last in the late edition, an item from the City section: west bank exec missing. The wife of prominent insurance industry executive Vernon 'Archie' Koechell confirmed that her husband had not appeared at home or work for the last two weeks. Koechell's disappearance had been reported to the Kindle Unified Police, who were investigating a possible connection to an undisclosed financial crime. On the jump page, there was a picture of Archie, a noble- looking business type with a round mug and a widow's peak. The photo was old, twenty years, but I recognized him, no doubt of that. We'd met face to face, so to speak, and I'd be a long time anyway forgetting the man I'd seen in Bert's refrigerator.



A. Your Investigator Is Misled

Glyndora lives in a triplex in one of these resurrected areas in the shadow of the projects. I swear to God, when I come back from the dead I want to be a real estate developer. Sell people a three-room apartment for two hundred grand and when they go out in the morning their car has no hubcaps. Two blocks away you could see the kids, in tattered coats in this season, playing basketball and looking through the chain-link with their devastated dead expressions. But here the construction was reminiscent of a Hollywood set, perfection in every visible detail, and the ^el that you could put your hand right through it. The effect was Williamsburg. Little wooden doodads at the roofline and wrought-iron rails; starving saplings, bare sticks in January, were planted in little squares removed from the pavement. One could not help thinking of a theme park.

'Glyndora, it's Mack.' I had found her address in the firm personnel directory, and I wasn't expected. I made my apologies for bothering her at home through the buzzer intercom. 'I need to talk to you and I don't have a lot of time.'

'Okay.' Silence. Talk, man.'

'Come on, Glyndora. You don't need to be so entertaining. Let me in.' Nothing.

'Glyndora, cut the crap.' 'Call you tomorrow.'

'Like you did today? Listen, I'm gonna stand down here freezing my chestnuts and pressing on this buzzer and shouting your name. I'm gonna make a big goddamn scene, so that your neighbors wonder about the company you keep. And in the morning, I'm going straight to the Committee to tell them how you've been horsing me around.' Something here might pass for a credible threat. Especially the Committee. I stomped around on the stoop another minute in the dark, breathing smoke beneath the brass colonial lamp, with my chin nuzzled into my muffler. Finally I heard the buzz.

She waited for me at the top of the stairs, backlit by her own home and barring the way to her door. She was wearing a simple housedress and no makeup, and her stiff hair had been released from barrettes and looked somewhat shapeless. I more or less moved her across her own threshold, waving my hands to show I wouldn't take no for an answer. Inside, I seated myself at once on her sofa and opened my overcoat. I did my best to look heavyset and immobile.

'Aren't you going to offer me coffee? It's cold out there.'

Standing near the door, she showed no sign of moving.

'Look, Glyndora, there are a couple of things. One, maybe you can think again about whether you ever saw a little memo from Bert about the Litiplex checks. Two, the name Archie Koechell mean anything to you?'

She was going to stare me down, the way sideshow performers overcome certain fearsome creatures, cobras or bears. She put her hands to her waist and slowly shook her head.

'Glyndora, you answered Bert's phone for years and this guy Archie is a big pal of his. Think again. He's an actuary. And he's missing. Just like Bert. There was an article in the paper today. Maybe you saw it?'

Nothing. The same fiercely baleful expression. I blew on my fingertips to warm them and again asked for coffee.

She went this time, but not before she cussed me, tossing her head about in disbelief. I wandered around the apartment. Very nice. The sort of discreet middle-class taste I would have preferred in my own home. Light carpeting of a Berber weave and patterned fabrics with big flowers on the cushions of the rattansided furnishings. There was a kind of decorator painting, a lot of innocuous wave motion, over the sofa. Otherwise the walls were bare. Glyndora was not a person attached to images.

She was gone awhile. I looked into the kitchen, a little galley affair hinged to the cramped space the architect had probably called the 'eating area', but she was not in there. No coffee brewing either. I could hear her movements through another door or two and thought I detected her voice. Maybe in the John, or putting on her battle regalia. It would not be unlike Glyndora to be holding an animated conversation with herself, but I also had some thought of picking up the phone to see if she had reached out for somebody else. I held my breath, but I could not make out a word.

Across from me, in a corner of the dining room, was a little round etagere, a multilevel thing of chrome and glass. There were various glass animals — Steuben, if you asked Nora Goggins's ex-husband — and pictures of Glyndora's kid, a high-school graduation photo, complete with mortarboard, and a smaller snapshot, more recent, in a frame. An okay-looking guy, lean and muscular, the mother's strong build and good looks gender-translated, but with an impish unfocused expression that had never emanated from Glyndora since the day of her birth.

'You still here?' Over my shoulder, she looked remotely amused, probably with herself. 'Still warming up.'

She had combed her hair a little and reddened her lips, but her manner remained unyielding.

'Look, Glyndora,' I said, 'you're a smart guy and so am I, so let's skip the horseplay.'

'Mack, you' ain been no po-lice for twenty years, and I ain' never been no mope. So just take it somewhere else, man. I'm tired.' Glyndora is often at her blackest around white people, especially when she's on the offensive. In the office today, she'd spoken the same English as me.

'Come on, Glyndora. I already told you how it is. I'm the Question Man and you're the Answer Lady. Otherwise we can all sit down and discuss this tomorrow — you and me and the Committee.' I hoped the renewed threat, which had been enough to get me through the doorway, would make her relent. But the notion seemed to perk her up with a kind of tough amusement.

'I gotta do what you say, huh?'

'Sort of.'

'That figures, man. You like that, right?' I shrugged.

'Yeah, you like that. Just you and me and I ain't got no choice.'

'Come on, Glyndora.'

'Yeah, that's why you got to come round after dark to my house. Cause I ain't got no choice.'

Glyndora has what you might call issues. For her it always comes down to this, master and slave. She was moving in my direction now, sashaying slightly, a hip-rolling walk that was both deliberately provocative and defiant; I got back to my feet to greet her, but she still came a little bit closer than she was supposed to. She knew what she was up to and so did I, we'd both been to the movies. She was just going to back me down with her boldness. She'd cinched the waist on her dress and projected herself and her formidable anatomy at me, rocking a little on her toes, hands on her hips. She might as well have said, I dare you.

'So tell me, Mr Mack. What-all is it I gotta do for you?' Up close, her dark skin was a complex of colors, pointillis-tic. She was giving me a taunting smile, revealing a gap in her teeth which I'd never noticed over the fifteen years I've known her.

I said again, quietly, 'Come on.'

She stayed right there, head high, eye mighty. As a grown-up I have believed that priests, schoolteachers, and criminal investigators should have no carnal knowledge of the people over whom they exert authority. Temptations, naturally, abound. What it is with some gals there's no telling, but it sometimes seems they'd stand in line to screw a copper. You can take a guy built like a Franklin stove, half bald and dirty looking, a fella who'd sit at the end of the bar all night and attract no company, and once you put a uniform on him and a pistol on his hip, the

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