Chief Inspector Lowenstein, a stocky, barrel-chested man of fiftyfive, examined the half inch ash on his six- inch-long light greenVilla de Cuba 'Monarch' for a moment, then chuckled.
'He does,' Lowenstein said, 'if you think about it, he does.'
'That's hardly justification for not giving Sabara the Highway Patrol,' Deputy Commissioner Wilson said, somewhat prissily.
'Youtell the dago that, Harry,' Lowenstein replied.
Deputy Commissioner Wilson glowered at Lowenstein, but didn't reply. He had long ago learned that the best thing for him to say when he was angry was nothing.
And he realized that he was annoyed, on the edge of anger, now. He was annoyed that he had gotten hung up in traffic and had arrived at the meeting late. He prided himself on being punctual, and when, as he expected to do, he became Police Commissioner himself, he intended to instill in the entire department a more acute awareness of the importance of time, which he believed was essential to efficiency and discipline, than it had now.
He was annoyed that when he had walked into the meeting, the only seat remaining at the long conference table in the Commissioner's Conference Room was beside Chief Inspector Lowenstein, which meant that he would have to inhale the noxious fumes from Lowenstein's cigar for however long the meeting lasted.
He was annoyed at Chief Inspector Lowenstein's reference to the mayor of the City of Philadelphia, the Honorable Jerry Carlucci, as 'the dago,' and even more annoyed with Commissioner Czernick for not correcting him for doing so, and sharply, on the spot.
So far as Deputy Commissioner Wilson was concerned, it was totally irrelevant that Mayor Carlucci and Chief Lowenstein were lifelong friends, going back to their service as young patrolmen in the Highway Patrol; or that the mayor very often greeted Chief Lowenstein in similarly distasteful terms. ('How's it going, Jew boy?') The mayor was the mayor, and senior officials subordinate to him were obliged to pay him the respect appropriate to his position.
Deputy Commissioner Wilson was also annoyed with the mayor. There was a chain-of-command structure in place, a standing operating procedure. When it became necessary to appoint a senior police officer to fill a specific position, the Deputy Commissioner for Administration, after considering the recommendations made to him by appropriate personnel, and after personally reviewing the records of the individuals involved, was charged with furnishing the Commissioner the names, numerically ranked, of the three best qualified officers for the position in question. Then, in consultation with the Deputy Commissioner for Administration, the Commissioner would make his choice.
Deputy Commissioner for Administration Wilson had not yet completed his review of the records of those eligible, and recommended for, appointment as Commanding Officer, Highway Patrol. Even granting that the mayor, as chief executive officer of the City of Philadelphia, might have the right to enter the process, voicing his opinion, doing so interfered with both the smooth administration of Police Department personnel policy, and was certain to affect morale adversely.
It had to do with Mayor Carlucci's mind-set, Deputy Commissioner Wilson believed. It was not that the mayor thought of himself as a retired policeman. Mayor Carlucci thought of himself as a cop who happened to be mayor. And even worse than that, Mayor Carlucci, who had once been Captain Carlucci, Commanding Officer, Highway Patrol, thought of himself as a Highway Patrolman who also happened to be mayor.
The mayoral Cadillac limousine, in previous administrations chauffeured by a plainclothes police officer, was now driven by a uniformed Highway Patrol sergeant. It was equipped with shortwave radios tuned to the Highway Patrol and Detective bands, and the mayoral limousine was famous, or perhaps infamous, for rolling on calls the mayor found interesting.
Police Radio would, in Deputy Commissioner Wilson's judgment, far too often announce that there was arobbery in progress, orofficer needs assistance, orman with a gun, shots fired, only to have the second or third reply-sometimes the first-be 'M-Mary One in on the shots fired,' from the mayoral Cadillac limousine, by then already racing down Lancaster Avenue or South Broad Street or the Schuylkill Expressway with the siren whooping and red lights flashing.
Deputy Commissioner Wilson was not really sure in his own mind why the mayor behaved this way, whether it was because, as the mayor himself had said, he was unable to dilute his policeman's blood to the point where he couldnot respond to anofficer needs assistance call, or whether it was calculated, on purpose. The mayor very often got his picture in the newspapers, and his image on the television, at one crime scene or another, often standing with his hands on his hips, pushing back his suit jacket so that the butt of his Smith amp; WessonChiefs Special.38 -caliber snub-nosed revolver could be seen.
Commissioner Wilson was very much aware that one did not become mayor of the nation's fourth largest city if one was either stupid, childish, or unaware of the importance of public relations and publicity. There were a lot of voters who liked the idea of having their mayor rush to the scene of a crime wearing a gun.
'I think it probably has to do with theLedger editorial last Sunday,' Commissioner Czernick said now.
This produced a chorus of grunts, and several mildly profane expressions. Following a Highway Patrol shooting, in which two North Philadelphia youths, interrupted while they were holding up a convenience store, were killed, one of them having six wounds in his body, theLedger published an indignant editorial, under the headline,
It was not the first time theLedger had referred to the highly polished motorcyclist's black leather boots worn by police officers assigned to Highway Patrol as Gestapo Jackboots.
'Has he got someone in mind?' Chief Inspector Dennis V. Coughlin asked.
Coughlin looked not unlike Commissioner Czernick. He was tall, and large boned, and had all his teeth and all his curly hair, now silver. He was one of eleven Chief Inspectors of the Police Department of the City of Philadelphia. Butit could be argued that he was first among equals. Under his command, among others, were the Narcotics Unit, the Vice Unit, the Internal Affairs Division, the Staff Investigation Unit, and the Organized Crime Intelligence Unit.
The other ten Chief Inspectors reported to either the Deputy Commissioner (Operations) or the Deputy Commissioner (Administration), who reported to the Commissioner. Denny Coughlin reported directly to the Commissioner, and not unreasonably, believed that what happened anywhere in the Police Department was his business.
'The mayor has several things in mind,' Commissioner Czernick said, carefully, 'thoughts which he has been kind enough to share with me.'
'Uh oh,' Lowenstein said.
'He thinks that David Pekach would make a fine commander of Highway,' Commissioner Czernick said.
Chief Lowenstein considered that for a moment, then said, chuckling, 'But he'd have to cut off his pigtail. Do you think David would be willing to do that?'
There were chuckles from everyone around the conference table except for Deputy Commissioner for Administration Wilson. Newly promoted Captain Pekach wasn't even on the preliminary list of fourteen captains Commissioner Wilson had drawn up to fill the vacancy of Commanding Officer, Highway Patrol, created when Captain Richard C. Moffitt had been shot to death trying to stop an armed robbery.
'Mike Sabara was next in line for Highway,' Chief Inspector Coughlin said. 'And he's qualified. I guess the mayor's thought about that?'
'The mayor thinks Mike would fit in neatly as Deputy Commander of Special Operations Division,' Commissioner Czernick said, 'especially if I went along with his suggestion to take Highway away from Traffic and put it under Special Operations. Then it would be sort of a promotion for Sabara, the mayor says.'
'I thought that Special Operations Division idea was dead,' Deputy Commissioner for Operations Francis J. Cohan said. It was the first time he'd spoken. 'I didn't like it, said so, and now I'm going to get it anyway?'
'Denny's going to get it,' Commissioner Czernick said, nodding his head toward Chief Inspector Coughlin.
'My God!' Cohan said. 'If Highway isn't Operations, what is?'
'Everything you have now, except Highway,' Commissioner Czernick said. 'Highway is now underSpecial