'What leads you to that conclusion?' I muttered, out of deference to our sleeping companion.

'Ezariah Trelawney's stepson was first in line as a suspect when the banker's body was found. Right after him were Staley and Ledbetter, Trelawney's hereditary enemies. Michael had incurred the wrath of the artist Folks. But Trelawney was killed first and Lightfoot was on the scene in the redheaded disguise, which was created especially for the Michael killing. Ostensibly, the Trelawney case is closed. The Michael matter is up in the air; and Lightfoot must feel that the artist Folks is the prime suspect.'

Now I followed Holmes' drift. McTigue, stylistically, performed his antisocial duties so that others got the blame. At this point he had no reason to think his presence was known.

The subject was of interest, spiced with an undercurrent of danger, but I chose this moment to fall asleep. Back in our familiar surroundings, with a change of clothes and a suitable meal, I felt more ready to cope with whatever crossed our horizon. Holmes had departed for points unknown but returned to sit over coffee with me. Rather impatiently, I thought, though we had some time before leaving for our appointment at the Birmingham and Northern. With our harrowing adventure in Fenley now a part of the past, I summoned my courage. It was a personal question I had in mind, hence, delivered in a tentative manner.

'I've given more than a little thought to that near-fatal moment this morning, Holmes. Hananish's shotgun was an aged model. Do you feel his reducing the barrel length caused it to backfire on him?'

'Gratitude is what I feel.'

Finally I got 'round Robin Hood's barn. 'But there you were, looking down those twin barrels. What passed through your mind?' I was embarrassed when I said it, but who has not wondered what thought occurs when one stares at death?

Holmes took his time answering, and I was grateful for his treating my question seriously and not evading it with a light remark. 'I believe my first thought was that this was it, something that we all must come to eventually. Debitum naturae. Then I wished that it had not happened so soon. In that split second, I must have derived some satisfaction from the knowledge that I would be revenged with you and Orloff present.'

'But you did think it was going to happen?'

Holmes indicated this was so, and I dropped the matter. His statement after Hananish had blown himself into eternity had been: 'I was not meant to die.' This was at variance with his words now and rather smacked of the fatalism of Eastern religions.

At this point, Billy announced Alec MacDonald, and my thoughts shifted to other matters.

'I'll take but a moment of your time, gentlemen,' stated the Scot, and he meant it, for he did not remove his coat or cast a glance at the tantalus on the sideboard.

'News of Lightfoot?' inquired Holmes.

'Aye. I'm not happy dealing with informers, but there's times when it's the best we can do. There's this sister of a woman of McTigue's, you see. The whisper is that he's planning on crossing the Channel this very day. There's an alert out on him, but I'm not feeling hopeful in my bones.'

'Nor I,' said Holmes. 'If he's making his getaway, he'll change his appearance, something Lightfoot is adept at doing.'

'You think, then, the information is correct?'

'I choose to. His job is done; and he's been paid, you can depend on that. What more natural than his making for the Continent, where he's been safe for some years.'

'We'll never grab him then.'

'Not unless it is in transit. I'll buy the whisper, Mr. Mac, and release the watchdogs I've had around here for that reason.'

MacDonald made to leave, but he had an exit line. 'I've had some boys in the neighborhood myself of late.'

He noted Holmes' surprised reaction with satisfaction. 'From time to time I have words with a certain master locksmith, you know.' He was chortling as his heavy-tred sounded on the stairs.

'Watson,' said Holmes, 'my friends conspire against me.' He was not serious, of course, and proved it. 'I do think MacDonald's constables were a trifle obvious standing in the entrance of Spears and Henry down the street. They really should have varied their station.'

Now it was I who registered surprise and it was genuine. 'You noticed, then?'

'When I stop noticing, we're in trouble, good chap.'

A tap on the door and another appearance of Billy prevented me from replying to this. I had no rejoinder in any case.

Our page boy handed Holmes a cablegram, which he opened eagerly. After a long moment of concentration, he folded the message and placed it in his pocket with satisfaction.

'Billy, fetch us a hansom. Dr. Watson and I are off to the lion's den.'

'Mr. Orloff is waiting outside with one now, Mr. 'Olmes.'

'I might have known,' chuckled the sleuth as he waved me toward the door.

Chapter 20


THE COUNCIL ROOM of the B & N Railroad was much as I remembered it; but then, despite all that had happened, our previous visit had been but eight days ago. The board of directors were not in evidence and that caught me up short. I figured Alvidon Chasseur for an exhibitionist and thought he might relish an audience when he received the Inter-Ocean payment and had the opportunity to laugh at Sherlock Holmes. Claymore Frisbee had set up our meeting for the ostensible purpose of paying the insurance claim. With the rail tycoon was a sallow-faced man that I earmarked with the title secretary. Also present was the grizzled old board member Chasseur had been conferring with on our first visit. This time the magnate rose to indicate our seats alongside the great oak table. As before, he ignored me completely but did direct a quizzical glance at Orloff.

'An associate,' said Holmes, which seemed to satisfy Chasseur. Orloff did not sit at the conference table with us, but seemed much interested in a chest against the wall opposite the fireplace, obviously decorative, for it served no purpose. It was a fine old piece, of lowlands origin I thought, and surely with its original lock and key. I made note to check it for the name of the cabinetmaker, since they signed things in those days.

Chasseur decided to ignore Orloff as well, centering his large eyes on Holmes. There was a malicious twist to his thin lips.

'Our second meeting is under different circumstances indeed, Mr. Holmes. I will be frank. It is not quite the tidy wind-up one associates with he who is reputed to be the greatest man-hunter of them all. By his own admission, I might add.'

'We all make mistakes,' replied Holmes, and I never expected to hear him say that. But then he was letting the pompous railroad man take in more wind before he punctured his balloon. 'During my last visit, I labeled Colonel Moran as the finest shot our eastern empire had produced. At that time I had not seen your man Ledger in action.'

'I would talk to you about that,' said Chasseur excitedly. 'Ledger has disappeared, and my railroad detectives are searching for him. Scotland Yard as well, for he has to be involved in the robbery.'

'Before it was over he was, perhaps not in the manner you think.'

Chasseur gave Holmes a strange look but decided not to pursue this. 'Now to business, for my schedule is tight. The matter of the payment from Inter-Ocean.'

'I don't have it,' replied Holmes blandly.

'But Frisbee promised to . . .'

'He promised to honor your claim at this time if the gold was not found.'

'That goes without saying.'

'But I've found it, you see.'

Chasseur leaned back in his chair and exhaled, and I'm blessed if it didn't sound like air escaping from a balloon. There was consternation on his face. I couldn't figure if he was amazed at recovering the shipment or disappointed at not being able to rub Holmes' nose in the ground.

'This cannot be one of those practical jokes I'm told you indulge in,' he finally stammered.

'Hardly. It is a reasonably simple story. Most cases are, once solved. The participants may be familiar to you.

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