'That wasn't the information operator,' Wohl said, as he dialed the telephone. 'I was talking to the detective on duty in Intelligence. The phone company won't pass out numbers.'

There was the faint sound of a telephone ringing.

'Mr. Arthur J. Nelson, please,' he said. 'This is Inspector Peter Wohl of the Philadelphia Police Department. '

Neither Louise nor her father could hear both sides of the conversation, but it was evident that the call was not going well. The proof came when Peter exhaled audibly and shook his head after he hung up.

'Arthur was being his usual, obnoxious self, I gather?' Wells asked.

'He wanted to know precisely where the car was found, where it is. I told him I didn't know. He made it plain he didn't believe me. I was on the verge of telling him that if I knew, I wouldn't tell him. I don't want a dozen members of the goddamned press mucking around by the car until the lab people are through with it.'

'Thank you very much, you goddamned policeman,' Louise said.

'You're welcome,' Peter said, and Wells laughed.

'Goddamnyou, Peter!'

'I didn't teach her to swear like that,' Wells said. 'She learn that from you?'

'I'd hate to tell you what she said to Lieutenant DelRaye,' Peter said.

'I know what she said,' Wells said. 'If she was a little younger, I'd wash her mouth out with soap.

'I may get to that,' Peter said.

'What the hell is it with you two?' Louise demanded. 'A mutualadmiration society? A mutual-male- chauvinist-admiration society?'

'Could be,' Wells said. 'I don't know how he feels about me, baby, but I like Peter very much.'

Louise saw happiness and perhaps relief in Peter's eyes. Their eyes met for a moment.

'Then can I have him, Daddy?' Louise said, in a credible mimicry of a small girl's voice. 'I promise to feed him, and housebreak him, and walk him, and all that stuff. Please, Daddy?'

Wohl chuckled. Wells grew serious.

'I think he'd have even more trouble housebreaking you than you would him,' he said. 'You come from very different kennels. My unsolicited advice-to both of you-is to take full advantage of the trial period.'

'I thought you said you liked him,' Louise said, trying, and not quite succeeding, to sound light and bright.

'I do. But you were talking about marriage, and I think that would be a lousy idea.'

'But if we love each other?' Louise asked, now almost plaintively.

'I have long believed that if it were as difficult to get married as it is to get divorced, society would be a hell of a lot better off,' Wells said.

'You're speaking from personal experience, no doubt?' Louise flared,

'Cheap shot, baby,' Wells said, getting up. 'I've had a long day. I'm going to bed. I'll see you tomorrow before I go.'

'Don't go, Daddy,' Louise said. 'I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said.'

'Sure, you did. And I don't blame you. But just for the record, if I had married your mother, that would have been even a greater mistake than marrying the one I did. I don't expect you to pay a bit of attention to what I've said, but I felt obliged to say it anyway.'

He crossed the room to Peter Wohl and put out his hand.

'It was good to meet you, Peter,' he said. 'And I meant what I said, I do like you. Having said that, be warned that I'm going to do everything I can to keep her from marrying you.'

'Fair enough,' Peter said.

'You understand why, I think,' Wells said.

'Yes, sir,' Peter said. 'I think I do.'

'And you think I'm wrong?'

'I don't know, Mr. Wells,' Peter Wohl said.

Wells snorted, looked into Wohl's eyes for a moment, and then turned to his daughter.

'Breakfast? Could you come to the Warwick at say, nine?'

'No,' she said.

'Come on, baby,' he said.

'I have a busy schedule tomorrow,' she said. 'I begin the day at eight by looking at a severed head, and then at ten, I have to go to a funeral. It would have to be in the afternoon. Can you stay that long?'

'I'll stay as long as necessary,' he said. 'We are going to have a very serious conversation, baby, you and I.'

'Can I drop you at your hotel, Mr. Wells?' Peter asked. 'It's on my way.'

'Come on, Peter,' Wells said. 'Don't ruin a fine first impression by being a hypocrite now. Anyway, there's a limo waiting for me.'

He kissed Louise's cheek, waved at Wohl, and walked out of the apartment.


Arthur J. Nelson did not like pills. There were several reasons for this, starting with a gut feeling that there was something basically wrong with chemically fooling around with the natural functions of the body, but primarily it was because he had seen what pills had done to his wife.

Sally was always bitching about his drinking, and maybe there was a little something to that; maybe every once in a while he did take a couple of belts that he really didn't need; but the truth was that, so far as intoxication was concerned, she had been floating around on a chemical cloud for years.

It had been going on for years. Sally had been nervous when he married her, and once a month, before that time of the month, she had been like a coiled spring, just waiting for a small excuse to blow up. She'd started taking pills then, a little something to help her cope. That had worked, and when she'd gotten pregnant, the need for them had seemed to pass.

But even before she'd had Jerome, she'd started on pills again, to calm her down. Tranquilizers, they called them. Then, after Jerome was born, when he was still a baby, she'd kept taking them whenever, as she put it, things just'made her want to scream.'

She hadn't taken them steadily then, just when there was some kind of stress. Over the years, it had just slipped up on her. There seemed to be more and more stress, which she coped with by popping a couple of whatever the latest miracle of medicine was.

In the last five years, it had really gotten worse. Jerome had had a lot to do with that. It had been bad when he was still living at home, and had grown worse when he'd moved out. It had gotten so bad that he' d finally put her in Menninger's, where they put a name to it, ' chemical dependency,' and had weaned her from what she was taking and put her on something else, which was supposed to be harmless.

Maybe it was, but Sally hadn't given it a real try. The minute she got back to Philadelphia, she'd changed doctors again, finding a new one who would prescribe whatever she had been taking in the first place that helped her cope. The real result of her five months in Menninger's was that she was now on two kinds of pills, instead of just one.

Now, probably, three kinds of pills. What she had been taking, plus a new bottle of tiny oblong blue ones provided by the doctors when she'd gone over the edge when he'd had to tell her what happened to Jerome.

They would, the doctor said, help her cope. And the doctor added, it would probably be a good idea if Arthur Nelson took a couple of them before going to bed. It would help him sleep.

No fucking way. He had no intention of turning himself into a zombie, walking around in a daze smiling at nothing. Not so long as there was liquor, specifically cognac. Booze might be bad for you, but all it left you with was a hangover in the morning. And he had read somewhere that cognac was different from say, scotch. They made scotch from grain, and cognac was made from wine. It was different chemically, and it understandably affected people differently than whiskey did.

Arthur J. Nelson had come to believe that if he didn't make a pig of himself, if he didn't gulp it down, if he just

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