She wanted Robby.

With a sigh, she sat up. She couldn’t call it love. She’d only known the man a few days. She couldn’t fall in love that fast, could she?

Why not? An inner voice chided her. Robby MacKay was a gorgeous, sexy, fascinating man. And he wants you. She’d have to be made out of stone not to react to that.

But what if she was simply reacting to his desire? Or maybe she was fascinated with him because she couldn’t read him. With a groan, she headed to the bathroom. She was overanalyzing again.

Hopefully, her grandmother was no longer angry with her. Last night, after she ’d climbed the stairs to the courtyard, Eleni had given her a stern look.

“Decent people should be in bed by now,” she’d huffed. Then she’d tramped inside the house to her bedroom.

Olivia ventured into the kitchen. Her grandmother was sitting at the table, nibbling on bread, olives, and feta cheese. There was an aura of concern and worry, but no anger that Olivia could detect.

Eleni stood with a smile. “Sit down and eat, child. I’ll fix you a cup of tea.”

“Thanks.” Olivia sawed off a piece of bread, then reached for the pot of honey.

“I went to the bakery early this morning and asked if anyone knew about a house owned by a foreigner on the other side of Petra.”

Olivia frowned as she drizzled honey on her bread. “You’re checking up on Robby?”

“Of course.” Eleni plunked a cup of tea in front of her. “Don’t you think you should know something about the man you’re kissing?”

“I know a lot about him.”

“You know his address?”

Olivia bit off a hunk of bread to keep from having to answer.

“I take that as a no.” Eleni sat across from her.

“I know important things about him.”

“Like how much he has in his checking account?” Her grandmother popped a morsel of feta cheese in her mouth.

Olivia snorted. “He’s employed. And he’s a sweet, considerate man.”

“He was groping you like a…a squid with suction cups attached to your rump.”

Olivia laughed.

Eleni huffed. “I wasn’t making a joke, young lady. You barely know the man, but you were…I hope you don’t make a habit of behaving like that.”

“I don’t. Believe me. I…I don’t know how it happened. I’ve never gotten so carried away before.”

Eleni’s eyes softened. Obviously, she could tell her granddaughter was telling the truth. “Are you in love with him?”

Olivia took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “I don’t know. I feel very strongly for him, but as a psychologist, I have serious doubts a person can actually fall in love this quickly.”

Eleni waved a hand in dismissal. “It’s not science. It’s love.”

“There’s a certain amount of science involved,” Olivia protested. “Chemistry, hormones, pheromones—”

“And how are your hormones reacting?”

Olivia winced. “Off the charts.”

“And the chemistry?”

“Highly combustible. We could provide electricity for half the United States.”

Eleni nodded knowingly. “You’re falling in love.”

“It’s too fast.”

“Then slow it down.”

“We’re leaving for Houston in two weeks.” Olivia drank some hot tea.

“That’s plenty of time. Besides, he can come to Houston, too. He’ll need to if he’s going to ask permission to marry you.”

Olivia spewed some tea on the table. “Who said anything about marriage?” She grabbed a napkin to wipe up the mess.

Her grandmother narrowed her eyes. “Surely you’re not intending to live in carnal sin?”

“I just met the man.”

“You looked well acquainted with him last night.”

Olivia ate some more bread. “I am…extremely attracted to him. But I still can’t read his emotions, so I don’t know how he feels about me.”

“Child, he was mauling you like a bear. We can safely assume he’s attracted to you.”

“That doesn’t mean he wants to marry me.”

“If he wants to climb the honey tree, he’ll have to.”

Olivia shook her head, smiling. “You make him sound like Pooh Bear.”

“Hmm. I hope he’s more intelligent than that.” Eleni motioned toward the fridge. “He forgot his plate of food.”

“I’ll give it to him tonight.”

“We can take it to him right now.” Eleni stood and started clearing off the table. “I found out at the bakery which house he’s staying at.”

“What else did you find out?”

Eleni placed the cheese and olives in the fridge. “The house is owned by a rich American family, the Draganestis, and they have lots of friends who come and go. No one has seen much of your Robby, but they all know a man named Carlos who is also living there. Now, go on and get dressed, so we can go.”

Thirty minutes later Olivia was dressed in jeans and her nicest cashmere sweater and knocking on the door of an elegant villa. Pots of overflowing geraniums flanked the rough, antique wooden door. The house was dazzling bright in the morning sunshine, with a fresh coat of whitewash. The tiled roof looked new, as well as the stone-paved driveway.

Eleni had insisted on coming as a chaperone. She was wearing one of her best black dresses, and she clutched a canvas tote bag filled with foil-wrapped food.

The door cracked, and a young man peered out at them. He flashed a smile as if he recognized them, then opened the door wider and leaned his long, slim body against the door frame.

“Good morning.” Olivia suspected this was Carlos. “We’re here to see Robby MacKay.”

He nodded. “You must be Olivia and Eleni Sotiris.”

Olivia detected a slight accent. “Yes, we are. Robby told you about us?”

His grin widened, showing off very white teeth. “Menina, everyone on the island knows about you.”

Menina. Not quite Spanish, but close. “You’re…Portuguese?”

“Brazilian. From Rio.” He winked. “If you ever want to samba, I’m your man.”

“Ah. I’ll keep that in mind.”

He sniffed, and his gaze shifted to Eleni’s tote bag. “Is that lamb? It smells delicious.”

“It is delicious,” Eleni announced. “My granddaughter is an excellent cook.”

“Excellent timing. I’m starving.” The man stepped back and motioned for them to enter. “Please come in.”

“Thank you.” Olivia stepped into a narrow foyer, followed by her grandmother. She noted a large icon of the Apostle John, patron saint of Patmos, on the wall. “Are you on vacation, Mister…?”

“Panterra. But call me Carlos. And no.” He led them into a large family room. “I’m working here like Robby.”

Olivia glanced around the empty room. “Where is Robby?”

“He’s not available right now. He…had to go to Horos on business.”

It was a lie. Olivia stiffened and glanced at her grandmother. By the look on Yia Yia’s face, she’d caught it, too. “When do you expect him back?”

“This evening. Sometime after sunset.”

That was the truth. Olivia wondered what Robby was doing that took all day. The family room was tastefully furnished, but not filled with expensive artwork or anything else that warranted extra security. “You work for the same company as Robby? MacKay Security and Investigation?”

“Yes. Are you investigating us, Olivia?” He looked back, his amber eyes twinkling.

“I was just hoping to see Robby.”

“Believe me, menina. He will be very sorry he missed you.” Carlos escorted them into a roomy country kitchen, decorated in blue and yellow.

Eleni plunked the tote bag on the kitchen table, then began removing foiled-wrapped packages. “These should go in the refrigerator, and when you’re ready to eat, you should heat it up properly in the oven.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Carlos bowed his head, and his long black hair fell forward, obscuring his face. “We will follow your instructions exactly.”

“Hmm.” Eleni leaned close to her granddaughter and muttered, “I’ve never seen so many security guards in need of a decent haircut.”

Olivia winced, but Carlos simply chuckled and hooked his black shoulder-length hair behind his ears. A gold stud gleamed in each earlobe.

He picked up the food packages and began stashing them in the fridge. “Is there a message you’d like me to pass on to Robby?”

“Not really.” Olivia grabbed the empty tote bag. “I’ll come back this evening.”

“Good.” Carlos smiled as he closed the refrigerator door.

Olivia could sense a great deal of amusement coming from him, but there was something more. Excitement. Anticipation. And underlying it all, a hint of deception.

She and her grandmother left and headed back home. Eleni was unusually quiet as they walked, and Olivia felt an aura of concern radiating from her.

“Are you tired, Yia Yia? I could call a cab.”

She shook her head. “I walk like this every day. It’s good for me.” She grew silent again, frowning at the road.

“It’s a shame we missed Robby,” Olivia murmured. “Does it seem strange to you that there are two security men at that house? I didn’t see anything that needed protecting.”

“Carlos lied about Robby,” Eleni said.

“I know.” What was Robby doing that needed to be kept secret?

“There’s something strange about that Carlos,” Eleni whispered. “But I can’t figure out what it is.”

“I’ll go back tonight and get some answers.”

Eleni cast her a worried look. “Are you sure it’s safe?”

Olivia patted her on the back. “I’m fully trained in self-defense. I can take care of myself.”

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