I pushed to my feet. 'If you do think of anything—however small—give me a call.' I gave her a card with my Directorate number on it.

She took it without comment. I headed out, and left her to her tears. But I hoped like hell I never had to confront that sort of pain again, either through work or in my private life.

Once back in the car, I typed 'Nonpareil' into the onboard computer and did a search. The stripper business was located in the old section of North Melbourne, and there were no reports or complaints about it.

I started the car and headed over. To be honest, it probably would have been easier to ring, because I really didn't think these men were connected to the murders, but it was too easy to avoid truths on the phone. And if the strippers had seen anything out of place that night, I wanted to know about it.

Nonpareil was situated on the first floor of a nondescript brick building. It was surrounded by factories that looked to be carrying the grime of centuries on their facades, and the air was thick with the scent of oil, metal, and humans.

Not the prettiest of places to visit, that was for sure.

I pushed open the glass door and stepped inside. There was no sign of the grime here, just plush red carpets, gold handrails, and rich-looking paintings filled with apple-cheeked men and women cavorting around naked. Not what I'd call sexy, but then, I'd never been a fan of Old World style.

I took the stairs two at a time and found myself in a lobby that was all gold drapery and overstuffed, lush- looking furniture. The scent of vanilla and cinnamon teased the air, but entwined in that was the heady scent of man. Or rather, wolf.

This wasn't a human stripper business, as I'd presumed.

He was sitting behind a large mahogany desk down the far end of the room. In the half-light of the lamp-lit room, his golden skin seemed to glow a dark amber, and his brown eyes gleamed with interest.

'Well, hello there,' he rumbled, voice deep and sexy. 'What can we do for you on this fine afternoon?'

Why couldn't the Directorate find secretaries—or liaisons—who looked like this? Damn, he was fine. It was just unfortunate that I wasn't here for fun. I got out my badge and showed it to him. 'I need to speak to someone about a booking.'

'Past booking, I'm gathering?'

'Yes.' I stopped near the desk, my nostrils flaring as his scent teased them. Orange and musk. Nice.

'Then you'll need to speak to the manager, Shadow.'

Amusement ran through me. 'Shadow? Is that his stage name or his real name?'

'Stage. We don't do real names when we're at work. A job like this tends to attract the loons.'

He pressed a button and a door to his right opened. 'Just wait in there. Shadow won't be long.'

'In there' turned out to a small waiting room equipped with several well-padded leather lounges and a coffee machine that had more choices than I'd seen at many cafes. I helped myself to a peppermint mocha and drew the sweet, rich scent into my lungs. Not hazelnut, but almost as good.

Five minutes later, the door at the other end of the room opened, and another wolf stepped in. He was tall and powerfully built, with chiseled features and skin so black it seemed to swallow the warm light whole. And the sheer sexual energy radiating off him had my hormones skipping along in dizzy pleasure.

'Guardian Jenson, I presume,' he said, his voice a low vibration that rumbled pleasantly across my senses.

I stood so suddenly my coffee splashed over my hand. It said a lot about my state of arousal that I barely even noticed it. 'Yes. Sorry to be bothering you at work, but I need to ask you some questions about a past booking.'

'The Callie Harris one, I presume?'

I raised an eyebrow. 'Good guess.'

'I saw the report of her murder in the Herald Sun, and presumed we'd be getting a visit sooner rather than later.' His bright blue gaze flicked down my length, and the heat of it echoed through the fibers of my being. 'I didn't expect our interrogator to be so pleasant on the eye, however.'

I resisted the urge to fan myself, and said, 'What can you tell me about that night?'

He waved a hand toward the seat behind me, 'Please, sit.'

I did, and had the pleasure of watching him walk across the room. He was a big man, but each step was a move of grace and a sense of power restrained. He sat on the chair several feet away, his gaze sliding casually down my body again before rising to meet mine. Lust surged between us, heating the air, sending little beads of perspiration skating across my skin.

He smiled. 'It is a definite pleasure to be dealing with a werewolf for a change. No blushes or uncomfortable exclamations.'

No, just a whole lot of desire that couldn't go anywhere. I was working, not playing. And if I said that often enough, I just might convince my giddy hormones. 'So humans arc the base of your business?'

'Of course. Human sexuality may seem outwardly repressed, but their hungers are as strong as any werewolf's.'

I sipped at the coffee, then said, 'But they are not. Isn't it dangerous? Especially during a full moon?'

'Yes, which is why we also employ vamps and shifters. Werewolves are never booked for the moon phase.'

'Sensible.' Though I'd imagine employing vampires could be just as dangerous. It would only take one to sip more than he needed, and there'd be a whole heap of trouble. Still, I wasn't here to lecture him on his business practices.

'So… Callie Harris's party?'

'Ten strippers, and a two hour contract for sexual services afterward. A good earner.'

'Who studded Callie?'


I couldn't help grinning. 'Are you serious?'

'He's a big boy, you understand.' His voice was solemn, but the twinkle in his eyes belied his seriousness. 'And he has little finesse, but some like it that way. Ms. Harris apparently was one of them.'

'And he hasn't seen her since?'

'There is a no philandering with the customers rule here, Ms. Jenson. It is strictly adhered to.' He hesitated, and I felt the heat of his desire roll over me again. 'You however, are not a customer.'

'No, I'm a guardian on duty. Did any of the men present on the night see or hear anything unusual that you know of?'

The scent and heat of his lust increased, swirling around me, filling my senses with his rich spicy aroma, making the low-down ache even fiercer. Part of me wanted to take what he was offering, enjoy the moment and this big strong wolf, but things weren't that simple anymore. Not with Kellen in my life.

'One of the vamps reported a brief mind touch, but it was gone before he could trace the source. Unfortunately,' he added, before I could say anything, 'he's on vacation for the next two weeks, and isn't available for questioning.'

Conveniently? Or was I just being overly suspicious? Certainly there was nothing in Shadow's words or manner to suggest lies. 'Did he say if it felt more feminine or masculine?'

'Masculine. I did wonder if it was a husband—or husband-to-be—especially after Ms. Harris's murder.'

'So the source of the probe was external?'

'He wasn't entirely sure. As I said, the touch was apparently very brief.'

Which didn't exactly help me decide whether it was important or not. 'Do you know whether Callie Harris was drunk or sober?'

He raised a dark eyebrow. 'That's an unusual question, is it not?'

'Not when I'm trying to find out if her encounter was deliberate or alcohol-induced.'

He smiled. 'It was very deliberate, trust me.'

'Ah.' So Callie's sister had been finding excuses to explain Callie's behavior. I wondered if Callie had used the same excuse with Liam. And whether he'd believed it.

I gulped down the remainder of my coffee, then rose and gave him a card. 'If anyone else remembers anything, please give me a call.'

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