find out later that they were not originating, but merely quoting; they seem to know the volume by heart, and to revere it as they would a Bible—another Bible, perhaps I ought to say. Plainly the book was written under the mental desolations of the Third Degree, and I feel sure that none but the membership of that Degree can discover meanings in it. When you read it you seem to be listening to a lively and aggressive and oracular speech delivered in an unknown tongue, a speech whose spirit you get but not the particulars; or, to change the figure, you seem to be listening to a vigorous instrument which is making a noise it thinks is a tune, but which to persons not members of the band is only the martial tooting of a trombone, and merely stirs the soul through the noise but does not convey a meaning.

The book's serenities of self-satisfaction do almost seem to smack of a heavenly origin—they have no blood-kin in the earth. It is more than human to be so placidly certain about things, and so finely superior, and so airily content with one's performance. Without ever presenting anything which may rightfully be called by the strong name of Evidence, and sometimes without even mentioning a reason for a deduction at all, it thunders out the startling words, 'I have Proved' so and so! It takes the Pope and all the great guns of his church in battery assembled to authoritatively settle and establish the meaning of a sole and single unclarified passage of Scripture, and this at vast cost of time and study and reflection, but the author of this work is superior to all that: she finds the whole Bible in an unclarified condition, and at small expense of time and no expense of mental effort she clarifies it from lid to lid, reorganises and improves the meanings, then authoritatively settles and establishes them with formulae which you cannot tell from 'Let there be light!' and 'Here you have it!' It is the first time since the dawn-days of Creation that a Voice has gone crashing through space with such placid and complacent confidence and command.


A word upon a question of authorship. Not that quite; but, rather, a question of emendation and revision. We know that the Bible-Annex was not written by Mrs. Eddy, but was handed down to her eighteen hundred years ago by the Angel of the Apocalypse; but did she translate it alone, or did she have help? There seems to be evidence that she had help. For there are four several copyrights on it—1875, 1885, 1890, 1894. It did not come down in English, for in that language it could not have acquired copyright—there were no copyright laws eighteen centuries ago, and in my opinion no English language—at least up there. This makes it substantially certain that the Annex is a translation. Then, was not the first translation complete? If it was, on what grounds were the later copyrights granted?

I surmise that the first translation was poor; and that a friend or friends of Mrs. Eddy mended its English three times, and finally got it into its present shape, where the grammar is plenty good enough, and the sentences are smooth and plausible though they do not mean anything. I think I am right in this surmise, for Mrs. Eddy cannot write English to-day, and this is argument that she never could. I am not able to guess who did the mending, but I think it was not done by any member of the Eddy Trust, nor by the editors of the 'Christian Science Journal,' for their English is not much better than Mrs. Eddy's.

However, as to the main point: it is certain that Mrs. Eddy did not doctor the Annex's English herself. Her original, spontaneous, undoctored English furnishes ample proof of this. Here are samples from recent articles from her unappeasable pen; double columned with them are a couple of passages from the Annex. It will be seen that they throw light. The italics are mine:

1. 'What plague spot, 'Therefore the efficient

or bacilli were (sic) gnawing remedy is to destroy the

(sic) at the heart of this patient's unfortunate belief,

metropolis... and bringing by both silently and audibly

it on bended knee? arguing the opposite facts in

Why, it was an institute that regard to harmonious being

had entered its vitals (sic) representing man as

that, among other things, healthful instead of diseased,

taught games,' et cetera. (P. and showing that it is

670, 'C.S.Journal,' article impossible for matter to suffer,

entitled 'A Narrative—by to feel pain or heat, to be

Mary Baker G. Eddy.') thirsty or sick.' (P. 375, Annex.)

2. 'Parks sprang up (sic)...

electric street cars run 'Man is never sick; for

(sic) merrily through several Mind is not sick, and matter

streets, concrete sidewalks cannot be. A false belief

and macadamised roads dotted is both the tempter and the

(sic) the place,' et cetera. tempted, the sin and the

(Ibid.) sinner, the disease and its

3. 'Shorn (sic) of its cause. It is well to be calm

suburbs it had indeed little in sickness; to be hopeful is

left to admire, save to (sic) still better; but to

such as fancy a skeleton understand that sickness is not

above ground breathing (sic) real, and that Truth can

slowly through a barren (sic) destroy it, is best of all, for

breast.' (Ibid.) it is the universal and perfect

remedy.' (Chapter xii.,


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