623 Цветаев Д. Мария Владимировна и Магнус Датский // Журнал министерства народного просвещения. СПб., 1878. № 3. С. 84.

624 Горсей Джером. Записки. С. 223.

625 Hamel, J. England and Russia. Р. 234.

626 Ridlan G. T. History of the Ancient Ryedales. Munchester, N. Hemp. 1884. P. 419, 424.

627 Любименко И. История торговых сношений России с Англиею. Юрьев. 1912. С. 162–164 (№ 15).

628 Munk, William. Lives of the Fellows. P. 106.

629 Keevil, John J. Hamey the Stranger. London, 1952. P. 23.

630 Keevil, John J. Hamey the Stranger. P. 45, 58, 63.

631 Bishop, W.J. English Physicians. P. 148.

632 Pelling, M., White, F. Physicians and Irregular Medical Practitioners. URL: http://www.british- history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=17506 (Accessed January 15th, 2010).

633 Munk, William. Treasurers and Registrars of the Royal College of Physicians of London. // Notes and Queries. London. 1857. 2nd Series. Vol. 3 (January-June). P. 304.

634 Munk, William. Lives of the Fellows. P. 153.

635 Любименко И. История торговых сношений. С. 170–171 (№ 17).

636 Stone, Geral. A Dictionarie of the Vulgar Russ Tongu, Attributed to Mark Ridley. Koln. 1996. Pp. 18–19. (Introduction).

637 Evans, Norman. Doctor Timothy Willis and his Mission to Russia, 1599. // Oxford Slavonic Papers. No.2 (1969). Р. 40.

638 Munk, William. Lives of the Fellows. P. 74.

639 Porter, Bertha. Willis, Timothy. // The Dictionary of National Biography. Ed. Lee, Sidney. London. 1900. Vol. LXII. P. 26.

640 Pelling, M., White, F. Physicians and Irregular Medical. URL: http://www.british- history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=17931 (Accessed January 15th, 2010).

641 Evans, Norman. Doctor Timothy Willis. Рр. 57–61.

642 РИО. СПб., 1883. Т. 38. С. 271–277, 290.

643 Evans, Norman. Doctor Timothy Willis. Р. 53.

644 Spedding, James. The Letters and the Life of Francis Bacon. London. 1890. Vol. II. P. 364.

645 Pelling, M., White, F. Physicians and Irregular Medical. URL: http://www.british- history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=17931 (Accessed January 15th, 2010).

646 Соловьев С. М. История России с древнейших времен. М.: Голос, 1994. Кн. 4. Т. VII. С. 362.

647 Гамель И. Х. Англичане в России в XVI и XVII столетиях. СПб., 1865; Любименко И. И. Торговые сношения России с Англией при первых Романовых. // Журнал Министерства народного просвещения. Нов. серия. Ч. LXVI (ноябрь, декабрь). Петроград, 1916; Anderson, M.S. Britain’s Discovery of Russia, 1553–1815. New York. 1958; Bisson, D. R. The Merchant Adventurers of England: the Company and the Crown, 1474–1564. London. 1993; Brenner, Robert. Merchants and Revolution: Commercial Change, Political Conflict, and London’s Overseas Traders, 1550–1653. Princeton, N.J… 1993; Willan, T.S. The Muscovy Merchants of 1555. Manchester, 1953; Idem. The Early History of the Russian Company, 1553–1603. New York. 1968.

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