The words made a brave sound, but the man had upset Lavon more than he dared to admit, even to himself. 'Shar,' he said, 'make it fast, will you?'

The scientist nodded and dived below.

The minutes stretched out. The great white globe in the sky blazed and blazed. It had moved down the sky, far down, so that the light was pouring into the ship directly in Lavon's face, illuninating every floating particle, its rays like long milky streamers.

The currents of water passes Lavon's cheek were almost hot.

How could they dare go directly forward into that inferno? The land directly under the 'star' must be even hotter than it was here!

'Lavon! Look at Para!'

Lavon forced himself to turn and look at his proto ally. The great slipper had settled to the deck where it was lying with only a feeble pulsation of its cilia. Inside, its vacuoles were beginning to swell, to become bloated, pear- shaped bubbles, crowding the granulated protoplasm, pressing upon the dark nuclei.

'This cell is dying,' Para said, as coldly as always. 'But go on— go on. There is much to learn, and you may live, even though we do not. Go on.'

'You're ... for us now?' Lavon whispered.

'We have always been for you. Push your folly to its uttermost. We will benefit in the end, and so will Man.'

The whisper died away. Lavon called the creature again, but it did not respond.

There was a wooden clashing from below, and then Shar's voice came tinnily from one of the megaphones. 'Lavon, go ahead! The diatoms are dying, too, and then we'll be without power. Make it as quickly and directly as you can.'

Grimly, Lavon leaned forward. 'The 'star' is directly over the land we're approaching.'

'It is? It may go lower still and the shadows will get longer. That's our only hope.'

Lavon had not thought of that. He rasped into the banked megaphones. Once more, the ship began to move.

It got hotter.

Steadily, with a perceptible motion, the 'star' sank in Lavon's face. Suddenly a new terror struck him. Suppose it should continue to go down until it was gone entirely? Blasting though it was now, it was the only source of heat. Would not space become bitter cold on the instant— and the ship an expanding, bursting block of ice?

The shadows lengthened menacingly, stretched across the desert toward the forward-rolling vessel. There was no talking in the cabin, just toe sound of ragged breathing and the creaking of the machinery. . Then the jagged horizon seemed to rush upon them. Stony teeth cut into toe lower rim of the ball of fire, devoured it swiftly. It was gone.

They were in the lee of the cliffs. Lavon ordered the ship turned to parallel the rock-line; it responded heavily, sluggishly. Far above, the sky deepened steadily from blue to indigo.

Shar came silently up through the trap and stood beside Lavon, studying that deepening color and the lengthening of the shadows down the beach toward their world. He said nothing, but Lavon knew that the same chilling thought was in his mind.


Lavon jumped. Shar's voice had iron in it. 'Yes?'

'We'll have to keep moving. We must make the wherever it is, very shortly.'

'How can we dare move when we can't see where we're Why not sleep it over—if the cold will let us?'

'It will let us.' Shar said. 'It can't get dangerously cold up here. If it did, the sky—or what we used to think of as the sky—would have frozen over every night, even in summer. But what I'm thinking about is the water. The plants will go to sleep now. In our world that wouldn't matter; the supply of oxygen is enough to last through the night. But in this confined space, with so many creatures in it and no source of fresh water, we will probably smother.'

Shar seemed hardly to be involved at all, but spoke rather with the voice of implacable physical laws.

'Furthermore,' he said, staring unseeingly out at the raw landscape, 'the diatoms are plants, too. In other words, we must stay on the move for as long as we have oxygen and power—and pray that we make it.'

'Shar, we had quite a few protos on board this ship once. And Para there isn't quite dead yet. If he were, the cabin would be intolerable. The ship is nearly sterile of bacteria, because all the protos have been eating them as a matter of course and there's no outside supply of them, any more than there is for oxygen. But still and all there would have been some decay.'

Shar bent and tested the pellicle of the motionless Para with a probing finger.

'You're right, he's still alive. What does that prove?'

'The Vortae are also alive; I can feel the water circulating. Which proves it wasn't the heat that hurt Para. It was the light. Remember how badly my skin was affected after I climbed beyond the sky? Undiluted starlight is deadly. We should add that to the information on the plates.'

'I still don't see the point.'

'It's this. We've got three or four Noc down below. They were shielded from the light, and so must be alive. If we concentrate them in the diatom galleys, the dumb diatoms will think it's still daylight and will go on working. Or we can concentrate them up along the spine o the ship, and keep the algae putting out oxygen. So the question is: which do we need more, oxygen or power? Or can we split the difference?'

Shar actually grinned. 'A brilliant piece of thinking. We'll make a Shar of you yet, Lavon. No, I'd say that we can't split the difference. There's something about daylight, some quality, that the light Noc emit doesn't have. You and I can't detect it, but the green plants can, without it they don't make oxygen. So we'll have to settle for the diatoms — for power.'

Lavon brought the vessel away from the rocky lee of the cliff, out onto the smoother sand. All trace of direct light was gone now, although there was still a soft, general glow on the sky.

'Now, then,' Shar said thoughtfully, 'I would guess that there's water over there in the canyon, if we can reach it. I'll go below and arrange—'

Lavon gasped, 'What's the matter?'

Silently, Lavon pointed, his heart pounding.

The entire dome of indigo above them was spangled with tiny, incredibly brilliant lights. There were hundreds of them, and more and more were becoming visible as the darkness deepened. And far away, over the ultimate edge of the rocks, was a dim red globe, crescented with ghostly silver. Near the zenith was another such body, much smaller, and silvered all over...

Under the two moons of Hydrot, and under the eternal stars, the two-inch wooden spaceship and its microscopic cargo toiled down the slope toward the drying little rivulet.


The ship rested on the bottom of the canyon for the rest of the night. The great square doors were thrown open to admit the raw, irradiated, life-giving water from outside—and the wriggling bacteria which were fresh food.

No other creatures approached them, either with curiosity or with predatory intent, while they slept, though Lavon had posted guards at we doors. Evidently, even up here on the very floor of space, highly organized creatures were quiescent at night.

But when the first flush of light filtered through the water, trouble threatened.

First of all, there was the bug-eyed monster. The thing was green and had two snapping claws, either one of which could have broken the ship in two like a spyrogyra straw. Its eyes were black and globular, on the ends of short columns, and its long feelers were as thick as a plant-bole. It passed in a kicking fury of motion, however, never noticing the ship at all.

'Is that a sample of the kind of life we can expect in the next world?' Lavon whispered. Nobody answered, for the very good reason that nobody knew.

After a while, Lavon risked moving the ship forward against the current, which was slow but heavy. Enormous writhing worms whipped past them. One struck the hull a heavy blow, then thrashed on obliviously.

'They don't notice us,' Shar said. 'We're too small. Lavon, the ancients warned us of the immensity of space, but even when you see it, it's impossible to grasp. And all those stars—can they mean what I think they mean? It's

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