“It’s complicated. Have you got a half hour?” They stepped out of the elevator into the first-floor admissions area. Before he could answer, she went on, “Short version is, the surviving child of that family is one of my congregation. And a hefty sum of her mother’s money-the mother who lost the other four children to diphtheria- used to go to support the clinic and now is going to go to St. Alban’s. I’ve been digging out bits and pieces of the Ketchems’ family story ever since I learned we were going to be recipients of their money. If he was their physician, your grandfather’s journals might be the only contemporary eyewitness account of what happened.”
“That’s the short version?”
“I told you it was complicated.” She pressed her hand against her chest, not so subtly highlighting her clerical collar. “I promise I’ll be very careful with them. I know how to work with old and valuable books.” She had researched original sources occasionally in the seminary. Of course, that had been under the direct supervision of the rare-collections librarian, a man who had been known to turn the pages for seminarians whose skin-oil level he found fault with.
Dr. Stillman was waving his hand, demurring. “It’s not that they’re really old and valuable,” he said.
“They are to you.”
He looked at her. “Okay.”
“Okay, you can borrow them. The volumes you need.” He glanced at his watch. “I’ve got another half hour before I’m done with rounds. How ’bout I meet you at my office after that? It’s right next door, in Medical Building A.”
“You keep them in your office?”
“I’ve got two teenagers and a back-to-the-nester in my house,” he said, looking pained. “I keep everything I don’t want torn apart in my office.”
Clare had time to swing over to St. Alban’s, collect her messages, and get back to a few people before heading out to Dr. Stillman’s office, Lois’s admonition to “return that man’s phone call!” ringing in her ears. Hugh Parteger had called again. Clare couldn’t help but think that if he phoned her in the evening, from his apartment, instead of using the company line at his office, he’d be more likely to reach her.
Medical Buildings A, B, and C were as unique and graceful as their names promised. Large concrete shoeboxes two stories high, they housed most of the specialists who practiced at the Washington County Hospital. Stillman shared a receptionist and waiting room with three other doctors, and when Clare gave her name to the woman behind the glass divider, she was told to go right on in.
“You found me,” Dr. Stillman said, rising from his desk.
“Well, you know. Medical Building A stands out. I hear it’s the status address in town.”
He laughed. “These places went up in the early sixties. I think it was one of those projects designed to wow the public with the creative uses of concrete.” He stepped over to one of the bookcases lining three walls and ran his hand along a shelf of identical leather-bound books, untitled. “According to my grandfather, the land we’re sitting on was the hospital farm in the thirties and forties. It supplied milk and fresh produce for the kitchens.” He grinned. “The cafeteria would probably be a long sight better if they had kept it going.”
“Are these the diaries?”
He pulled one off the shelf and handed it to her. AMSTERDAM STATIONERY SUPPLIES DIARY 1939 was stamped on the cover in gold. “They were freebies,” Stillman said. “Grandfather got all his writing paper and ledgers and whatnot from them, and they threw in the diary every year as a thank-you.”
“Like the old advertising calendars.”
“Yes.” He looked at the shelf again. “What years were you interested in?”
“Nineteen twenty-four. Probably ought to include 1923 as well.” He removed two volumes and she swapped them for the 1939 diary. “And could I also look at 1930, too?” Maybe old Dr. Stillman had had something to say about Jonathon Ketchem’s disappearance.
Stillman handed her a third book. “You know,” she said, tucking them into the crook of her arm, “you should make some provision to leave these to the historical society. In case you don’t get a chance to publish them.”
“You’re right,” he said. “I shudder to think what might happen to them if my kids get their hands on them. My oldest is a so-called artist. She’d probably tear the pages out to use in one of her collages.”
Clare thanked him and promised again to take good care of his grandfather’s work. On her way back to St. Alban’s for the five o’clock evening prayer, she dropped the three volumes at her house. She resisted the temptation to take a quick peek, knowing that if she did so, she’d wind up reading and probably be late for the service.
Evening prayer had a whopping seven attendees, but they were evidently as eager to get home as Clare, and after she concluded the service with a verse from Ephesians, they all scattered, and she was back in the rectory by dinnertime.
She figured that the rare-collections librarian would never have approved reading the diaries while scarfing down pasta, so she plunked her plate in front of the tube and ate with Jim Lehrer, who was never put off from discussing the day’s events by the sight of her chewing rigatoni.
After she had washed up, she started a fire, stretched out on the sofa, and began reading.
Mar. 6th. V. Rainy & cold. Called to Mrs. B.G.’s house for delivery, got stuck in the mud as their creek had risen & had to walk the last mile. Mr. G. took his team & rescued my automobile. Mrs. G delivered of a boy, 6 lbs 5 oz at 6:00 pm, good color & sound lungs. Home early for supper-Hard rolls & sausages, chocolate cake.
Mar. 7th. Rainy & cold. Newspaper this morning filled with tales of flooding along the Sacandaga & the Hudson. I have observed much the same in my travels. Garaged the automobile & took the buggy to-day. In surgery: Saw Thomas F. for stitches, clean & debrided. Mrs. James McC. for removal of goiter, 12 oz & v. complete. Ralph Y., ag’d 4 for trench foot, powdered w/ alum & instructed Mrs. Y. to keep him out of water 1 week. Called to H. McAlistair’s house, twins, ag’d 13. Inflammation of throat, croupal cough, fever & difficulty breathing. Dx croup, Rx tincture of Aconite 1 tX20 minutes.
Mar. 8th. Clearing, cold. Called v. early to DeGroot house in the valley to see Jan DeG., ag’d 13. Sore throat & fever over the night, frequent urination & many bowel movements. Upon examination, white pseudomembrane. Dx diphtheria. Suggested hiring nurse, Rx gargle of potassium chlorate & saline drops. Lengthy talk w/ Mr. DeG., who resists idea of serum anti-toxin. V. disturbed to hear Mr. DeG. had several friends & neighbors to call Thursday, when his brother returned from Amsterdam. One family- McAlistairs. Strongly suggested he notify those attending the party of J’s Dx. Promised to return to-morrow. Called again on MacAs, advised that catarrh may be diphtheria. Mrs. McA. more forward in her thinking & most eager to obtain serum for her twins. Returned to surgery, brought serum to McA. twins. Home v. late.
Mar. 9th. Clear & warming. Excellent sermon to-day by Dr. Lee on the evils of rum smuggling, which is much in the news for our area-compared those who “wink” the eye at it to the Citizens of Sodom who allowed vice to flourish. Dinner after w/ Mr. & Mrs. Collins, v. good crown roast & bread pudding. Called after on DeG. house, J. much worse, w/ foul-smelling white exudate & much coughing & sweating. Argued for using serum to Mr. DeG., who is much afraid of harming the boy w/ its use. Dx potassium chlorate as before, alternating w/ echinacea 1d/4 oz water. Called on McA. twins, breathing much better, throats continue v. inflamed. Rx gargle of potassium chlorate 1d, hydrastine 5 grains, water 4 oz.
Mar. 10th. Clear & cool, brisk winds. Roads still muddy & waterways overfull, so continued w/ buggy to-day. Much more secure in bad conditions, but I miss the speed of my automobile, as to-day had many calls. To Beermans’ in the valley, neighbors of DeG., where Mrs. B. showing Sx of white diphtheria. Discussed use of serum. She was much concerned of vaccination-syphilis. I assured her all my anti-toxin was approved by the State & that each inoculation was sterile/ boiling needles, etc. After much debate she declined, feeling as an adult she was in less danger than a child. Rx potassium chlorate & echinacea gargle, w/ saline drops. Called on Jan DeG. Pseudomembrane sloughing off w/ much coughing, secretions. Throat v. sore, appetite nil. Rx steaming, nitrate of sanguinary 2x or 3x every hour, cold pack for throat. Called on McAs, twins showing much improvement. Rx continue palliative care for throats. Back to surgery, telephoned Dr. Whittinger in Ft. Henry, who confirmed four cases diphtheria under his care. We agreed to notify the State BOH & to request additional supplies of anti-toxin. Held surgery: McGeough boy sprained wrist. Mrs. S.H. (again!) whose many symptoms I trace to a lack of useful employment of her hours & an inattentive husband.