at a neutral site.”
“Excellent, once the location has been transmitted, I will be there.
“Thank you, Kerulithar.”
“Don’t thank me yet, I am only doing this because I trust you Michael Alexander,” the Solarian smiled, “Kerulithar out.”
The screen went blank, and Michael slumped back down into his chair, he felt elated, but also exhausted. He rubbed at his temples, and let loose a long sigh, it had been hard work. Nevertheless, the first steps toward a peace process and re-unification had begun. He just hoped all this would not land him with a court martial for interfering in the affairs of other cultures.
Next he had to contact admiral Montrose at Alpha base, to submit his mission report, he informed the admiral about the discovery of the Eye of the Dracos, the destruction of the Copernicus, and of the evidence they had found of the systematic hunting down of the scientists through the corridors of the alien facility, and also of the bloody, yet successful rescue of the only survivor, Kathryn Jacobs.
“Do you think these Dracos will return?”
“I would have to say yes, absolutely admiral, and in greater numbers, in fact I would bet my wages on it.”
The admiral stroked his bearded grey flecked chin, “what do you suggest?”
“Well, since there are no colony worlds out this far, the threat to E.O.C. A citizens is minimal, however it is still an incursion into E.O.C. A territory, and they have attacked E.D. F shipping. I would recommend routing patrols to include this area of space, sir. From what we have learned, the Dracos are only interested in this one planet because of the Eye of the Dracos built upon it. From what I have been able to gather they have labelled it as a halo world, a world of special significance to their people, thus it would be a high priority for re-capture.”
“So, this Eye of the Dracos is basically an enormous, super advanced geothermal power plant, extracting energy from the core of the planet itself, and then hurling it out into space.”
“Yes, admiral.”
“Any way we can adapt it, for our own use?”
“Unlikely; from what we have found, the facility used to fire its beam in regular bursts to a collector stationed in orbit. However, the whole place was shutdown and abandoned some three hundred years ago, as the Dracos fled from Solarian attacks. The collector has since burned up as its orbit decayed, and that is why the beams are being shot out into space, as the base still thinks the collector is there. Plus, we’ve seen how the Dracos react to anyone studying their technology, they hunt them down mercilessly.”
“True, but it’s a heck of an opportunity to pass up, captain. A facility capable of producing virtually unlimited energy, that would solve E.O.C. A energy needs practically overnight.”
“I agree sir, but at what cost, the facility itself is so far removed from standard E.D. F systems and technology, that we would have difficulty integrating it and defending it.”
“It’s a damned shame, all that power on tap, and virtually for free too, what’s your plan then, captain.”
“We shut the facility down, just as the scientists found it, and then seal it, so that it stays shut. Perhaps in the future E.D. F scientists may be able to integrate it into our own systems, and the Dracos may be more amenable to us using it. Until that day however, it is simply too dangerous, and right now beyond our level of expertise.”
The admiral sighed noticeably as a few tense seconds passed, finally after seeing that there was no other option, Montrose agreed. “Shut the place down captain, and lock it tight.”
“Will do admiral, I have one final request to make, sir. It is one of a more personal nature.”
“Go ahead?”
“The survivor we rescued, Kathryn Jacobs, is a former medical officer of the Liberty and personal friend to me. She had requested some time to be allowed to bury a very dear friend of hers, who was killed by these Dracos before we arrived.”
“You have five hours captain, then I want those ships back at Charlie gamma base for repairs, as well as the final testing of the Liberties new systems.”
“Understood, thank you sir; Alexander out.”
Montrose nodded as Michael ended the transmission.
Another intensely bright burst of energy, shot forth from the surface of the planet once again, close to the Liberty, it shot past Michaels personal porthole, briefly coating his entire quarters in a bright orange glow, “sweet Jesus that thing’s bright,” he cursed to himself as he shielded his eyes.
He eventually emerged from his quarters with a new sense of purpose.
“What’s the word, cap’n?” Kinraid asked.
“We have to go back down to the surface, to seal off the facility. I don’t want to have to do it to her, because Kathryn has had enough of an ordeal already, but she is the only one who can guide us to the central control room within that place in order to shut it down.”
“I hear ya’, sir.” Kinraid replied, concerned more for Kathryn than anyone else.
“I also want Lieutenant Logameier to come up with suggestions, as to how we can shut this thing off, permanently.”
“I’ll get right on it,” Kinraid replied.
“I’m off to see Kathryn, hopefully she is awake now, to tell her the good news, you’re in command until I get back Quinn.”
“Understood, sir. I’m sure little Kathryn’ll be delighted to find out she’s goin’ back down the rabbit hole again.”
Michael looked at Quinn, “she’s one of ours, she deserves better after what she’s been through.”
“I know, Cap’n, I know.”
Michael left the bridge, and entered an adjoining elevator, which deposited him on deck four, he made his way through the Liberty, passing various crewmembers making repairs to still-damaged systems, and who all regarded him with the kind of respect one would give a good friend. Eventually, he found the temporary inter- connecting corridor between the Liberty and the Eisenhower, he hoped it would be the last time he would have to make this crossing.
As he made his way back to the med-bay of the other ship, he bumped into commander Fontain again; informed her of the new orders and requested the use of a shuttle. The commander duly granted him the request; he also paged Nikolai through his wrist comm. asking if he wanted one last trip down to the surface. It turned out that the colonel was packing ready for the trip back, yet ultimately agreed.
Michael carefully entered the med-bay to find Kathryn awake, although still a little drowsy, he sat quietly beside her.
“How are you feeling?”
“A little sore, and I keep getting this strange tingling sensation in my leg, but I’m okay I guess.”
Michael smiled, repressing a slight chuckle, “the tingling is the micro-static therapy working, something you’ll have to get used to for now I’m afraid.”
“You mean they put little implants inside me, why I ‘oughta.”
Michael chuckled again, “well you seem in better spirits anyway.”
“I’m just so glad that I’m finally free of that horrible nightmare, I’m glad you came back for me,” she reached over from her hospital bed and kissed Michael tenderly on the cheek.
“You are one of ours, as well as one of my closest friends, I couldn’t just stand back and let you die down there.”
“I know.”
Kathryns levity, and emotional state made what Michael had to say next all the more difficult, his face sunk into one of concern as he struggled within himself how to tell her.
She studied him intently, “I think I know you well enough by now, to recognise that look, what’s wrong Michael?”
The Liberty captain grimaced as he realised that there was no easy way to tell her this, “we have to go back down there.”
Kathryn recoiled in shock, “No! I can’t, I won’t, I won’t go through all that again Michael!”
He silently regarded her with patient eyes, “we have five hours Kathryn, in which to bury your friend, and to