Which was a warning as much as it was a statement. 'Then why couldn't you use the Fravardin to take out Starr and rescue your daughter?'

'Because he is my eyes, and my bodyguard when required, but nothing more. Risa is my child, but she does not fall within his guardianship role.'

'So they're sticklers for obeying Misha's wishes to the word?'


Then maybe I wouldn't feel the Fravardin's presence until my life was in danger. But how would it know if it wasn't around? And did I really want an answer to that, especially if it meant putting my life on the line to find out?

The answer was a resounding no.

'Why would Misha give you one of the Fravardin? I thought the five of you were less than friendly with each other.'

She smiled. 'That is true up to a point. But Misha and I shared more of a history than the others. I suppose you could say that he is my brother.'

'You're his sister?' I said, incredulously. 'But… aren't you all clones?'

She nodded. 'Yes, but Misha and I are clones of siblings. Our original selves were born of a Helki mother and silver pack father, and were fraternal twins, born of the same mother and father. If a clone is capable of sibling love, then I guess we shared that. I miss him.'

'So—' I paused, trying to gather my suddenly scattered thoughts. 'If you're clones of siblings, does it mean that, like the originals, you are both able to shift shape?'

She raised a pale eyebrow. 'What makes you ask that?'

'Simple curiosity.' I'd wondered when I'd first found out about the Helkis and their shapeshifting abilities if Misha might have had another form—wondered whether the body he wore all the time was really his. Of course, he was dead and it really didn't matter anymore, but still, part of me wanted to know. Especially when his 'sister' had the potential to either make or break our mission. My gaze went to her blue eyes—eyes that were so very different to his. Deliberately so, probably. 'Misha told me that shape-shifting took a lot of power, and that the eyes were the hardest part to maintain. So which of you is closest to your real form, and how could he—and you—maintain the changes day in and day out?'

'Our changes are subtle, which is why we are able to maintain them so easily.' She smiled, but it was a fleeting, almost sad thing. 'Last night you saw our true hair color. Misha preferred to maintain silver hair rather than the mixed color, but he never changed his eye color. Like the original, he was born with silver eyes.'

'And you?'

'Helki brown, ringed by blue.'

'So why do you change it?'

'Because blue is more effective in my work.' The bright depths of her eyes suddenly cleared of any emotion, and were all the more chilling because of it. 'For Misha alone, I would have my revenge.'

'Which is why Starr took Risa hostage.'


'So why haven't you contacted the Directorate before now?'

'Because of Gautier. Because I did not know how much you knew about him, or how far his influence went.' She snorted softly. 'If I were to believe everything he said, he practically runs the place now.'

That had my eyebrows raising. 'I was given the impression that you and Gautier never met during your information exchanges.'

'We don't.'

'Then how have you talked to him?'

'Where else would I talk to him? At the estate, of course.'

Chapter Five

Fuck was the only word that came immediately to mind, and even that didn't really encompass the shitload of trouble that had just raised its ugly head. Or, given it was Gautier we were talking about, maybe that should have been its greasy, stinking, ugly head.

'Well, at least that explains where Gautier has disappeared to on the few occasions we've lost him,' Jack commented. 'But it doesn't change our plans. Liander's work is subtle, but good. I doubt he'd recognize either of you.'

Maybe not by sight, but if I opened my mouth and started throwing barbs his way, like I normally did, he'd certainly suspect. There weren't many people as stupid as I tended to be when he was around.

'All you have to do,' Jack continued, 'is keep out of his way, and keep your mouth shut. And that's an order, not a suggestion.'

One I'd definitely try to obey. Gautier had already beaten up on me—I had no intention of giving him a second chance. Especially in a place where there was no one to save my ass at the last moment.

'So,' I said to Dia, 'how often does he appear there?'

She shrugged. 'Only very occasionally. Starr does not wish him to be seen or recognized.'

'He's a guardian—they work at night. I doubt any of Starr's regulars would recognize him.'

Her smile was grim. 'There are politicians who have access to files. Starr doesn't want to take the risk because he believes Gautier's position at the Directorate is unknown and safe.'

Then yay us for keeping our knowledge of him a secret.

'Is he one of Starr's lovers?' Somehow, I just couldn't imagine Gautier being homosexual. Though, I couldn't actually imagine him making love to women, either. He'd always seemed asexual to me.

'No. Starr uses him as an occasional form of punishment—do something seriously wrong, and you fight Gautier.' She hesitated. 'No one has ever beaten him.'

No surprise there. The man was a stinking fighting machine. 'Does he kill them?'

'Always. It is what he does.'

Wasn't that the truth. 'Is he expected anywhere near the place over the next couple of weeks?'

'Unless something dramatic happens, no. There's too many people going to be around. I doubt he'd take the chance of exposure.'

Good. Because I didn't want to be anywhere near the bastard, disguise or no. 'Anything else I need to know before I board the bus this afternoon?'

She hesitated. 'There will be eleven other women with you, all either shifters or weres. At least one of them is not who she pretends to be.'

I raised my eyebrows. 'Another plant?'

'No. She wants revenge.'

Then maybe I could enlist her help sometime over the next few weeks. 'Who?'

Dia smiled. 'That I shall let you figure out yourself. I'd hate to influence your instincts.'

'Meaning you're not entirely sure of your own guesses?'

'Meaning, I cannot say whether she will be a help or a hindrance to what either of us want.'

Uh-huh. Typical psychic avoidance of the question if ever I'd heard it. 'Why only twelve of us?'

'Because three women stayed on after the last moon dance.'

'Why only three? I would have thought the money would be enticement enough to stay longer.'

'I honestly don't know. Perhaps they simply wish to go home.'

Or perhaps there was more going on behind the scenes than Dia was aware of. 'Will it be safe to talk to you once you arrive at the estate?'

'In the house, no. As I said, there are voice monitors in the halls. But I will endeavor to be outside whenever possible. I have made it a habit to wander the grounds, so Starr will not think it unusual.'

'There's nothing else?'

'Not that I can immediately think of.'

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