Renee whirled around just in time to see Race's head snap violently backwards with the blow. His body dropped to the deck, hitting it hard, out cold.
Renee saw the ugly Nazi standing over Race's body— saw him suddenly snap to look up at her.
Then she saw him raise his gun and smile.
The Goose seaplane shot out in front of the Command boat, into the open water ahead of the fleet.
Doogie was pushing forward on the throttle, trying to get the little seaplane lap to take-off speed, when suddenly there came a loud bang! from somewhere to his left. Abruptly he felt the whole plane lurch dramatically and he looked out to see that there was now nothing in the place where his left- hand stabilising pontoon should have been.
Not a second later; a pair of Nazi Rigid Raiders zoomed across his bow from either side criss-crossing in front of him the commando on th@if decks spattering his windshield with heavy machine gun fire
Doogie ducked. His windshield cracked into spider- webs;
Then he looked up to see one of the Nazis on the right- hand Rigid Raider heft an M72A2 man-portable rocket launcher onto his shoulder and aim it right at the Goose!
'Oh, man...' Doogie breathed, The Nazi fired,
A puff of smoke issued from the barrel of the rocket launcher at exactly the same moment as Doogie yanked his steering yoke hard to the left.
The Goose banked wildly—so wildly in fact that the tip of its pontoon-less left wing actually touched the water, kicking up a spectacular shower of spray!
As a result, the missile from the rocket launcher shot right underneath Doogie's elevated right wing, missing it by inches before shooting off into the treeline and blowing unfortunate tree trunk to hell,
Doogie's little Goose continued to careen across the river's surface: racing along on its belly and its one remaining pontoon.
Just then the last Mosquito attack chopper roared in from out of nowhere, loosing a devastating burst of cannon fire that raked the Water all around the little seaplane,
'God damn it!' Doogie yelled as he ducked beneath the dashboard again. 'could this situation get any worse?'
It was then that he heard an ominous, but very familiar sound.
Poof .
He spun in his seat,
Just in time to see one of the two remaining Nazi Pibber swing in behind him and launch a torpedo from it's side-mounted pod.
The torpedo splashed into the water, shot forward under the surface.
Doogie looked out
The two Rigid Raiders were now speeding along on either side of him off the tips of his wings bowing him in.
“Shit,” Doogie said, shitshitshit!'
The torpedo closed in;
He pushed the Goose's throttle forward
The little seaplane shot into the water; surrounded by enemy vessels on no less than both sides by the two Rigid Raiders on both of its flanks by the Pibber a hundred yards astern of it, and by the black Mosquito attack chopper shooting through the air above it.
Doogie looked about himself desperately. While his plane struggled to maintain its pace, the two Rigid Raiders sped alongside him easily, their supercharged engines roaring, their crews seeming to take a perverse kind of pleasure in watching him struggle.
'Don't smile too soon, you fascist assholes!' Doogie said aloud. 'it's not over yet,
The torpedo was within twenty yards of his tail now.
Doogie pushed the throttle as far forward as it would. Fifteen yards, and he hit eighty knots.
Five—a hundred,
Doogie could see the Nazis on the Rigid Raiders laughing at him as he despeateiy attempted to outrun the torpedo in his hopelessly outdated Goose,
Two yards—a hundred and ten, Top Speed.
The torpedo slid underneath the Goose.
'No!“ Doogie yelled, 'Come on, baby! Do it for me!'
The Goose shot on the river's surface.
The Nazis laughed.
Doogie swore.
And then suddenly, gloriously the little Goose did what no one except Doogie thought it was still capable of doing it lifted off the surface.