He went to the front door, and I looked around as Quinn came in off the patio. “Your sources able to tell you anything about Misha?”

“Not yet,” he said. “They’ll get back to me in an hour or so.”

I crossed my arms. “Are you going to share what they find with Jack?”

“Yes,” he said

No, he meant

I smiled grimly. “And do you intend to kill whoever has held Henri captive all these years?”

“Killing is not my style.”

“Tell that to the clone in the toilet.”

“He was a clone. That’s different.”

I wanted to ask how, but my brother chose that moment to walk in. His glance took in the two of us, and his gaze narrowed slightly

“You okay?” he asked, pulling me into a fierce and protective hug

“I’m fine,” I replied. “Just make sure you leave enough for me to kick if you find Talon before I do.”

“I’ll try to remember,” he said, then pulled back a little. “Did he tell you anything?”

“Not anything new. Just the same old obsession.”

“The bastard definitely needs to be taught a lesson or two.” He shifted to one side and wrapped an arm around my shoulder

Jack tapped the table, bringing our attention back to him. “Our search at the second former army base revealed nothing more than cosmetic manufacturing. And our computer search for Genoveve Confectionary has yielded little for the moment. It would seem the owners are hidden behind yet another paper trail.”

“We may have hit a shortcut,” I said, before Quinn had the chance. “A year ago Misha had a file bearing the name Genoveve Confectionary on his desk. I think it’s worth asking straight out what his involvement with them is.”

Jack contemplated me for a second, green eyes narrowed but glinting with familiar amusement. He was still playing his games, still trying to reel me in, but in this case, I had no intention of sidestepping such attempts. Whoever was behind these creatures had to be stopped, and if I could play some small part in that, then I would. If only to ensure these bastards stopped coming after me

“You know, that could be a very good idea,” he said casually. “Especially if you arrange to meet him somewhere other than his office.”

“Play bunny bait, you mean, while you search his office.”

He gave me a toothy grin. “Darlin’, I’m glad you’re on my side.”

“The only side I’m on is Rhoan’s and mine.”

“For now.”

“For ever.”

He shook his head. He wasn’t going to give up his little dream, no matter what I said. And I guess he was right to persevere. After all, depending on what the drug did to my system, I might be forced to step into the guardian system whether I wanted to or not

“That could be dangerous for Riley,” Quinn said. “Especially if Misha is behind either the clones or the crossbreeds.”

“She’s not guardian,” Rhoan added. “You can’t ask her to do something like that because she hasn’t had the training.”

“All she has to do is what comes naturally to a wolf when the moon rides high.”

“They’ve shot at her and tried to snatch her,” Rhoan said. “I don’t think it’s wise to send her out alone.”

“I won’t be.” Jack glanced at me. “Do you have a problem doing this?”

“No.” Hell, truth be told, when darkness hit tonight and the fever burned through my blood, I wouldn’t really give a damn who I danced with as long as I danced. “But there is another problem.”

His gaze sharpened. “What?”

“Talon put a tracer in my arm.”

“We have some trackers in the car. We’ll tune them to the tracer’s frequency. If something does happen, at least we can find you.”

Talon could, too, but that was a good thing. My fists wanted a serious word or two with his face

“I hope you’re not going to try to make Quinn and me sit this one out,” Liander said, voice steely

“No. Your field of expertise with the military was electronics, which could come in handy when we’re breaking in to the office. Quinn will be playing bodyguard to Riley, just in case Talon attempts another snatch.”

Quinn didn’t say anything, but it was more than obvious he wasn’t happy about being left out of the business end of things. And I had to wonder if he’d actually be there when I came back out of the club

Jack tossed me his phone. “Let’s swing into action, people.”

It was close to nine by the time we reached the Blue Moon. The night sky was filled with stars, the moon a silver luminance that sang through my veins, and every nerve ending felt as if it were being stretched taut

Quinn stopped the car in the shadow-filled lane across the street, contemplating the blue-lit building for several seconds before looking at me. “Looks like they’ve got a good crowd.”

His expression hadn’t changed any in the last few hours, and his eyes were still obsidian stone. If we’d had some sort of relationship, I might have been tempted to think he was annoyed—even jealous—about my dancing with Misha. But given his take on werewolves and the fact he didn’t want anything more from me other than a good time, that was ridiculous

“I’ve got a permanent table booking the last two days before the full moon, so I’ll get in okay.” I swept my gaze from the small line of wolves waiting to get in to the man standing in front of the door. Jimmy. A little bit of tension slid away. At least there was someone else close by who I could trust if Quinn disappeared and I got into trouble

Quinn twisted around and grabbed the tracker from the backseat. A soft, clear beeping filled the silence. “Have you any idea of the range of this thing?”

“No, but it would have to be two or three kilometers, at least. Talon used the tracer to find us at the Directorate, and neither his office nor his house is close by.”

Quinn nodded. “Be careful in there. If you need help, just drop your shields and yell psychically.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Is it safe for you to drop your shields? I mean, you’re stopped right outside an overflowing wolf nightclub—won’t the combination of auras be overwhelming?”


“Why not?”

He hesitated. “Because I won’t be dropping my shields. I’ll hear you through them.”


“We’ve shared blood. Psychically, I’m now more attuned to you.”

“Meaning you can read my thoughts anytime?”

“No, because your shields are too strong. But drop them, and call, and I’ll be there.”

If I called now, would he come? Not to me, but with me? In me? Somehow, I doubted it. And besides, if Misha was behind any of this, I needed to be at fever pitch. Needed my aura to hit him hard and fast, so that he had no time to think, just react. And during our mating, I’d get my answers—either verbally, or by reading his mind

“I have no idea how long this will take.”

He shrugged. “I’m not going anywhere.”

So he said. I put my hand on the door handle, then hesitated. “Quinn—”

“There’s nothing between us,” he said softly. “Nothing other than great sex, anyway.”

He wasn’t wrong—as yet, there was nothing more than great sex. But we’d only known each other a few days, and the indications were, even then, that there could be something else there. Whether it was a deeper relationship or simply friendship and good sex was something only time would tell. And no matter what warnings Rhoan and Liander might give, I was more than willing to chance fate and explore options. “Great sex is somewhere to start.”

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