“If we accept, will you come with us?”

“We? The Angel, Gressel? Why do you even suggest such a thing?”

“Because you are one reason for our survival. We need you. Even without a pooling of minds, a team of Stellar Group members is stronger than any individual species.”

“But there is danger on Limbo. We avoid danger.”

“So do we. For us, you are part of that avoidance. You speak of civilized peoples. Does a civilized being consider its own survival more important than the survival of other intelligent beings?’

“It should not.”

“Then if we return to Limbo, will you come with us?”

Gressel gave a very human sigh. “For us to entertain such a suggestion should itself be unthinkable. Look homeward, Angel. We ought to return at once to Sellora. However, we suspect that human insanity may be contagious.”

The Angel turned to Bony. “Allow us to use your communications system. Where ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise. We are ready to begin.”

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