only belonged to one angel: Judarius, the most dangerous of all when it came to combat.

Qurrah pressed his ear to the door, for he heard a faint shouting in response, that of Sir Ian.

“Get your bloody-ass wings off our land, you pompous piece of duck shit. You’re not welcome here. Qurrah’s staying, you’re leaving. That clear?”

There was a long pause.

“This is your last chance,” Judarius shouted. “Qurrah, I beg of you, come forth. No man must die needlessly this night. Will you let others suffer and bleed for naught?”

War, Qurrah thought. This moment will spark war. I can stop it. I can be the hero my brother has always been.

He almost did just that, but something stopped him. The thought of kneeling before the angels and presenting his neck filled him with sickness. That wasn’t a noble sacrifice. That was just death. Pointless, meaningless death. Worse, it felt like spitting in the eye of Ashhur for all he’d been given. He couldn’t do that. He wouldn’t.

“Open this door,” Qurrah told the guard on the other side.

“I’m under orders to…”

“Open it, or I destroy it.”

The door opened, and Qurrah stepped out, Tessanna at his side.

Stretching out before them was a great courtyard, the dungeon located just within the castle’s outer walls. Filling the courtyard were over two hundred soldiers, with even more rushing in from the city. Hovering in the air, their bodies clad in shining golden armor, were over thirty angels. Their swords and spears were drawn, tips glistening, looking hungry in the night sky. In the center of the angels’ formation flew Judarius, his enormous mace hanging loose in his right hand. With their departure from the dungeon, the angels’ attention turned his way. He felt dozens of eyes upon him, and it made his skin crawl. Still he stepped forward, refusing to be cowed.

“Here I am,” Qurrah said.

“Get back inside!” Sir Ian shouted. Qurrah ignored him.

“I’m here,” he said instead. “Right here. But I don’t accept your judgment. I don’t accept your execution. You aren’t on the side of righteousness, Judarius. None of you are. Fly away. Fly now. It’s your souls these deaths will weigh upon, not mine.”

Judarius’s body dipped up and down as his wings beat the air. He stared at Qurrah, and behind those gold- green eyes a battle raged.

“So be it,” the angel said, and with those soft words, the courtyard erupted in chaos. Five of the angels dove for Qurrah, with the rest attempting to cover either side of their flank, preventing the soldiers from closing in behind the assault. Feeling his whip tighten hungrily, Qurrah summoned his magic, a grim smile on his face. This was what he was best at. Not hiding. Not politics. An enemy was before him, seeking to challenge his strength. Life or death, it was now in his hands, hands which burned with purple fire as he raised them to the heavens. Violet orbs shot out, two dozen of them swarming with flames. The five angels banked and curved, avoiding death. One failed, his wing clipped by an orb. It burst in a great explosion, flames bathing over his body and sending him crashing to the ground.

The rest were almost there, and Qurrah dove to avoid their slashes. Tessanna, however, appeared to have no intention of hiding. Taking in a deep breath, she let loose with a shriek so loud it seemed the very air roiled with it.


It hit the angels like a physical force, two slamming into the ground, the other two banking upward, far away from them. Qurrah lashed a grounded angel with his whip, charring black his golden breastplate. The angel endured, and he blocked the second lash with his vambrace. Sword drawn, he rushed forward. Another lash wrapped around the angel’s foot, trying to trip him up, but a flutter of his wings kept him steady. Sword lunging for Qurrah’s chest, it seemed nothing would stop him.

So Qurrah clapped his hands, not bothering to. His body became shadow for the briefest of moments, just long enough for the angel to pass straight through him. The being spun about, reacting well to the ploy, but Tessanna was the faster. She leapt forward, her hand touching the feathers of his wings. She said nothing, only smiled as fire spread across white feathers. The look upon her face was chilling, even to Qurrah, as a horrible scream escaped the angel’s throat. The angel slashed at Tessanna, a valiant last attempt as his body burned. Tessanna ducked underneath the sword, stepped closer, and pushed against him. His armor cracked, blasted as if struck by a great maul. The angel flew back, landed with a crash, and lay still.

“Stand firm!” he heard Sir Ian screaming above the din. “Stand firm, hold your lines!”

The angels had switched tactics, looping up and around to make simultaneous passes from opposite directions. As Qurrah watched, a dozen angels slashed through the gathered soldiers, their weapons easily puncturing their armor. Before the men could strike back the angels were already lifting into the air, propelled upward by a simple twist of their wings. Tens of men lay dead from the pass, and tens more died as the angels repeated the maneuver. Soldiers continued to flood in from the outer city, but it seemed they were dying as quickly as they came.

“We have to stop them,” Qurrah said.

“You can,” Judarius said, landing on the ground before him with a thud. His enormous mace left a small crater in the stone. “Surrender, now. No more must die.”

“Can you handle him?” Tessanna asked, her eyes still locked on the combat beyond.

“I can try,” Qurrah said.

Tessanna kissed his cheek, then rushed around Judarius, to where the greater battle raged. Judarius met his eyes, and his gaze was clearly pained.

“We mustn’t do this,” Judarius said. “Angels and men are dying.”

“By your orders.”

The angel shook his head.

“I won’t debate this with you. Your magic is powerful, Qurrah, but against me you are nothing. Spare the lives of others.”

Qurrah laughed, living shadows gathering in the palms of his hands.

“The only life you can spare is your own,” he said. “My brother defeated you once. Do not think me incapable of the same.”

The corner of Judarius’s face twitched, as if holding back a smile. He opened his mouth to speak, but then rushed forward instead. The sudden action nearly ended the fight before it began. Qurrah slammed his wrists together, desperately pouring his power into a physical shield of swirling darkness. The mace smashed into it, showering the two with yellow sparks. Qurrah braced himself, felt the impact all the way down to his knees. Teeth clenched, he let his full strength roll out of him. He was not a weakling. He was not some inferior power compared to Harruq. He’d broken the prophet. Compared to Velixar, Judarius was just a bigger, beefier version of his brother.

The mace slashed again, and Qurrah blocked it as before. This time the impact was not so severe, the half- orc’s feet firmly planted, his spell strong enough to send the mace flying backward. Qurrah took advantage of the temporary reprieve, dashing toward one of the dead angels. He had only a moment’s breath of time, but it was enough to close the distance. Sliding to his feet, he slammed his fists against the body, flooding it with power. Bones tore from the flesh, snapping free of the ligaments and cartilage holding them, and they hovered in the air. Like a tornado they swirled around him, each one shimmering violet. Judarius swung, but when his mace connected with one, it was as if he struck a wall of stone. The shockwave rolled over them both.

Qurrah smirked.

“A big man with a club,” he said. “Is that all you are?”

Touching the corpse again, this time he ignited the blood. With a sweeping motion he pulled massive amounts of it into the air, flinging it at Judarius like a wave. The blood caught fire, lighting up the night. Judarius moved faster than anticipated, though, avoiding the attack. Sizzling, the blood splashed across the ground, charring everything it touched. Before Qurrah could strike again, Judarius began to dodge. He didn’t quite fly, but he used his wings to keep himself in perpetual motion, swirling around Qurrah with incredible speed. Twice Qurrah flung bolts of darkness, but his aim was never accurate enough.

“You’re wrong,” Judarius said, continuing his maneuvers. “I am no man.”

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