I?'

The councillors watched Polocrites closely as the man stared at Macro and gauged his chances of escaping the fate Macro had mentioned.

'I'm sorry.' Macro looked up from his manicure.' Did you say something?'


Macro frowned and slowly rose from his chair.

'I meant yes.' Polocrites backed off a step.


'Yes,' Polocrites said hurriedly. 'I was joking.'

'Good.' Macro nodded and carefully replaced his dagger. 'That's that then.'

'Well,' Sempronius cleared his throat uneasily, 'it seems that we are agreed on where we stand, gentlemen. It is important that we present a united front to the defenders and people of Gortyna. There will be no talk of negotiating with the enemy. It is our joint resolve to defend the city, to the end if that is necessary. I trust that is understood by you all. Now, on that note of agreement, I am calling this meeting to an end. Thank you for your attention, and your continued support.' He bowed his head and then indicated the door. Polocrites was the first to leave, sweeping past the others as he strode swiftly out of the room. The rest followed his lead, some shooting nervous glances in Macro's direction as they departed. When the last of them had gone, Sempronius sighed and slumped back down on to his chair.

'Hardly an inspiring display of unity.'

'No, sir.' Macro chewed his lip. 'But I think they'll keep their mouths shut for a little while.'

'I hope so.' Sempronius rubbed his temple and shut his eyes. 'It all comes down to Cato in the end, doesn't it?'

'Yes, you're right.' Macro went over to the window and rested his hands on the frame as he stared out towards the main camp of the rebels. 'I meant what I said about him being the best man for the job.

The trouble is, being the best is not enough sometimes. He's pushed his luck in the past and it won't last for ever.'

'Don't write him off too quickly.' Julia's voice carried across the room.

Both of the men turned and saw her at the door. She stared at Macro for a moment and then made her way down the gap between the benches and sat on the one nearest her father's desk.

'I wasn't writing him off,' Macro explained. 'I'm just concerned for him.'

'We all are,' Sempronius added. 'With good cause. I hope he won't let us down.'

'He won't,' Macro said firmly.

Sempronius turned to his daughter. 'What brings you here?'

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