He sighed, and rubbed a hand across his bald head, 'Take Mrs. Jamieson to a safe house and make sure she's comfortable. I'll second liaisons onto watch duty for the two of them until we sort out what's happening.'

I looked at the woman. 'Mrs. Jamieson? Would you like to pack some clothes?'

She nodded, then walked listlessly down the hall. The knowledge that her affair had almost caused her death had taken some of the bravado out of her.

Not that I could muster any sort of pity. Which was probably cold and uncharitable of me, but I couldn't help it. She was the most unlikeable piece of womanhood I'd ever met. She just couldn't stop throwing attitude her husband's way, even though we'd explained that the violence was not his doing. I actually think she would have respected him more if it was.

'What about him?' I pointed at the man sitting on the chair nursing a bandaged hand, and giving me a one- eyed and somewhat baleful glare. Maybe the violence wasn't all the spirit's.

'As long as the wife is out of the way, I don't think he's going to be a danger to anyone.'

Or so he hoped. Me, I wasn't so sure we could be positive about anything right now. Except perhaps that cheating was the key. I stood up. 'Have the magi come up with any suggestions about restraining or killing our dark soul?'

'They're still looking into it. He's not a particularly old spirit, by the way.'

I raised my eyebrows. 'So he's not some ancient evil, then?'

'No. He was human once, I caught that much. And he hates women,' He paused, then shrugged. 'I want your full report on my desk in the morning.'

'Yeah, yeah. But let me get some sleep first.'

'You know, some people speak respectfully to their boss when he gives them an order.'

I grinned. 'If I did that, you'd fall over in shock.'

'Ain't that the truth.' He glanced past me. 'The wife is on the move. Get her out of here, get her safe, then go home.'

I got.

It was a good four hours later by the time I had her tucked safely in one of the Directorate's plusher safe houses and was finally able to go home. The liaison who'd come to take over was a crusty old coot who missed nothing and talked to no one. The perfect choice to mind someone like Mary. She wouldn't sweet talk or bully Marcus into leaving the apartment, no matter what she needed.

I yawned hugely as I got into the car and started it up. Sleep called, but I'd promised to drop by Kellen's place and explain, so that's exactly what I'd do.

I drove through the deserted streets, reaching his apartment half an hour later. After parking behind his Mercedes, I climbed out and looked up. The lights gleaming from the top floor windows suggested he was still awake—not that I'd expected anything less.

He buzzed me in and sent the elevator down. The security door into his apartment was open, but he wasn't waiting. I followed his rich scent through the living room and into the bedroom.

He glanced at me over the top of the book he was reading. 'You look a mess.'

'It's been a bad night at the office.' I stripped off the tattered remains of my dress, then kicked off my shoes and headed for the shower. He didn't follow, didn't join me, and part of me was glad of that. I just needed some quiet time to wash away the feel of evil.

After I'd dried and combed my hair, I walked over to the bed and lay down beside him. He tucked his arm underneath my neck and pulled me closer without ever putting his book down. It was nice, just laying there, snuggled up against him, and I was tempted to let it stretch on. But he deserved the explanation I'd come here to give.

'I'm sorry,' I said. 'I shouldn't have disappeared like that without explaining. But I couldn't risk losing my quarry.'

He sighed, and finally put the book down. 'I could smell the fear on you, Riley. Do you know what it was like for me, knowing you feared whatever it was you were chasing, and yet unable to do one single thing about it?'

'It's my job—'

He turned onto his side, and pulled me closer, so that his warm length pressed against my cooler flesh. It felt good. Natural and safe and right, somehow.

Right in a totally different way to how Quinn had felt right.

Which didn't really make all that much sense.

'I'm an alpha,' he said. 'It's an alpha's duty to protect his pack. You, my frustrating, annoying, and somewhat daft woman, are considered part of that pack for as long as we are together.'

I smiled and raised a hand, gently touching his cheek. 'This evil was something you couldn't protect me from.'

'Which doesn't negate my need to try.' He took my hand and kissed my fingertips one by one. Warmth shivered up my arm and desire unfurled.

'I have warned you that my being called out on a job might happen at the most inconvenient times.' I raised my free hand and lightly traced my fingertips along his side to his hips, then let them drop, lightly caressing the thickness of his erection.

'And I warned you that one day I will ask you to leave said job.'

My hand stilled as I raised my gaze to his. 'I can't leave yet. Not in the middle of a case, and not until we know the results of the drug I was given.'

'I know, and I'm not asking you to do that now. But I do want you to make a decision.'

I resumed my caressing, enjoying the way his flesh throbbed and jumped under my touch. 'I know. And I promise, I'll make it soon.'

He touched a finger to my chin and guided my gaze back to his. 'How soon? As I've already warned, I'm an impatient man.'

My gaze searched his, seeing the desire deep in those green depths. Seeing the emotion. Part of me ached to say yes, to commit to this big strong wolf and take the time to explore whether or not he truly was the one.

But I just couldn't. Not yet. I didn't believe in breaking promises, and if! committed, I would mean it.

Yet I was in the type of job where commitment and fidelity didn't matter one iota. Where the only thing that did matter was getting your man and bringing him down any damn way possible.

And sometimes, that included sex.

I might be a strong psychic, I might be able to make some people believe whatever I wanted them to believe—including the fact that they'd just had incredible sex with me when the only thing I'd been fucking was their minds—but there was no escaping the fact that, sometimes, real sex would be involved.

And that I would more than likely enjoy it.

Truth was, I couldn't commit to Kellen and do my job successfully. I might not have wanted this job originally, but I was stuck with it now. Besides, part of me really did enjoy the thrill of it. A hunter hunts, and there was no longer denying I was very much a hunter.

Yet how much longer could I put Kellen off? How much longer did I want to put him off? My dreams were right here for the taking, if I had the courage.

But after everything that had happened over the last few years, my courage when it came to emotional matters was extremely low. And part of me didn't want to take that final step just in case fate leapt out and crushed me again.

'Answer me, Riley,' he demanded.

Oh God, oh God.

I closed my eyes, took a breath. Found courage where none existed. 'Give me a week. I need to concentrate on this case first, then I'll give you an answer.'

Okay, so it wasn't a whole lot of courage I found. And while it wasn't the answer he wanted, it wasn't a denial, either. A week gave me time to think. Time to panic.

Time to find said courage and commit.

'It had better be the right answer.'

I turned onto my side, then leaned forward and kissed him. It was a sweet kiss, a gentle kiss. A kiss that hinted at possibilities. 'I think it could be.'

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