Isobel tugged one of the peeling boards. 'Help me,' she said. He stood beside her, wedged his fingers into the narrow gap between one board and the next, and pulled. Once, twice, and a four-foot section of board came off, reeling him backward. She plunged her hands into the narrow slice of darkness. There was something odd about it, a space where there shouldn't have been any more than a few inches to the interior lathing, but before he could get close enough to study it, she hauled out the biggest, ugliest pistol he had ever seen and thrust its butt end toward him.
He dropped it. 'De que joder!'
She was still digging around inside the gap. He stared at the gun, horrified. She dragged something else from the interior and turned toward him. She had a hard-covered writing tablet in one hand and a cell phone in the other. She followed his gaze to the gun. Her eyes widened. Whatever she said was unintelligible to him, but he got the gist of it. He grabbed the thing awkwardly, trying not to touch the trigger, the barrel, or the grip. He wound up pinching it between two white-jointed, sweat-slick fingers, as if he were holding a dead rat that weighed eight pounds. He eased the gun into the sack. He had no idea if it was ready to fire or not. He didn't even know how to check to see if it was loaded.
She dropped the notebook on the grass. Considered the sleek, flat cell phone in the other. Finally, she shoved it into her jeans pocket. Reaching back inside the space, she emerged with a large padded envelope, the kind of thing used to post books or small presents. She pressed against the sides, popping the top open and tipped it upside down over the paper bag. With a mixture of fascination and repulsion, he watched as brick after brick of American cash thudded into the sack.
She bent down, retrieved the writing tablet, and stuffed it into the mailer. She put it back into her hiding space. Picked up the board and fitted it over the gap. Wedged it back into place.
The sack was still dangling, open, from his nerveless fingers. Isobel took it and rolled its edges down until it resembled an oversized lunch bag. She held it out to him. 'Hide,' she said.
God almighty above. He looked at the unremarkable brown paper sack in his hand. Looked at her face, full of desperation and fear and hope. 'Isobel,' he said. He cradled her cheek in one hand. How could he ask her what he wanted to know?
'Amado.' Only a whisper between them. Then she stepped toward him and not even that remained. Slowly, shyly, she wrapped her arms around him. He dropped the sack. Cupped her face in both hands.
He didn't know what made him tear his eyes away from her, toward the woods at the other end of the pasture. An instinct for self-preservation forged during two illegal crossings, maybe. Whatever it was, he looked-and saw a burly, blond Anglo framed in the footpath's opening. Even from that distance, he could tell the man was related to Isobel.
Isobel whirled. Inhaled. Turned to him. 'Go,' she said.
He shook his head. He wasn't about to leave her to face her family alone. 'No. You come.'
'Please! Go! Vamanose!' She glanced back over her shoulder. Said something fast and full of despair. She pushed at him. 'Please, Amado, please. Go. No come back. I okay.'
She dragged him around the corner of the barn, out of sight of the approaching man, and pinned him in place with her body. 'You no come back! I okay. He-' She struggled to find a word, then sliced her finger across her throat. Then she leaped over all those high bars and good reasons keeping them apart as easily as she jumped from the haymow and kissed him.
Time stopped in an endless moment of soft and wet and the taste of coffee and corn chips. His breath caught and his eyes fluttered shut, and then she pulled away and shoved him toward the woods. He tucked the sack under his arm and ran, his mind fogged, until the thrash of branches and the sawing of his own breath alerted him to the fact that a blind man could follow the noisy trail he was making. He stopped, chest heaving. Wait. He had to make sure she was all right.
He doubled back toward the barn, slipping between hemlocks and birch trees. He stayed low, sticking to shadows and scrub brush. He spotted a deadfall pine, moldering into the forest floor, and he dropped belly-down next to it.
He could hear them, faintly, the big man bellowing and Isobel yelling. He was demanding, she was defying-that Amado got from the pitch of their voices. Then-
'Amado!' He skidded to a stop. She wasn't calling his name. She was… naming him. He moved closer, tree to tree to tree. He could hear her, sobbing. 'Amado, okay?' she said. Then more-between the weeping and the English, he couldn't make it out-but he heard her say 'McGeochs' clear enough.
His fingers curled around the butt of the gun. Through the leaves, he could make out the top half of the barn. He dropped the sack and fell to his stomach again, crawling through the underbrush until he could see.
Isobel was curled on the ground, trapped between the barn and the big man. She had both arms wrapped around her in futile protection. She shook with sobs. Her lip was bleeding. Amado brought the gun up and sighted it. The bastard's back was wide enough; even an inexperienced shot couldn't miss.
Then Isobel's attacker bent over and scooped her up. He cradled her tenderly, making soothing noises, stroking her back and hair. She clung to the monster, still weeping, and buried her face in his shoulder.
Amado lowered the gun. He turned away, fighting to keep his gorge down. He knew what that was. He had seen it before. There were a few women in his village whose husbands would beat them Saturday night and woo them Sunday morning. But he was sure Isobel was unmarried. A brother, then? Or an uncle? He stared at the gun in his hand, heavy and unfamiliar, and almost dropped it again. Sweet mother of Christ. Had the bearded giant been hitting Isobel because he had seen her with a dark-skinned man? Or because
The first person Kevin ran into as he snuck into the station that afternoon was the deputy chief. 'What the hell are you doin' here?' MacAuley asked.
'Uh… I wanted to get in a little early for my shift.'
'An hour early? Damn, boy, your hair's still wet.'
'I showered at the gym. I was working out.'
MacAuley's caterpillar eyebrows went up. 'You. Were working out.' He thwacked Kevin on the chest with a manila folder. 'I thought you were more into pickup basketball games.'
Kevin shrugged.
MacAuley shook his head and looked upward, to where acoustic tiles covered the hallway's original plaster ceiling. 'God help us all,' he said. He thumbed toward the briefing room. 'May as well get back there. You can tell the chief about your stop last night.'
'My what?'
MacAuley looked at him impatiently. 'You stopped to pick up Knox, right? Ran plates on a Hummer driven by a guy with tattoos? A corpse cake turned up this morning in the woods off of Lick Springs Road. Matching marks on his hands. La-ti-no.' He rolled his eyes. 'Not PC to say