white horses.  Even without the horses the field would have presented a striking contrast to the surrounding hot, glaring blaze of rock and sand.  Belding had bred a hundred or more horses from the original stock he had brought up from Durango.  His particular interest was in the almost unblemished whites, and these he had given especial care.  He made a good deal of money selling this strain to friends among the ranchers back in Texas.  No mercenary consideration, however, could have made him part with the great, rangy white horses he had gotten from the Durango breeder.  He called them Blanco Diablo (White Devil), Blanco Sol (White Sun), Blanca Reina (White Queen), Blanca Mujer (White Woman), and El Gran Toro Blanco (The Big White Bull). Belding had been laughed at by ranchers for preserving the sentimental Durango names, and he had been unmercifully ridiculed by cowboys.  The the names had never been changed.

  Blanco Diablo was the only horse in the field that was not free to roam and graze where he listed.  A stake and a halter held him to one corner, where he was severely let alone by the other horses. He did not like this isolation.  Blanco Diablo was not happy unless he was running, or fighting a rival.  Of the two he would rather fight. If anything white could resemble a devil, this horse surely did.  He had nothing beautiful about him, yet he drew the gaze and held it.  The look of him suggested discontent, anger, revolt, viciousness.  When he was not grazing or prancing, he held his long, lean head level, pointing his nose and showing his teeth.  Belding's favorite was almost all the world to him, and he swore Diablo could stand more heat and thirst and cactus than any other horse he owned, and could run down and kill any horse in the Southwest.  The fact that Ladd did not agree with Belding on these salient points was a great disappointment, and also a perpetual source for argument.  Ladd and Lash both hated Diablo; and Dick Gale, after one or two narrow escapes from being brained, had inclined to the cowboys' side of the question.

  El Gran Toro Blanco upheld his name.  He was a huge, massive, thick-flanked stallion, a kingly mate for his full-bodied, glossy consort, Blanca Reina.  The other mare, Blanca Mujer, was dazzling white, without a spot, perfectly pointed, racy, graceful, elegant, yet carrying weight and brawn and range that suggested her relation to her forebears.

  The cowboys admitted some of Belding's claims for Diablo, but they gave loyal and unshakable allegiance to Blanco Sol.  As for Dick, he had to fight himself to keep out of arguments, for he sometimes imagined he was unreasonable about the horse.  Though he could not understand himself, he knew he loved Sol as a man loved a friend, a brother.  Free of heavy saddle and the clumsy leg shields, Blanco Sol was somehow all-satisfying to the eyes of the rangers.  As long and big as Diablo was, Sol was longer and bigger.  Also, he was higher, more powerful.  He looked more a thing for action–speedier.

  At a distance the honorable scars and lumps that marred his muscular legs were not visible.  He grazed aloof from the others, and did not cavort nor prance; but when he lifted his head to whistle, how wild he appeared, and proud and splendid!  The dazzling whiteness of the desert sun shone from his coat; he had the fire and spirit of the desert in his noble head,  its strength and power in his gigantic frame.

  'Belding swears Sol never beat Diablo,' Dick was saying.

  'He believes it,' replied Nell.  'Dad is queer about that horse.'

  'But Laddy rode Sol once–made him beat Diablo.  Jim saw the race.'

  Nell laughed.  'I saw it, too.  For that matter, even I have made Sol put his nose before Dad's favorite.'

  'I'd like to have seen that.  Nell, aren't you ever going to ride with me?'

  'Some day–when it's safe.'


  'I–I mean when the raiders have left the border.'

  'Oh, I'm glad you mean that,' said Dick, laughing.

  'Well, I've often wondered how Belding ever came to give Blanco Sol to me.'

  'He was jealous.  I think he wanted to get rid of Sol.'

  'No?  Why, Nell, he'd give Laddy or Jim one of the whites any day.'

  'Would he?  Not Devil or Queen or White Woman.  Never in this world!  But Dad has lots of fast horses the boys could pick from. Dick, I tell you Dad wants Blanco Sol to run himself out–lose his speed on the desert.  Dad is just jealous for Diablo.'

  'Maybe.  He surely has strange passion for horses.  I think I understand better than I used to.  I owned a couple of racers once.  They were just animals to me, I guess.  But Blanco Sol!'

  'Do you love him?' asked Nell; and now a warm, blue flash of eyes swept his face.

  'Do I?  Well, rather.'  'I'm glad.  Sol has been finer, a better horse since you owned him.  He loves you, Dick.  He's always watching for you. See him raise his head.  That's for you.  I know as much about horses as Dad or Laddy any day.  Sol always hated Diablo, and he never had much use for Dad.'

  Dick looked up at her.

  'It'll be–be pretty hard to leave Sol–when I go away.'

  Nell sat perfectly still.

  'Go away?' she asked, presently, with just the faintest tremor in her voice.

  'Yes.  Sometimes when I get blue–as I am to-day–I think I'll go. But, in sober truth, Nell, it's not likely that I'll spend all my life here.'

  There was no answer to this.  Dick put his hand softly over hers; and, despite her half-hearted struggle to free it, he held on.


  Her color fled.  He saw her lips part.  Then a heavy step on the gravel, a cheerful, complaining voice interrupted him, and made him release Nell and draw back.  Belding strode into view round the adobe shed.

  'Hey, Dick, that darned Yaqui Indian can't be driven or hired or coaxed to leave Forlorn River.  He's well enough to travel.  I offered him horse, gun, blanket, grub.  But no go.'

  'That's funny,' replied Gale, with a smile.  'Let him stay–put him to work'

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