of men’s toilets was never pleasant, no matter how much air freshener they used. Not that I’d been in all that many, but hey, it was one way of avoiding the queues in the women’s during intermission at the theatre or concerts

The urinals weren’t occupied, but one stall was. It had to be our man. Why he thought he’d be safe behind the closed door of a toilet was anyone’s guess. Maybe he didn’t get out amongst vamps or werewolves much

Quinn raised a foot and kicked the door open, then blurred so fast one second he was there, and the next he wasn’t. There a brief flurry of sound, flesh smacking against flesh, then a squeak that was more a note of pain than fear. It wasn’t Quinn’s squeak

Silence fell. No conversation, no nothing. But I knew what was happening. Quinn was raiding the other man’s mind

The door behind me bumped slightly, then someone knocked. “Sorry,” I called. “Closed for cleaning. Someone vomited.”

The gent on the other side cursed and walked away. “You’d better hurry, Quinn. Security will have seen us come in here. We probably haven’t much longer before they investigate.”

He came out five seconds later and closed the stall door before walking over to the basin to wash his hands. I watched him for a moment, then my gaze drifted back to that closed door and I felt a sudden chill. “He’s dead, isn’t he?”

“Yes.” He didn’t look at me, just finished washing his hands, then tore off some paper towel to dry them

“How?” I hadn’t heard the snap of bones, so he certainly hadn’t broken the other man’s neck

“Heart attack.” His dark gaze met mine and the coldness there chilled me. “An easy thing to do when you can read their minds and know their worst fears—and have the empathic capabilities to enforce the belief those fears are currently happening.”

So he was empathic as well as telepathic. That certainly explained why he was catching my aura so strongly, despite my shields and his. “He died of fright?”

“I’m afraid so.”

He dumped the paper in the bin and walked toward me. I would have backed away had I had anywhere to go. And while I recognized it was a ridiculous reaction, I just couldn’t help it. As much as I was certain I could protect myself, I had the strangest feeling that, against this vampire, there was no defense

“We’d better get out of here,” he continued, in that same soft, flat tone. “Security is coming.”

I opened the door and walked out. Sure enough, two men in black security outfits were walking toward us. They didn’t look at us, didn’t even appear to notice us, and I knew Quinn had touched their minds, diverting their attention away from us

His fingers pressed into my back, but this time I stepped away from his warm touch, walking quickly through the room and out into the night. I stopped at the curb, crossing my arms and drawing the cool, flavorsome air deep

He stopped behind me, a heat I could feel more than hear. “I scared you.”


“Why? You work with guardians. They do far worse than what I did in there.”

“I know. But I expect it from them. I didn’t expect it from you.”

“I’m a vampire. That’s what we are.”

“Yeah, but for some reason I’d been hoping you were different.” That the exterior gloss was fact, not merely a show. But that was my problem, not his. Hell, it wasn’t as if he hadn’t warned me that he could kill as easily as he drank blood. And, truth be told, the demonstration hadn’t really killed my desire for him. “Did you uncover anything useful?”

He was silent for a moment, then said, “He was partially blocked. I caught images. Moneisha’s not where these things are coming from.”

I glanced over my shoulder. He wasn’t even looking at me, but staring up at the cloudy sky, his expression thoughtful

“What images?”

“It’s underground. Lots of concrete, bright lights, white walls, that sort of stuff.”

“Nothing recognizable in the way of scenery?”

He shook his head and finally looked at me. His eyes were shuttered. “It could have been anywhere. Any country.”

Great. “Then let’s go get Rhoan out.”

“Disguises first.”

“Where? It’s midnight and there’s not a lot open.” Not a lot beyond restaurants, clubs, and the Casino, that is

“As I said before, that doesn’t mean a lot when you have money.”

A point he proceeded to prove by having the largest retailer in the city open its doors so we could shop. “Can you do tarty?” he said, as we headed up in the elevator to the women’s floor

I grinned. “I’m a wolf. We do tart better than the tarts.”

A smile warmed his dark eyes. “I’ve noticed that about wolves. I shall leave you to your own devices, then, and go get the supplies I need.” He glanced at the assistant. “Anything she wants. Charge it to my account.” His gaze came back to me. “I’ll meet you downstairs in half an hour.”

Half an hour wasn’t long when you’d just been given full use of unlimited credit, but hey, I wasn’t about to bitch. I wasted ten minutes simply walking around looking, and eventually went for the thigh-length silver snakeskin boots, simply because I’d always wanted a pair. But I settled for the four-inch heels rather than the six-inch, just in case I had to run. I combined those with a barely decent blue net skirt that was way too short to be described as micro, and a silver crop top that had peekaboo holes for my nipples. To complete the effect, I went for a bright blue wig and blue-toned skin makeup. Then I headed into the change room to make the transformation

As I studied my reflection in the mirror, I decided I did slut superbly well. The blue wig and skin toning made my smoke-colored eyes glow a bright blue, and the skirt and shirt flirted with indecency but left enough covered to stop the cops hauling me off to charge me. I shoved my jacket on, put my other clothes in my bag, and walked downstairs to meet Quinn

He was waiting, several bags at his feet. His gaze went to my hair, then slid down to my face, and a mix of surprise and hunger flitted through his eyes. The surge of his desire nearly scorched my skin

“Rather keen on the blue, are we?” I teased

He didn’t deny it. Couldn’t, when I could so easily smell it. “I don’t get a preview of the rest of it?”

I grinned. “And spoil the surprise?”

His gaze slid down, lingering on my leather-clad ankles. “I’ve got a feeling the surprise could be heart attack material.”

“Isn’t that the effect you want?”

“Yes.” He bent to pick up the two bags, affording me a glimpse of laser guns and some sort of electronic sensor. I didn’t even know they sold that sort of stuff here, and I shopped here frequently. But maybe they had a special section set aside for billionaires

He gave the manager a huge tip, then escorted me outside. “Did you come in a car?”

I nodded. “It’s in the Casino parking lot.”

“Then we’ll leave it there and go in mine. They might have taken note of your car earlier.”

We walked down the street, heading back to his building. My heels clicked against the pavement, a tattoo of sound as rhythmic as the beat of desire burning through my blood. I felt good in the blue clothes, sexy rather than slutty. Not that I minded slutty if the occasion was right. And if it hadn’t been for the fact that I needed to get my brother free that night, I would have offered to take Quinn’s neat packaging for a quick test drive

His car turned out to be a black Ferrari—sleek, sporty, and hot. Much like the man himself. He opened the door for me and I climbed in

“So, what’s the plan?” I said, once we were under way

“If you look as good beneath as I think you do, all you’ll have to do is walk up the street and every camera in the vicinity will be on you.”

I grinned. “And then?”

“You find a way to keep those cameras on you while I either get over the wall or get through that second

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