His grin was wolfish. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pressed me close, until it felt as if he was trying to slip inside

“This time I shall fuck you until you cry my name to the moon.” His breath caressed my mouth and his gaze burned deep, until it felt like his desire singed the very fibers of my soul. “Then I shall keep on going until you beg for me to stop.”

“That could take a while,” I teased, my breath little more than a husky purr. “You sure you’re up to it?”

“You will ache for no other lover tonight, little wolf, be sure of that.”

I wrapped a hand around the back of his neck and pulled him down so I could kiss him

“Davern’s finished,” Talon said after a while. “I shall hire us a room.”

I smiled. The Blue Moon was the only club that actually had privacy rooms available to rent. There weren’t many—four in all—but they were filled with all the latest gadgets to cater to the more adventurous types

If Talon was getting a room, he was truly serious about his hunger and his intentions, and expectation coursed through me. Normally, we made out at the tables or on the dance floor, and that was pretty damn fine. And while I couldn’t give him the remainder of the day, an hour or two of hard and heavy loving would certainly cure more than a couple of aches

I flicked the top button of his pants undone and slid down the zipper. His erection leapt out at me, as if eager to be caressed. “Leave your pants hanging on the door so I know what room you have.”

He claimed my mouth as fiercely as he undoubtedly intended to claim my body later, kissing me hard and long. Then he spun and walked away, leaving every inch of my body thrumming in expectation. I took a deep breath, but it did little to ease the ache

After tying the ends of my shirt together, I made my way toward Davern. He was alone, nursing a drink, and looked up as I approached. He’d been drinking for some time because his eyes were more red than blue

“Hey, Riley? How are you?”

I slid into the seat opposite him. He smelled of sex and sweat and alcohol, and I frowned. “I thought you were off the booze?”

“Got dumped this afternoon,” he said gloomily

It obviously wasn’t too deep a relationship, because it hadn’t stopped him taking other partners. “So?”

“So, he was a good fuck and I’ll miss him.”

I grinned and patted his hand in sympathy. “You drink too much more and you won’t be up to finding more replacements tonight.”

“It’ll only take an hour or so to sober up, and besides, I feel like wallowing in self-pity right now.” The hologram lights caught his black hair as he leaned back, lending it rich claret highlights. “What can I help you with?”

“I need to know where Rhoan is.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Why?”

“Because I have a gut feeling he’s in trouble.”

The very lack of reaction in his bloodshot eyes told me just how little he cared for my brother—and for that alone, I wanted to smack his drunken ass

“Serious trouble?”

I took a deep breath and blew it out. More to control that urge to hit him than anything else. “No, not serious trouble. I feel he needs help, that’s all. He’s gotten into a situation he can’t extract himself from.”

Davern snorted. “He’s always doing that, and he always gets out eventually.”

“Yeah, but this isn’t a sexual situation.” Yet even as I said it, I felt the slight lie. It was a sexual situation—sort of

Which made about as much sense as Rhoan’s staying in a relationship so long with an uncaring nitwit like Davern. He had to be a damn good fuck because he certainly didn’t appear to have much else going for him

“When did you last see Rhoan?”

“Last week. I believe he was with Liander until Sunday, though.”

Then I’d definitely have to find Liander. “I don’t suppose he said where he was going after Liander’s?”

His bloodshot gaze went past me and I felt the hunger stir in him. Maybe he wasn’t as drunk as I’d thought

“He mentioned something about having to investigate Evensong Air.”

Quinn’s airline. Great. I grabbed Davern’s hand, forcing his attention back to me. “It’s very important I know exactly what he said about Evensong Air.”

He blinked. “For God’s sake, it was over a week ago.”

“I know, but try to work your way past the sozzled brain cells and remember, all the same.”

He frowned, and with his free hand reached for his drink. “He said there were some problems within Evensong and that he might have to go undercover. That’s all. I swear.”

I released him and flopped back in my chair. Rhoan was investigating Evensong and I had the vampire who owned the company camped out in my hallway

Coincidence? Not likely

And while I couldn’t actually question Quinn himself without raising suspicions, I could certainly take the roundabout line of inquiry. Talon walked the same circles as Quinn, and if anyone could dig up dirt, it would be he

But before I could ask him to do me a favor, I had to get past the sex

Chapter 4

Talon’s pants hung on the third door handle down the small hallway, and just the sight of them had anticipation gripping my lower body. The door opened as I approached, and there he was, golden, glorious, and hard with wanting

His aura hit a heartbeat later, and it felt as if I was walking into an inferno of lust. If he’d taken me right there in the hall, I wouldn’t have given a damn. But then, his aura had nothing to do with that. I was a wolf, after all, and exhibitionism was part of our nature

He took my hand, kissing my fingers as he pulled me inside. Candles flickered in wall sconces near the bed, throwing yellow light across the red satin sheets and black walls. There was very little else in the room other than several benches of varying sizes and heights. Compared to the other rooms the club had available, this was pretty basic, and perhaps he’d chosen it for that reason. He wanted sex that was hard and fast and long, sex that was without distractions. Just him and me

He closed the door, then pressed the panel to the left of the frame. “The psychic security screen is on,” he said. “No one can hear us, no one can sense us. When I make you scream my name to the moon, no one but us will be the wiser.”

He stepped closer. The light glittered off the twisted white gold chain around his neck, the only piece of jewelry I’d ever seen him wear and one that seemed to emphasize the corded power of his neck and shoulders. I pressed a hand against the hard planes of his chest, momentarily resisting the intensity of his aura. The heat of him flowed around me, through me, flaying my skin and stirring the hunger into a frenzied dance. That alone was warning enough to ask my questions right then, because who knew if I’d have the energy or clarity of mind after several hours of sex with him?

“You need to answer a question first.”

“Sorry, don’t like my sex with questions.”

I grinned. “Well, that’s the only way you’re getting it today.”

“Really?” He caught my hand, and though I could easily have resisted the force he applied to make me move backward, I didn’t. I wanted him every bit as badly as he wanted me

When my calves hit the smaller of the two benches, I stepped onto it and looked him dead in the eyes. It was a mistake, because the force of his aura crashed through me like a tidal wave, leaving me wet and so very ready for him. And just for an instant, I gave in to that wave and kissed him as fiercely as I wanted him

It took a whole lot of will to break away, to ask the questions that had to be asked. Especially when he

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