“That one’s only for display,” she said, as if reading his mind. “It’s not very valuable, but it’s still something of a collector’s item. I target shoot with a twenty-two revolver and have a small nine-millimeter for protection.”
“You’re a woman who means business, Willa.”
“I don’t want to hurt anyone. And I don’t want to give the impression I’m the kind of simple-minded woman who automatically thinks all men are immoral, testosterone-driven beasts. My victimhood hasn’t become my identity. But next time around, things will turn out differently. I’m absolutely determined about that.”
“I understand,” Carver told her.
“I no longer ask for understanding.”
He thanked her for her time and trouble, then he moved toward the door. She didn’t say goodbye when she showed him out. He didn’t mind.
He sympathized with her, but she scared him.
Early the next morning Carver drove over to Highway One, then south to the Bee Line Expressway and into Orlando.
Orlando police headquarters was a long, beige building with vertically pinched windows that gave it the look of a fortress. Desoto was in his office, listening to soft Latin music seeping from the Sony portable stereo on the windowsill behind his desk. He was dressed like a
He was an impossibly handsome and collected man, with a classic Latin profile and sleek black hair that Carver had never seen mussed-a tough cop who looked as if he’d missed his calling as a gigolo, but not by much.
Desoto was seated behind his desk, talking on the phone. “Of course, Miss Belmontrosaigne,” he was saying. “Of course, of course.” He flashed his white, lady-killer smile, as if Miss Belmont-whoever she was-could see him over the phone. Well, maybe the smile came through in his voice. “We’re doing our best for you. That I personally guarantee. It’s not only a duty, it’s a pleasure. Yes, yes, yes. .” he said soothingly.
He said goodbye as if he regretted having to break off the conversation, but they’d always have Paris.
“Who’s Miss Belmontwhatever?” Carver asked.
“Woman whose shop over on Orange Avenue keeps getting held up. Three times in the past month. She called to complain that nothing’s being done about it. We’ve got the place staked out, but it’s best not to let her know that. She might behave suspiciously and tip whoever comes in. Which could put her in danger.”
Desoto the chivalrous; he was the only cop Carver knew who might be described as gallant. He truly liked women. Not as conquests or ornaments, but as people. Miss Belmontwhatever was as likely to be a seventy-year- old woman as a young, nubile beauty.
“What about Marla Cloy?” Carver asked.
“Ah! Shut the door,
Carver did, blocking out the sounds of activity elsewhere in the building. The soft guitar music seemed louder. As Carver lowered himself into the chair angled toward the desk, Desoto reached back and delicately twisted a knob that gradually reduced the volume of the portable Sony.
“Why do you need to know about this Marla Cloy?” he asked.
Carver told him.
“The question is who to believe,” Desoto said, when Carver was finished talking.
“Right now,” Carver said, “I believe my client.”
“Because he is your client?”
“That’s not the entire reason, but it’s a factor.”
“And if you find out he’s lying?”
“Then he’s no longer my client.”
“McGregor won’t help you at all,” Desoto said. “He’s a human reptile and should be shot.”
“That’s why I called you,” Carver said.
“Ah, to shoot him?”
“Maybe someday. He won’t get involved in the Marla Cloy- Joel Brant problem until someone’s dead. But I figured you could help, since she lived in Orlando until about three months ago.”
Desoto leaned back and laced his fingers behind his head. The movement caused his jacket to gap, revealing an empty leather shoulder holster. Carver figured his gun was in a drawer. Desoto had all his suits altered to disguise the bulk of his gun, but he still resented the break in the line of his tailoring.
“To be stalked like a prey animal is a terrible thing for a woman,” he said.
“If that’s what’s happening. Why would Brant come to me, if he was really stalking Marla Cloy?”
“Why would she lie about him stalking her?” Desoto asked.
“I don’t know. To set him up, maybe.”
“For what?”
“I’m not sure. Possibly she wants to kill him and claim self-defense.”
“That would sound more logical if she had a motive.”
“I’m trying to find one,” Carver said. “Believe me, I want this to make sense.”
“Yes, that’s how you are. You need for your little patch of the world to be a just and understandable place.”
“Call it a character flaw.”
“More like an obsession. Do you know how they catch monkeys in Africa?”
Carver said that he didn’t.
“They cut round holes in sheets of plywood just large enough for the monkeys to work their hands through to grab coconuts.” Desoto accompanied this information with appropriate hand motions, scrunching his fingers together with a forward, twisting motion. “They can’t remove their hands as long as they hold the coconuts, and the monkeys are too obsessed with the coconuts to release them.”
“Catching monkeys in Africa, huh? That sounds like something you saw in one of those late-night old movies you watch.”
“Well, maybe it was India. The point is, obsession can be dangerous. You’re involved with people who might be out to kill each other, for all you know. Maybe you should let this one play out by itself, without your help.”
Carver said, “What about Marla Cloy?”
Desoto turned his hands palms up in a gesture of hopelessness and did a thing with his eyebrows to show he’d at least tried to save Carver from himself. “She lived in an apartment in the 4400 block of Graystone Avenue until about three months ago, then moved to an apartment on Bailock where she stayed briefly before moving to Del Moray. She doesn’t have a police record, and the neighbors described her as a quiet woman. Her only family’s her mother and father. They live in Sleepy Hollow, a trailer court outside of town.”
“What do you know about them?”
“Not much. He’s a retired railroad worker. That’s all I managed to learn. I figured it was the daughter you were interested in.”
Carver nodded. “The name Joel Brant pop up at all?”
“No. But then it might not, when a policeman’s asking questions.” Desoto absently polished his pinkie ring on the arm of his jacket, four quick, short swishes to buff it to a brilliant-enough shine to send a pattern of light dancing over the papers on his desk. “There is one notable thing in her background,
“Who’d be dumb enough to leave a can of gasoline near a hot water heater?”