“Not a wish I can share.”
“Okay, then, I wish there were times you loved me more.”
“I do love you,” I said. “I love you the best I can.”
“And look where
I said, “Kathy,”
“There was a time,” she said, “when I thought that hearing you say my name in the morning was the way I wanted to begin every day for the rest of my life.” She paused, while I tried to think of something, anything, to say. “That time lasted quite a while, too.”
“Kathy,” I said again. “I haven’t bought a house yet.”
“Oh,” she said. There was another pause, and I could see her in my mind’s eye, standing at the kitchen table with the little stone Buddha on it, phone to her ear. “Well,” she finally said, “you’ve always liked motels.”
“I hate motels.”
“Poor us. I guess we’re both someplace we hate.”
“We’re both a hell of a lot better off than Thistle Downing,” I said.
Kathy let a few seconds pass, probably to let me know I wasn’t getting away with changing the subject unnoticed, and then she said, “How bad is she?”
I said, “She’s the saddest person I ever knew.”
The former police car I’d gotten from Louie was a beast. It steered like a hippopotamus, pulled to the right, braked unevenly, and had springs like an Army cot. It skidded all over the wet street every time I made a turn. The windshield wipers captured the drizzle, mixed it efficiently with dirt, and spread a thin and surprisingly opaque layer of mud over the glass. I had to pull over twice and wipe it off.
But it helped me solve the mystery of why cops usually look so grim. If I had to drive something like that all day, I’d want to shoot somebody, too.
I was not terrifically happy with the precipitation, which was threatening to turn into real rain. The black PACIFIC SECURITY lettering on the doors of the car was damp enough to run. This would not contribute to the persuasiveness of my disguise. I kept seeing a chalky fluorescent flicker of heat lightning down near the horizon that suggested that something more ambitious might be on the way.
But the weather on hand was the weather I had. It wasn’t as though, with less than two days of relatively safe life remaining before Rabbits and Bunny got back, I could enjoy the luxury of waiting for a sunny day. I wrestled the car to the curb in front of the Stennet mansion, braked with an attention-getting soprano squeal, got out, kicked the door twice, opened the trunk, and grabbed my bag. I was wearing white jeans and a white shirt with PACIFIC SECURITY written on it in letters so big they could be read from a helicopter. No furtive movements today. Today called for bold as brass and obvious as daylight. I was one of the good guys.
I stood in front of the door, listening to the dogs go crazy inside, and presented the broadest silhouette I could, trying to mask what I was doing with my hands. It took only a minute to pick the lock, now that I’d already done it once, and the little noises I was making raised the level of the canine frenzy inside. Once I had the lock taken care of, I didn’t open the door. Instead, I pulled a tire iron out of the bag and began to tap it, somewhat carefully, against a ruby-colored pane of glass at eye level. The stained glass was made up of individual pieces of different sizes and shapes, like a puzzle, with strips of lead between them. The lead was good, because it meant I didn’t have to break the whole window. The last thing I wanted was to knock out a huge hole that could be seen from the street. I wanted a relatively small opening, and I wanted it at eye level so I wouldn’t have to bend over or take any stance that might raise questions in an onlooker.
The chicken wire was a pain in the ass. The glass shattered easily and thanks to the lead the breakage didn’t travel to the adjoining panes, but the glass was fused to the wire, and it took more work than I’d anticipated to knock it free. Time is risk, as far as I’m concerned, and by the time I had created a neat hole five or six inches around, I was getting into thrill ride territory.
I could see into the Stennets’ entry hall now, and it was more fully inhabited by dogs than you would have thought possible when there were actually only four of them. They were in constant motion, sometimes packed close together, sometimes running at the door, sometimes snapping at each other. The snapping was pretty much an equal-opportunity activity, with one exception. Nobody snapped at the big guy. Moby-Dog had his own little nation of floor space wherever he went, and nobody crossed his borders.
When most of the glass was gone, a pair of wire cutters cleared the hole and gave me better access. I put the tire iron back and got the awkward, heavy, not-very-accurate gun Wain had rented to me, popped in a cartridge, loaded a dart, and stuck the barrel through the hole in the glass.
I chose the nearest of the beasts and waited until he turned sideways to present me with the biggest target. I aimed a little high and a tad to the right to compensate for the throw, and pulled the trigger.
This was not the reaction I had planned for. I now had seven darts left and four dogs standing, one of whom was Moby-Dog, the Dog of Bad Dreams, who I’d figure would take a couple of darts at least. Time seemed to be accelerating: security uniform or no security uniform, I could only stand here so long without attracting unwanted attention. I repeated the intricate routine of preparing the gun, chose another target, and missed altogether.
Six darts and four dogs left.
My eyes registered a flash of light, and a moment later I heard a dull rumble of thunder. Behind me, the sound of the rain intensified. That would make me less conspicuous, standing here, but it increased the danger of my car’s mascara running.
One of the dogs was right there, simply too close to miss, and I pulled the trigger. This time the dart was high enough on the back of the dog’s neck so that he couldn’t reach it with its teeth. I was so busy watching it, waiting for some sort of reaction, that I almost missed it when the first dog I’d hit went down, just toppled over sideways like a tree. He lay there with his legs stretched out as though he were still standing, sleeping like a baby. He earned himself a couple of interested sniffs from the others, and then they all turned their attention back to me.
Just as a dart hit Moby-Dog, the second dog went over. Moby-Dog growled scornfully at the dart and threw his weight against the door. I was still loading, but I got him with another one as he retreated to take another rush. He looked at me, and I could see confusion in his face. Wasn’t
I shot the final one right between the shoulders, aiming almost directly down as he charged the door. He backed off fast and started to turn in a circle, like he was thinking of chasing his tail, but then he changed his mind. I could see his mental processes slow down, and he looked like he was enjoying it. He shot me a glance that was almost friendly, let his tongue loll out, took another look around as though he’d never seen the place before, but, boy, it was
Grabbing a much-needed breath, I opened the door. I couldn’t claim to be relaxed; I suppose some part of my brain suspected that the dogs had recognized the tranquillizer darts and were only pretending to be out cold, but fortunately this was real life, and they were all several fathoms under. I stepped over two of them as though they were couch cushions and keyed in the number to disarm the alarm system.