if we must die now, take us himself, and not embitter our bitter

death still more.—Henry's Log.

(Diary entry) June 5. Quiet night and pretty comfortable day,

though our sail and block show signs of failing, and need taking

down—which latter is something of a job, as it requires the

climbing of the mast. We also had news from forward, there being

discontent and some threatening complaints of unfair allowances,

etc., all as unreasonable as foolish; still, these things bid us be

on our guard. I am getting miserably weak, but try to keep up the

best I can. If we cannot find those isles we can only try to make

north-west and get in the track of Sandwich Island-bound vessels,

living as best we can in the meantime. To-day we changed to one

meal, and that at about noon, with a small ration or water at 8 or 9

A.M., another at 12 A.M., and a third at 5 or 6 P.M.

Nothing left but a little piece of ham and a gill of water, all

around.—Captain's Log.

They are down to one meal a day now—such as it is—and fifteen hundred miles to crawl yet! And now the horrors deepen, and, though they escaped actual mutiny, the attitude of the men became alarming. Now we seem to see why that curious incident happened, so long ago; I mean Cox's return, after he had been far away and out of sight several days in the chief mate's boat. If he had not come back the captain and the two young passengers might have been slain, now, by these sailors, who were becoming crazed through their sufferings.


Cox told me last night that there is getting to be a good deal of

ugly talk among the men against the captain and us aft. They say

that the captain is the cause of all; that he did not try to save

the ship at all, nor to get provisions, and that even would not let

the men put in some they had; and that partiality is shown us in

apportioning our rations aft.... asked Cox the other day if he

would starve first or eat human flesh. Cox answered he would

starve.... then told him he would only be killing himself. If we

do not find those islands we would do well to prepare for anything.

.... is the loudest of all.


We can depend on... I think, and... and Cox, can we not?


I guess so, and very likely on...; but there is no telling... and

Cox are certain. There is nothing definite said or hinted as yet,

as I understand Cox; but starving men are the same as maniacs. It

would be well to keep a watch on your pistol, so as to have it and

the cartridges safe from theft.

Henry's Log, June 5. Dreadful forebodings. God spare us from all

such horrors! Some of the men getting to talk a good deal. Nothing

to write down. Heart very sad.

Henry's Log, June 6. Passed some sea-weed and something that looked

like the trunk of an old tree, but no birds; beginning to be afraid

islands not there. To-day it was said to the captain, in the

hearing of all, that some of the men would not shrink, when a man

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