breath trying to turn them back! I'll say it's a damn fine stunt. I'm an old gambler, Lane. I've lived in many towns and mixed in tough crowds of crooked men and rotten women. But I'm here to confess that this after-the-war stuff of Middleville's better class has knocked out about all the faith I had left in human nature.... Then you came along to teach me a lesson.”

“Well, Pepper, that's strong talk,” returned Lane. “But cut it, and hurry to—to what comes home to me. What's the matter with these Middleville girls?”

“Lane, any intelligent man, whoknows things, and who can think for himself, will tell you this—that to judge from the dress, dance, talk, conduct of these young girls—most of them have apparently gone wrong.”

“You include our nice girls—from what we used to call Middleville's best families?”

“I don't only include them. I throw the emphasis on them. The girls you know best.”

Lane straightened up, to look at his companion. Pepper certainly was not drunk.

“Do you know—anything about Lorna?”

“Nothing specifically to prove anything. She's in the thick of this thing in Middleville. Only a few nights ago I saw her at a roadhouse, out on the State Road, with a crowd of youngsters. They were having a high old time, I'll say. They danced jazz, and I saw Lorna drink lemonade into which liquor had been poured from a hip-pocket flask.”

Lane put his head on his hands, as if to rest it, or still the throbbing there.

“Who took Lorna to this place?” he asked, presently, breathing heavily.

“I don't know. But it was Dick Swann who poured the drink out of the flask. Between you and me, Lane, that young millionaire is going a pace hereabouts. Listen,” he went on, lowering his voice, and glancing round to see there was no one to overhear him, “there's a gambling club in Middleville. I go there. My rooms are in the same building. I've made a peep-hole through the attic floor next to my room. Do I see more things than cards and bottles? Do I! If the fathers of Middleville could see what I've seen they'd go out to the asylum.... I'm not supposed to know it's more than a place to gamble. And nobody knows I know. Dick Swann and Hardy Mackay are at the head of this club. Swann is the genius and the support of it. He's rich, and a high roller if I ever saw one.... Among themselves these young gentlemen call it the Strong Arm Club. Study over that, Lane. Do youget it? I know you do, and that saves me talking until I see red.”

“Pepper, have you seen my sister—there?” queried Lane, tensely.


“With whom?”

“I'll not say, Lane. There's no need for that. I'll give you a key to my rooms, and you can go there—in the afternoons—and paste yourself to my peep-hole, and watch.... Honest to God, I believe it means bloodshed. But I can't help that. Something must be done. I'm not much good, but I can see that.”

Colonel Pepper wiped his moist face. He was now quite pale and his hands shook.

“I never had a wife, or a sweetheart,” he went on. “But once I had a little sister. Thank Heaven she didn't live her girlhood in times like these.”

Lane again bowed his head on his hands, and wrestled with the might of reality.

“I'm going to take you to these club-rooms to-night,” went on Pepper. “It'll cause a hell of a row. But once you get in, there'll be no help for them. Swann and his chums will have to stand for it.”

“Did you ever take an outsider in?” asked Lane.

“Several times. Traveling men I met here. Good fellows that liked a game of cards. Swann made no kick at that. He's keen to gamble. And when he's drinking the sky's the limit.”

“Wouldn't it be wiser just to show me these rooms, and let me watch from your place—until I find my sister there?” queried Lane.

“I don't know,” replied Pepper, thoughtfully. “I think if I were you I'd butt in to-night with me. You can drag young Dalrymple home before he gets drunk.”

“Pepper, I'll break up this—this club,” declared Lane.

“I'll say you will. And I'm for you strong. If it was only the booze and cards I'd not have squealed. That's my living. But by God, I can't stand for the—the other stuff any longer!... Come on now. And I'll put you on to a slick stunt that'll take your breath away.”

He led the way out of the hotel, in his excitement walking rather fast.

“Go slow, Pepper,” said Lane. “We're not going over the top.”

Pepper gave him a quick, comprehending look.

“Good Lord, Lane, you're not as—as bad as all that!”

Lane nodded. Then at slower pace they went out and down the bright Main Street for two blocks, and then to the right on West Street, which was quite comparable to the other thoroughfare as a business district. At the end of the street the buildings were the oldest in Middleville, and entirely familiar to Lane.

“Give White's the once over,” said Pepper, indicating a brightly lighted store across the street. “That place is new to you, isn't it?”

“Yes, I don't remember White, or that there was a confectionery den along here.”

“Den is right. It's some den, believe me.... White's a newcomer—a young sport, thick with Swann. For all I know Swann is backing him. Anyway he has a swell joint and a good trade. People kick about his high prices. Ice cream, candy, soda, soft drinks, and all that rot. But if he knows who you are you can get a shot. It'll strike you funny later to see he waits on the customers himself. But when you get wise it'll not be so funny. He's got a tea parlor upstairs—and they say it's some swell place, with a rest room or ladies' dressing room back. Now from this back room the girls can get into the club-rooms of the boys, and go out on the other side of the block. In one way

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