took a step back before I realized it. It took a whole lot of determination to stop a second step and remain still.
I knew then what he was doing.
Anger hit, fast and furious, momentarily weakening the force of his command. I slammed down my shields and severed the mental connection between us, but it was too late, far too late. The compulsion had already been embedded into my consciousness, a desire that beat at my senses with every rapid heartbeat.
I clenched my fists and resisted the urge to scream and rant and rave at him. It took every ounce of control I had to simply say instead, 'Don't do this.'
He raised an eyebrow. 'Don't do what?'
My hands were clenched so hard my fingernails were beginning to dig into my palms. The pain helped keep my anger in check, and the compulsion momentarily at bay.
'Don't play me for a fool, Quinn. I warned you once what would happen if you ever tried to use your vampire wiles on me, and I meant every word.'
He looked away for a second, studying the street behind me, his expression calm, giving little away. If anything, that very lack of expression only increased the fury rising inside me. I
Hated the fact he was forcing me to a decision I never wanted to make. And an action I never wanted to take.
He looked back and said, 'I'd rather have you angry and alive, than dead.' His fingers touched my cheek, his skin so warm against mine. 'Be sensible. Go home and be safe.'
I resisted the urge to press into his caress and jerked my face away instead. 'No. And all you're doing is proving you still don't trust me.'
'I trust you. I just don't believe you or the Directorate can handle these people.'
'You can't go after these people alone.'
'I destroyed them once. I can do it again.'
'No,' he interrupted tersely, 'I have lost too many people I care about in the past to evil such as this. I will
His command still beat inside my brain, growing in intensity, until every muscle trembled with the need to obey. I wouldn't be able to resist it for much longer, and we both knew it. 'Even at the cost of never seeing me again?'
He smiled. 'You're a werewolf. You can no more deny great sex than you can the moon change.'
I stared at him for several seconds, shocked that he could even
It wouldn't last long—couldn't last long, because it was really only anger, not hate itself. But the words hurt, regardless. Did he really think so little of my integrity that he thought a good fuck could cure me of all concerns? Did he really think I
'No, you won't fucking won't see me in the morning. Or any other morning.'
'Fuck off.'
With little other recourse left, I spun and walked away. His gaze just about burned a hole in my back, but I didn't look around. I strode up the street, around the corner, and across the road. I didn't see the car, only heard the screech of tires as the driver swung to avoid me. A beer-fueled male hung out the passenger window and made several crude comments.
I swore at him too, then shifted to my wolf shape. I wasn't in the mood for male attention
I walked on, wishing I'd parked closer. My nails clicked on the concrete, a soft tattoo that echoed in time with the anger beating through my veins. Which is probably why it took me several more minutes to realize the compulsion to go home was nowhere near as strong as it had been.
I stopped.
I shifted back to human shape. The force of the compulsion jumped back into focus, as strong and as sharp as the moon fever spinning through my veins. My feet moved forward without any real command on my part, padding along the pavement at a decent clip. Shifting back into wolf form seemed to once again ease both compulsions.
Well, well, well.
No one had ever told me that being in wolf shape would ease the fever, but in some ways, it made sense. Werewolves
Besides, what sane werewolf really wanted to ease the moon fever in any other way besides the time- honored, human-style method of mating?
But how many people knew the force of a vampire's compulsion could actually be muted by body form? Quinn's order to go home had been embedded deep into my human brain, but wearing my wolf skin seemed to somehow transmute that order into something that could be, if not totally squashed, then at least ignored.
Which was a very handy thing to know—not that it would matter anymore when it came to Quinn. He was out of my life, whether he believed it yet or not.
The thought made me swear internally. At him, at my job, at fate in general. Dammit, why couldn't anything go smoothly?
There were a lot of things I could put up with in a relationship—hell, I'd proven that by putting up with an arrogant, self-centered asshole like Talon for so long. Quinn could be that, and a whole lot more at times, but he could also be an amazingly caring and gentle man, and so totally fun to be with. We were good together, at least when he wasn't being an ass.
But the one thing I've
And that's the line Quinn had crossed tonight, even if he'd used psychic strength rather than physical strength.
It's not as if he didn't know how I felt. I'd warned him more than once. Now I had to back those words up with action.
God, why did he have to force the issue? Why couldn't he have just let me do my job, whether or not it was safe? Life itself was unsafe—death could hit anytime, any place. Wrapping me cotton wool was never going to work, no matter what he thought. I wasn't the type of girl who enjoyed being pampered and fussed over twenty-four hours a day. I could
And speaking of chasing,
Ignoring the pang of sadness, and the deeper, darker ache that seemed centered somewhere close to my heart, I turned around and loped back toward Jin's house.
Quinn had moved from Jin's doorway and taken up residence in the shadows of a garden several houses down. I padded along on the opposite side of the street, keeping close to the cars parked along the curb, using the metal and the shadows to help hide my form. Not that I really thought he'd see me—he was watching for evil, not