'Oh, yeah.'

He touched my lip gently, sending desire quivering through my limbs. 'It looks painful. Maybe I should stop kissing you.'

'Like hell.' I pulled him again and kissed him hard, just to prove it didn't hurt. Even though it did, just a little.

'I reserved a privacy room for us,' he said eventually.

'The one with the spa, or the one with the airbed?'

'Spa. The airbed was gone by the time I got here.'

'Good.' I'd had enough of things floating in the air that shouldn't for one night. I kissed him gently, then said, 'I'm glad you came here tonight.'

'Riley, I have no intentions of letting you be with anyone else any more than necessary.' He touch my cheek this time, fingers warm against my skin as he brushed sweaty strands of hair back behind my ears. 'I want you to be mine, and only mine.'

'Well, tonight your wish has been granted.'

'I wasn't talking about just tonight.'

'I know.' I smiled and touched his face, cupping his cheek and letting my thumb brush his familiar lips. 'And maybe I'm ready to talk about that. But not here. Not yet.'

His sudden smile was so filled with happiness and warmth that my toes curled. He scooped me up in his arms and strode purposefully toward the rear of the club and the privacy rooms.

And as I leaned my head on his shoulder and listened to the steady beat of his heart, I realized that, in many ways, I was ready. Quinn might have hurt me tonight with his actions, but perhaps he'd also done me a favor.

And perhaps it really was time to give my brown wolf a chance to prove whether or not we were meant to be.

Rhoan was up and about by the time I got home. He looked out from the kitchen as I closed the door, and held up a cup. I nodded, threw my gym bag on the sofa, and collapsed down beside it.

'You look like a wolf who's had a hard night,' he said, offering me the steaming mug before he sat down on the sofa opposite. 'Need I ask why?'

'Kellen reserved the spa room at the Blue Moon. We made full use of both the bed and the spa.'

Rhoan raised his eyebrows. 'Kellen? What happened to Quinn?'

'The bastard used mind control on me.'

'Ah.' Rhoan took a sip of his coffee, his expression giving little away. But he was my twin, and I knew exactly what he was thinking even if we didn't share the empathy of twins. Quinn would get an earful for his actions, and I wasn't just talking about words. Rhoan didn't mind getting in the odd smack or two to emphasize his points when it came to anyone who hurt me.

I sipped the coffee, and sighed in contentment at the nutty, hazelnut flavor. Rhoan had obviously gone shopping. 'Anything of interest happen last night?'

He shrugged. 'My shift ended at two, and up until then they were all a model of decency. Depressing, really.'

I grinned. 'I'm betting you weren't the model of decency once you got back to Liander's.'

'We!!, no. It's amazing the fun that can be had with a rubber monkey suit.'

I didn't even want to go there. 'So, what's next?'

He sipped his coffee and appeared to consider the question. Annoyance stirred. I knew my twin better than I knew myself, and right now, he was hedging. 'Spit it out, bro.'

'Well, we have planned an official little raid on a certain hotel room rented by one Quinn O'Conor.'

'I want in.'


'That bastard has used and abused me for the last time. It's about time he started taking me seriously.'

'Slapping him in handcuffs won't make him do that.'

'Maybe not, but just think of the pleasure it'll give me to watch his expression as I do it.'

He snorted softly. 'You haven't even asked why we're arresting him.'

'Because he's with the dark mage.'

Surprise flitted across his otherwise calm expression. 'You knew that?'

'Discovered it last night.' I hesitated. 'I also discovered that changing shape mutes a vampire's compulsion.'

He nodded, as if it were something he'd long known. If that were the case, he could have told me. 'So you're the reason Jack was tracking him in the first place?'

'Yep.' I downed the coffee in several gulps and rose. 'What time is the raid planned?'

Rhoan glanced at his watch. 'Jack wants us there at ten.' He looked at me and smiled. 'He knew you'd want in.'

'I'm getting predictable, and that's just sad.' I glanced across at the clock. 'I've time enough to freshen up, then.'

A hot shower didn't do a whole lot to shake the tiredness, but at least I felt cleaner. I grabbed some pants and a thick sweater to combat the chill of the day, then retrieved my boots from the grip of the dust bunnies under my bed. Not only did these particular boots have a nice big heel, but the heel itself was made of wood. A handy thing if a certain vampire got antsy. Not that I'd stake him with the intent of killing him, but hurting him just a little was a tempting prospect.

Once dressed, I grabbed my ID, credit cards, and cell phone, then headed out. Rhoan tossed me my gun. 'If you forget it this time, Jack will kill you.'

'Only if some tattletale tells him I keep forgetting it.' I reluctantly strapped it on. 'I don't want to start relying on these things, bro.'

'I know. But sometimes, a werewolf's teeth and a vampire's speed just aren't enough. Trust me on this.' He gave me a quick hug, then ushered me out the door. 'And if you are going to do this job—and we both know you really have no other choice—then you have to learn to use all the tools of the trade. Whether you like them or not.'

Speaking of tools… I pulled the phone from my pocket and turned it on. To find a dozen voice messages awaiting me, all from Jin. I listened to them as I followed Rhoan down the stairs. Each was basically the same—an apology, a demand that I ring. It wasn't until the last one that he sounded anything resembling contrite.

'That's one bad boy who has it bad for you,' Rhoan commented, as he opened the passenger door of his old Ford and ushered me inside.

'He just adores the way I take a slap,' I murmured, concentrating on sending Jin a semi-cold text message. I might be under orders to get into that dinner party tonight, but I didn't have to be all meek and mild about it.

'A lot of bad men seem to like that,' Rhoan commented, after getting into the car and venturing into the traffic. 'Must be something in their makeup. They get their rocks off on giving others pain.'

I looked at him. 'Is that why you enjoy the job so much?'

He shrugged. 'Sometimes, different is good.'

'Different from Liander, you mean?'

He gave me a keen glance. 'I love Liander, don't get me wrong, but sometimes, I just need more. My work gives me that, Riley.'

'He's not complaining about the men you do within your job. He's complaining about the ones outside work.'

Rhoan sniffed. 'Yeah, well—'

'Don't give me that 'yeah, well' bullshit. Liander's a good man, and he doesn't deserve the crap you hand out. At the very least, you should talk to him.'

'I can't.'

'Why the hell not?' My phone rang. I looked down and saw it was Jin. I ignored it and looked back at my brother, waiting for a reply.

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