same animal, sharing similar traits; they help other deserters, check them out, give them money, sanctuary, documents and point them towards a new life.’

‘A benevolent society.’

‘Originally, maybe. But Deakin’s turned them into a regular business; they concentrate on targeting new deserters within days of them leaving, and finding those with saleable talents. They drain them of any specialized knowledge, then sell it to the highest bidder. It’s an attractive deal for someone on the run: just tell us all you know and we’ll give you money, a new ID, freedom. . and no more fighting.’

‘What about the ones with no saleable talents?’

‘That’s where the touchy-feely face comes in. Your average squaddie gets some cash and a promise, and is told to get lost. Helps perpetuate the myth. But there’ve been rumours that they don’t react well to any specialist talent turning them down once they’ve got them in their sights. Two Armoured Regiment bods who’d bunked off after testing a new battle tank were approached but said no. They ended up dead in a drive-by shooting in Melbourne. These people are in it for the money and they don’t play nice.’

Harry studied Ballatyne’s face. He was too experienced to be giving anything away, but the way he was talking gave a hint of something which made the hairs stir on the back of Harry’s neck.

‘You’ve got an insider,’ he said softly. Ballatyne had just revealed a little too much detail for this to be idle speculation. ‘Someone in the Protectory.’

‘Nothing like that.’ Ballatyne’s response was bland. ‘We’ve been getting a few hints, that’s all. Stronger than gossip; enough to know that it’s not, as you put it, campfire stuff.’

‘And where does Paulton fit in?’

‘He and Deakin know each other from way back. Deakin was also spotted hanging around at Frankfurt.’ He produced another photograph from his pocket and held it out for Harry to take. It was the same shot he’d shown him on the day of the shooting in St James’s Park: Paulton crossing a pavement in an anonymous street, about to get in a car.

‘I’ve seen this already. So?’

‘I know you have.’ Ballatyne gave a knowing smile. ‘I also know you’ve got your little mate Ferris analysing the details to see if he can come up with a location.’

Harry didn’t rise to the bait. Maybe Ballatyne didn’t get the opportunity to show off much, surrounded as he probably was by Sixers who thought themselves smarter, sharper and more ambitious. ‘And?’

‘Forget it — you’re wasting your time. It was taken in Brussels.’ Ballatyne’s finger was tapping on a man standing back from Paulton. He looked to be in his forties, dressed in a pale suit and looking relaxed and fit. ‘This is Deakin. Remember the face.’

Harry stared at the two men in the photo, trying to remain calm at the knowledge that Ballatyne had been playing him with this photo, drawing him in. It was part of the game; he should have known.

‘Paulton’s with the Protectory?’ It was a hell of a jump from waging war on spies, terrorists and anyone threatening the country’s security, to actually helping its enemies gain vital military information. Had he really gone that far overboard? Or had that always been his plan, working towards this goal? The possibilities were unsettling. No wonder someone on Ballatyne’s level had been put on the case.

‘Almost certainly. But Deakin’s the one to watch. Nicholls has moved into the background. It’s possible he doesn’t like what’s happened and has cut himself off. He’s an idealist. But Deakin’s an attack dog. He rarely goes anywhere without a couple of Bosnian wingmen with him, guarding his back. They do the heavy lifting.’

‘Thanks for the warning.’ Sensing there was nothing more to come, Harry stood up to leave, then turned back. In the background, Ballatyne’s minders stirred. ‘There’s one thing.’

‘I know,’ Ballatyne said. ‘Gordon Cullum. He rang me. You upset him.’ He didn’t seem too put out by the revelation.

‘Is he for real?’

‘Real enough. He was in Five for years, worked undercover in Ulster back in the early days. He’s now a sort of floating liaison between the MOD and the Intelligence community, used whenever there’s an overlap of responsibilities, like now. He’s due for retirement soon, but he’s solid enough. It’s only a signature, you know, on the form. Bureaucrats need signatures like bees need pollen; it’s how they survive.’

‘It won’t happen. Last time I signed on the dotted line for Five, they tried to kill me, remember?’

‘Fair point. I can see that would be a problem.’ Ballatyne seemed to be enjoying himself. ‘OK, forget the bloody signature. I’ll sign it for you.’


‘So what’s the real problem?’

‘Cullum. He feels. . odd. Could he have known Paulton?’

There was a brief silence while Ballatyne chewed that over. Eventually he said, ‘You asked before why Six is on this rather than Five. The answer is Paulton. Thames House was seen as too close to be objective, even after what he did. They could well screw it up by going after him mob-handed, just to put the books straight. That was enough to give us primacy even though this is not our normal area of operations.’ He gave a quizzical look. ‘You sure you’re not letting Paulton become an obsession, Harry?’

‘Probably. I get that way with people who try to have me terminated.’

‘I’ll bear that in mind.’ He chewed his lip and added, ‘We’ve got professionals you can talk to about that, you know. Just a thought. And remember one thing: we rarely get the resolution we crave.’

‘Thanks. Have you finished?’

Ballatyne tilted his head. ‘Sorry. . getting philosophical in my old age. Back to Cullum. You’re wondering if he’ll get in the way?’

‘I wouldn’t want to rely on him in a snow storm.’

‘In that case, you won’t have to. I’ll handle the control end of things myself.’

Harry was relieved. It confirmed what he’d been thinking. Cullum was just filling in and not to be relied on long term. He hadn’t been looking for a holding hand, but someone who wasn’t full of old baggage was far preferable as a contact, especially if all hell broke loose and he needed a quick response. Nothing in Cullum’s attitude had given him that reassurance.

‘One thing more.’ Ballatyne wasn’t looking at him now, but staring out over the river towards the London Eye. ‘Your mate Ferris.’

‘What about him?’

‘All the information you need is on that data stick. Any more, you ask me and, within reason, I’ll make sure you get it. I know Wonder Boy’s reputation for letting his electronic fingers do the walking; it’s what got him into the last spot of bother. But you’d better make sure he knows that snooping on the peccadilloes of our illustrious members of parliament will be like nothing if he even considers intruding on my bailiwick. Got me?’

‘I’ll tell him.’

Ballatyne turned and looked at him, the light flashing off his glasses and lending his eyes an oddly sinister tone. ‘I’m deadly serious, Harry. If he goes ferreting about anywhere he shouldn’t, if I pick up a hint that he’s been hacking into SIS files, truly nasty things will happen.’

With that, he stood up and walked away, trailing his security team behind him.


‘Sounds like someone didn’t want Pike talking,’ said Rik. ‘It was quick work, though, nailing him like that.’

‘Too quick,’ Harry agreed. Pike was no anti-surveillance expert; he was a squaddie and would have left a trail a mile wide. Even so, getting someone on to him so quickly would have taken resources and expertise.

They were sitting over takeaway coffees in Rik’s flat near Paddington. Harry had brought him up to speed on events so far, and was going over what had happened to Pike, and what it implied.

‘It would have taken some organizing,’ Harry surmised, ‘and the timing had to be spot on. Hitting someone on the move takes practice. . or experience. And out in the open, it takes nerve.’

‘You saying it was a professional hit?’

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