‘It’s a social call,’ said Harry. ‘Just sit tight and stay calm.’
Kostova came alongside and stopped by Harry’s door. He smiled broadly as Harry got out to meet him. The mayor seemed in a genial mood, and was puffing on a black cheroot, a picture of relaxation. Although his suit was pressed, his shoes looked scuffed and covered in dust. He’d been travelling.
‘Harry,’ Kostova greeted him, and held out his hand.
Harry shook it, one eye on Nikolai. The bodyguard was wandering along the inner edge of the pavement, eyeing the front of an empty shop. He remembered what Mace had said about the man and decided he wouldn’t care to turn his back on him.
‘Mr Mayor. How are you today?’
‘Please, call me Geordi. Everybody does.’
‘OK, Geordi. What can I do for you?’
Kostova fanned away a cloud of cigar smoke and ducked to look in the Mercedes, nodding at Rik and glancing at the supplies on the back seat. ‘Good car. Very strong — comfortable. You are going back to your Council office, yes?’
Harry nodded. The mayor was playing games; he knew perfectly well that they were no more British Council than Red Cross nuns. ‘That’s correct. I take it you know we intend leaving shortly?’
Kostova grinned and flicked a piece of ash from his cheroot. ‘I did not, but why should I? You are free to come and go as you please. Of course, there are some restricted areas… to the north, for example. But I doubt you will be going there, anyway. Elsewhere?’ He shrugged and pursed his lips, still smiling.
‘The airport?’
‘Airport no problem. Flights are unfortunately restricted, but there are still seats available.’ He paused and glanced at Nikolai, who had walked past them and was watching the traffic. His voice dropped slightly. ‘If you are going, Harry, I think you should do so as soon as possible. This is not a good time to be here. I’m sure you know that.’
‘I do, thank you. Is it true what they say?’ He nodded towards the north.
‘I am afraid so, yes.’ Kostova looked saddened. ‘It is a pity, but…’ He looked towards the sky. ‘Maybe it will be over soon and we can all go back to the way things were before.’
‘I hope so. You speak excellent English.’
‘I was lucky. My mother was a teacher of English. She believed it was the language we should all know for the future. Although now,’ he shrugged again, ‘who knows? Chinese, perhaps?’ He dropped his cheroot and stood on it, adding with almost studied deliberation, ‘A fellow countryman of yours arrived today. Did you know that?’
‘No. I didn’t. Why — does it concern me?’
‘Who knows? It might. His name was…’ Kostova pretended to search his memory, ‘… Phillips? Yes, Phillips.’ He nodded. ‘But I think that is not his real name.’
Latham. It had to be. ‘Are you taking an interest?’
‘We have no reason for doing so. Unless, of course, you know something about him which means we should detain him?’ He lifted his eyebrows, inviting confirmation.
It was tempting, but Harry didn’t bite. ‘I don’t think so. The name means nothing to me.’
‘Very well.’ Kostova appeared to dismiss the subject. ‘Your colleague, Clare Jardine. She is unhappy with her employment, I think. Did you know she has been trying to acquire new papers?’
Harry wondered what stroke this was meant to be. Disinformation or mischief-making? He had no doubts that Kostova was an expert at both.
‘What sort of papers?’
‘Passport… visa… driving licence.’ He smiled thinly. ‘What the Americans call the whole nine yards. She has been meeting with people who are involved in such things. But they cannot help her. They tell me instead. I wonder why would she need these things?’ His eyes twinkled to show that he knew her cover was false.
Harry decided to go with care. Act dumb and Kostova might think he was being played for a fool. Too much outrage and he would see through it. If it were true, what the hell was Clare Jardine doing looking for new documents? Unless she was planning to make a run for it. New papers, new life. If anyone could disappear forever into the woodwork, it would be a member of MI6.
But why would she?
‘Did she ask you?’
‘Only once, and couched — is that it, couched? — in careful words. But definitely a shopping trip, I think you would call it.’ He smiled. ‘You English are so playful with your language. But amusing, too. I like English.’
‘Why are you telling me this?’
Nikolai was walking towards them, eyes on the car and the two men. He seemed to float over the ground, detached. Like a bloody ninja, Harry reflected.
‘Simple,’ said Kostova quickly. ‘We have a lot of trouble coming this way. What we do not need is for you or your colleagues to be — engaged? — in a private internal war. We have enough of that already. Neither do we need the eyes of the world on us should something befall any foreign nationals within our borders. You understand?’
‘I think so.’
Kostova flexed the fingers of one hand and studied his nails. ‘Believe me, it would be better for us all if you left.’
Orders from Moscow, Harry wondered? Perhaps they had reasoned that invading a small state like Georgia was one thing. That would be weathered in time, like so many things Moscow did which aroused the ire of the western world. But being suspected of ‘disappearing’ a number of British nationals working for a seemingly legitimate organization — no matter what their true function — would hardly go unnoticed. The media would love it.
‘You didn’t say whether you had given Miss Jardine the papers she asked for.’
‘I gave her nothing. If she were to disappear, I am sure a person of her… status… would attract some unnecessary attention. Besides, we are not in the business of supplying members of your security services with false documentation.’ He raised an eyebrow, daring Harry to deny it. ‘You do that quite adequately yourselves. Although,’ he smiled and added, ‘I know you yourself would not be guilty of such misleading activities.’
‘Thank you for the warning.’
Kostova nodded and put out his hand, which Harry took. It was a firm grip, and warm. ‘Watch your back, Harry,’ he said softly. ‘You have enemies here and at home, I think. I wish you well when you return. I, too, know what it is like to experience the… fallout of failure. Fallout — is that a good word?’
‘It’s a very good word.’
‘Then I wish you good luck.’
Kostova turned and walked back to the Nissan and climbed aboard, Nikolai following closely behind. Seconds later, they were gone.
‘What the hell was that about?’ asked Rik. He was staring at Harry with something approaching respect. ‘I didn’t know you were mates with him.’
‘I’m not. We were being warned off; get out of town before we become an embarrassment he could do without.’
‘Suits me. Was that all?’
‘Pretty much. Oh, and Latham’s arrived.’
‘What?’ Rik looked startled, but Harry pointed to the road ahead.
‘Drive.’ He settled back as the Mercedes pulled away from the kerb, and frowned at the passing street scene, thinking about timing. If what Stanbridge had said was true, the Clones weren’t employed for heavy work. They were here for training purposes and to keep basic surveillance on the members of Red Station.
Their duties had ceased on the night Stanbridge had died.
But if Kostova was telling the truth, Latham had only just arrived — after the Clones had gone.
So if it wasn’t Latham who killed Stanbridge two nights ago, who had?
Back at the office, the message light on the answering machine was green. Rik hit the button and a woman’s voice gave a name and number.
Rik turned to look at Harry. ‘That was Fitz’s wife, Amina.’
‘Call her,’ said Harry.
Rik dialled the number and waited. ‘Fitz?’ he said, and beckoned Harry over. ‘Where are you, man? We’re