'Right-o,' the ambulance officer said cheerfully. 'At least we know what we're dealing with.'

'Will she be all right?'

'Probably. The depressant effects of alcohol can add to the effects of the sleeping pills, and can cause people to go into a coma or die, but I'd say she's puked most of the pills up. It probably saved her life.'

Considering she hadn't choked on her own vomit, either, she was one lucky woman. Although she probably wouldn't think so when she finally came to.

'What hospital will you be taking her to?' I asked. 'I'll need to question her once she's in the clear.'

'The Alfred,' the woman said, without looking at me.

'Thanks.' I headed out. Blake followed.

'Why are you so interested in her?' he said. 'What does she matter?'

'She matters,' I said, keeping my voice low and free of anger, 'because she may know of Adrienne's last movements. You know, who she was with, and so on.'

I walked into the second bedroom and began looking around. This room smelled a little fresher, hinting at lime and citrus. It also had a small balcony attached, with a metal table and two chairs filling up most of the space. An ashtray and lighter sat in the middle of the table. I wondered which of the women smoked. Probably Jodie. It was more a human habit than wolf—there were far too many poisonous scents evident to sensitive noses. And if Adrienne put up with Jodie smoking, they really had to be in love.

There were lots of little bits and pieces scattered about the room that suggested that this room was used more as a dressing room than a bedroom. I opened the closet door to check it out. It was small, and packed with clothes sorted into two different sizes. Adrienne was tall and lanky, if these were anything to go by, because Jodie was on the petite side.

I closed the closet door, and went through the tallboy drawers. Underclothing, sweaters, and pajamas, in two distinct sizes. This was looking more and more like a couple's living arrangement rather than two single women sharing.

The paramedics trooped out with the still-unconscious Jodie. I checked the rest of the apartment, but didn't really find anything enlightening. I stopped in the middle of the living room and wondered where to go next.

Blake drifted in from the kitchen. 'If you'd read my report, you would have already known that there was nothing here.'

'Yeah, you searched so thoroughly you completely missed the fact there was another woman in residence.'

His expression darkened. Once I would have feared that look, and part of me still did. I was a wolf, and there was no escaping the inherent need to obey my alpha. But even if he'd been real and here, I would have held my ground. I'd faced far worse than the likes of Blake in the last year or so, and much of the fear he still engendered was due more to memories than the man himself.

' Adrienne would have told me if this was a permanent living arrangement.'

I snorted. 'If so, then she'd probably be the first adult in history to be completely honest with her parents. I never was.'

'Yeah, but that was probably more a by-product of your unsavory parentage than any real need to keep secrets.'

My fingers curled into my palm, and it took a real effort not to throw that punch. 'Make allusions to my mother's line, and I will come down to pack lands and rip your goddamn throat out!'

He studied me for a minute, then a wide, cold smile split his features. 'I believe you mean that.'

I didn't say anything, just stared at him as the anger pulsed through me.

He shook his head in an almost pitying way, and added, 'You wouldn't get five steps within our boundaries, let alone anywhere near enough to challenge me.'

'If you believe that, then your research is not as complete as you think.' I paused, then added, 'And if you think I'd be coming alone, you're delusional.'

'Do you honestly think your brother's presence would make any difference?'

I smiled. A cold, nasty smile. 'Learn what we are—and what we can do—before you make rash statements like that, Blake.'

He shook his head again, his expression almost amused, and said, 'Adrienne had no reason to hide anything from us.'

I flexed my hands, but it didn't do much to ease the tension still riding me. 'Yeah. You and your sons are so damn tolerant and kind when it comes to homosexuals that she had absolutely no cause to fear your reaction at all.'

His gaze darkened again. Spectral figure or not, a wise wolf would have shut her mouth.

'I do not wish to hear that accusation again.' His voice was soft. Deadly. The sort of voice heard just before he threw someone off a mountain.

Despite myself, I shivered.

'If you want answers, you may have to face a whole lot worse than homosexuality.'

'Like what?'

I shrugged. 'Cases never play out as you expect them to.'

'What I expect is Adrienne home safe and sound. Nothing more, nothing less.'

'You and the families of the thousands of others who go missing every year. In a case like this, what you want or expect doesn't really matter.' I glanced at the time. 'I'm off home for some R and R. See you around, Blake.'

'Why aren't you going to the hospital to interview this Jodie person?'

'Because she won't be in any real state to talk until at least tomorrow.'

I turned my back on him and walked out. Though his gaze felt like it was burning holes in my back, he didn't actually follow, and for that, I was grateful.

When I finally got back to Kellen's apartment, he was sitting on the sofa reading Blake's file. He looked up when I entered, his green eyes concerned.

'Your current case involves your pack?'

I wrinkled my nose. 'It isn't really an official case. My alpha has asked me to investigate several disappearances.'

'Alpha? Don't you mean your grandfather?'

'No. He was challenged and lost.'


He put the file down then held out a hand. I weaved my fingers through his and allowed myself to be pulled onto his lap. His arms circled my waist and his scent wrapped around me, until all I could feel was his warm and steady presence. And it was a somewhat delicious sensation, knowing that this big, strong wolf was mine. That he wanted me, and only me.

If I was a cat, I'd pretty much be purring in contentment right now.

'Your pack has no claim on you once another alpha has claimed you as his own,' he said, 'I can stop him contacting you, if you like.'

I raised my eyebrows. 'You can?'

He brushed my hair to one side, and kissed the nape of my neck. A tremor of desire rolled through me. 'Just say the word, and he is yesterday's news.'

'He's a rather nasty piece of work.'

'So can I be if someone is hassling my woman.'

His woman. I liked the sound of that. Liked it very much.

'That's so very tempting,' I murmured, wriggling closer, enjoying the heat and scent of him as it flowed across my senses. 'But I'd better deal with it myself.'

'The offer remains if you happen to change your mind.' His lips were so close every word felt like a caress against my skin. Desire spread like a wildfire. 'Are you finished for the day?'

I draped my arms loosely around his neck and dropped butterfly kisses on his lips, his nose, and his cheeks. 'I'm yours to do with whatever you wish.'

'Anything?' he said, voice so deep and husky it sent a shiver of delight down my spine.

'Anything at all.'

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