pack.  When Gale got within fifteen feet of the group the foremost horseman said:

  'I reckon that's close enough, stranger.'

  Something in the cowboy's hand glinted darkly bright in the starlight.

  'You'd recognize me, if it wasn't so dark,' replied Gale, halting. 'I spoke to you a little while ago–in the saloon back there.'

  'Come over an' let's see you,' said the cowboy curtly.

  Gale advanced till he was close to the horse.  The cowboy leaned over the saddle and peered into Gale's face.  Then, without a word, he sheathed the gun and held out his hand.  Gale met a grip of steel that warmed his blood.  The other cowboy got off his nervous, spirited horse and threw the bridle.  He, too, peered closely into Gale's face.

  'My name's Ladd,' he said.  'Reckon I'm some glad to meet you again.?

  Gale felt another grip as hard and strong as the other had been.  He realized he had found friends who belonged to a class of men whom he had despaired of ever knowing.

  'Gale–Dick Gale is my name,' he began, swiftly.  'I dropped into Casita to-night hardly knowing where I was.  A boy took me to that hotel.  There I met an old friend whom I had not seen for years. He belongs to the cavalry stationed here.  He had befriended a Spanish girl–fallen in love with her.  Rojas had killed this girl's father–tried to abduct her....You know what took place at the hotel. Gentlemen, if it's ever possible, I'll show you how I appreciate what you did for me there.  I got away, found my friend with the girl.  We hurried out here beyond the edge of town.  Then Thorne had to make a break for camp.  We heard bugle calls, shots, and he was away without leave.  That left the girl with me.  I don't know what to do.  Thorne swears Casita is no place for Mercedes at night.'

  'The girl ain't no peon, no common Greaser?' interrupted Ladd.

  'No.  Her name is Castaneda.  She belongs to an old Spanish family, once rich and influential.'

  'Reckoned as much,' replied the cowboy.  'There's more than Rojas's wantin' to kidnap a pretty girl.  Shore he does that every day or so. Must be somethin' political or feelin' against class.  Well, Casita ain't no place for your friend's girl at night or day, or any time. Shore, there's Americans who'd take her in an' fight for her, if necessary.  But it ain't wise to risk that.  Lash, what do you say?'

  'It's been gettin' hotter round this Greaser corral for some weeks,' replied the other cowboy.  'If that two-bit of a garrison surrenders, there's no tellin' what'll happen.  Orozco is headin' west from Agua Prieta with his guerrillas.  Campo is burnin' bridges an' tearin' up the railroad south of Nogales.  Then there's all these bandits callin' themselves revolutionists just for an excuse to steal, burn, kill, an' ride off with women.  It's plain facts, Laddy, an' bein' across the U.S. line a few inches or so don't make no hell of a difference.  My advice is, don't let Miss Castaneda ever set foot in Casita again.'

  'Looks like you've shore spoke sense,' said Ladd.  'I reckon, Gale, you an' the girl ought to come with us.  Casita shore would be a little warm for us to-morrow.  We didn't kill anybody, but I shot a Greaser's arm off, an' Lash strained friendly relations by destroyin' property.  We know people who'll take care of the senorita till your friend can come for her.'

  Dick warmly spoke his gratefulness, and, inexpressibly relieved and happy for Mercedes, he went toward the clump of cactus where he had left her.  She stood erect, waiting, and, dark as it was, he could tell she had lost the terror that had so shaken her.

  'Senor Gale, you are my good angel,' she said, tremulously.

  'I've been lucky to fall in with these men, and I'm glad with all my heart,' he replied.  'Come.'

  He led her into the road up to the cowboys, who now stood bareheaded in the starlight.  The seemed shy, and Lash was silent while Ladd made embarrassed, unintelligible reply to Mercedes's's thanks.

  There were five horses–two saddled, two packed, and the remaining one carried only a blanket.  Ladd shortened the stirrups on his mount, and helped Mercedes up into the saddle.  From the way she settled herself and took the few restive prances of the mettlesome horse Gale judged that she could ride.  Lash urged Gale to take his horse.  But his Gale refused to do.

  'I'll walk,' he said.  'I'm used to walking.  I know cowboys are not.'

  They tried again to persuade him, without avail.  Then Ladd started off, riding bareback.  Mercedes fell in behind, with Gale walking beside her. The two pack animals came next, and Lash brought up the rear.

  Once started with protection assured for the girl and a real objective point in view, Gale relaxed from the tense strain he had been laboring under.  How glad he would have been to acquaint Thorne with their good fortune!  Later, of course, there would be some way to get word to the cavalryman.  But till then what torments his friend would suffer!

  It seemed to Dick that a very long time had elapsed since he stepped off the train; and one by one he went over every detail of incident which had occurred between that arrival and the present moment.  Strange as the facts were, he had no doubts.  He realized that before that night he had never known the deeps of wrath undisturbed in him; he had never conceived even a passing idea that it was possible for him to try to kill a man.  His right hand was swollen stiff, so sore that he could scarcely close it.  His knuckles were bruised and bleeding, and ached with a sharp pain.  Considering the thickness of his heavy glove, Gale was of the opinion that so to bruise his hand he must have struck Rojas a powerful blow.  He remembered that for him to give or take a blow had been nothing.  This blow to Rojas, however, had been a different matter.  The hot wrath which had been his motive was not puzzling; but the effect on him after he had cooled off, a subtle difference, something puzzled and eluded him. The more it baffled him the more he pondered.  All those wandering months of his had been filled with dissatisfaction, yet he had been too apathetic to understand himself.  So he had not been much of a person to try.. Perhaps it had not been the blow to Rojas any more than other things that had wrought some change in him.  His meeting with Thorne; the wonderful black eyes of a Spanish girl; her appeal to him; the hate inspired by Rojas, and the rush, the blow, the action; sight of Thorne and  Mercedes hurrying safely away; the girl's hand pressing his to her heaving breast; the sweet fire of her kiss; the fact of her being alone with him, dependent upon him– all these things Gale turned over and over in his mind, only to fail of any definite conclusion as to which had affect him so remarkably, or to tell what had really happened to him.

  Had he fallen in love with Thorne's sweetheart?  The idea came in a flash.  Was he, all in an instant, and by one of those incomprehensible reversals of  character, jealous of his friend?  Dick was almost afraid to look up at Mercedes.  Still he forced himself to do so, and as it chanced Mercedes was looking down at him.  Somehow the light was better, and he clearly saw her white face, her black and starry eyes, her perfect mouth.  With a quick, graceful impulsiveness she put her hand upon his shoulder.  Like her appearance, the action was new, strange,

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