until morning.'

'Great idea. I'll do the same,' Leigh said.

'I can take care of that for you, sweetheart, if you'd like to go on to his truck,' he told her.

Leigh pressed her hand to his pounding heart. 'That'd be great, but he'll probably need my direct authorization since we haven't put each other's information into their system yet.'

Dan tried not to laugh. Inside he was beaming. They sounded like they'd been a couple forever instead of… never. He loved it and prayed she wasn't merely using him as cover to avoid Greg, although he'd easily forgive her for that. He'd forgive her anything for the implicit trust she placed in him right now.

'We'll be right back,' he said to Greg, then he and Leigh walked off to their respective tow trucks hand-in- hand.

'Nicely played…sweetheart.'

'Thanks…honey.' She wrapped herself around his arm, snugging it between her breasts. Sweet agony speared through him. 'I appreciate the save. I'll try not to make you too uncomfortable.'

'Too late…as you'll soon see. My apologies in advance, but I'll be poking your backside the whole trip.'

A giggle trilled from her, along with a shrug. 'I'll suffer through and try not to wiggle around too much. Wouldn't want to leave any wet spots.'

Dan tossed back a laugh. 'Yes, let's please don't blemish my oh-so-perfect reputation.'

They stopped their verbal foreplay and gave their instructions to the tow drivers. Burly men with a day's end of whiskers thanked them for the consideration and looked like they dropped ten pounds instantly from having two burdens off their shoulders for the night.

Still arm-in-arm, or rather his arm clutched against Leigh's body, they walked on to his Honda. Silence accompanied them now, that and the hard beat of their hearts. Dan could feel hers pounding against his bicep. It matched the pulsing heat in his cock and he couldn't help wondering if her clit was in the same predicament. He imagined it slick with her juices, hard and red and ready to explode. He wanted it under his tongue, or surging beneath his fingers, or nudging his dick as he thrust inside. Wanted it all. Wanted it now.

He swung her gently against the side of his car when they reached it, then braced his arms on the hood effectively blocking her. Her eyes lifted to his, a silent plea or a warning he'd gone too far? He wanted to kiss her. God, how he wanted to kiss her. Instead, he pressed closer until her breasts scuffed his chest; both their nipples were pebble hard. Her breath hitched. Her lips parted. And those deep green eyes fell to his mouth.

'I…I have ice cream at my house.' Her low voice shook with every word.

'Sounds like the perfect end to what's been a crazy night.' Dan brushed his fingers down her hair and rested them against her neck. Her pulse fluttered against his thumb. 'What flavor?'


'I love vanilla. It's my favorite.'

Leigh tensed, and Dan suspected she would have moved back if not for the car and his body holding her in place. 'It is?'

Ah, so they weren't really talking about ice cream right now. 'Yes.' He traced his thumb over her jawline. 'Because the possibilities are endless. It might look like vanilla to the untrained eye, but it's really the cornerstone of many other wonderful things the uninitiated wouldn't understand.'

Her eyes widened. Her mouth formed a perfect O. He'd surprised her. Good. Dan had a lot more surprises for her. Right now, though, he had to kiss her or he knew he'd die. He bent slowly, taking his time for what he knew would be damn sweet, and loving how Leigh's eyes tracked his progress. Loving the huffs of her breath brushing his face, the heat pooling from them, those heartbeats that raced in time for-

'If you two would hurry it would be greatly appreciated,' Greg said from behind. 'We'd really like to go. The others are waiting.'

That was it. Dan was going to kill the fucker. Pulling in a deep breath, he faced the other man. 'We're on it.'

He opened his car door, grabbed a duffel that had a change of clothes, and secured the door once more. Greg hadn't budged. The pathetic attempt at dominance pissed Dan off. Should he let Greg have the moment, or make it a cockfight here and now? Yeah, that'll be a good way to impress Leigh.

He slipped his arm around Leigh, hugging her to him. 'Ready, babe?'

'I am.' The words slithered around him.

Dan wouldn't fault Greg if they'd given him the boner from hell either. There was a promise in those two words, uttered in a tone leaving nothing to the imagination, backed up by the press of her body against his.

Greg did a crisp about-face that would have done the grungiest Marine proud and marched back to his Explorer. Dan kept on his heels the whole way, though it meant separating himself from Leigh in order to do so. Some things he could let go, but he sure as hell wanted Greg to get a good feel of having someone dog his ass.

'Hey, Dan,' Watson called out, 'where're you going? We could use your expertise.'

'Heading home, buddy.' He lifted a wave. 'It's a civilian matter, out of my jurisdiction. Best not to muddy the waters.'

'Uh-huh.' Watson looked right at Leigh. 'Yeah, got it. I'd take that stance myself.'

Dan thanked his lucky stars Watson left it at that. There was no telling what was going to come out of his mouth ninety percent of the time.

The back door of the Explorer was open and the second row of seats taken. That meant he and Leigh had been relegated to the third row where they'd be squeezed in with another poor soul and no legroom. Frankly, Dan wasn't surprised.

He greeted the other passengers with a nod, then climbed in. His new English Comp teacher, Hilary Culpepper, age ancient, would be their seatmate. Pencil thin eyebrows and rheumy gray eyes perused them as he and Leigh settled for the ride. It was clear from the get-go that Leigh sitting on his lap wasn't going to work, logistically. So Dan gave up his seat and squeezed into the small space on the floor. His reward? Leigh's hand on his shoulder, her calf pressed against his bent leg, and the knowledge he wasn't going to be sleeping in his bed tonight…as long as he didn't screw this up.

He cupped her calf and enjoyed the ride.

Chapter 5

How could a fifteen-minute ride feel like eternity? Each brush of Dan's thumb over her calf telegraphed signals straight to Leigh's pussy. Wet spot imminent. Thank goodness, the seat wasn't cloth. Now all Leigh had to do was keep from sighing with contentment and groaning from need. Both were nearly impossible when her mind wandered to all the naughty delights of Dan slipping his hand under her skirt and into her panties to make her come here and now. That would give Hilary something to write in her diary tonight. Although they might wind up in the ER because Greg would sure as hell have a heart attack.

Leigh chuckled to herself. Dan glanced up, that lift of an eyebrow asking her to share the joke. How quickly they'd fallen into an easy rapport. Like they'd known each other for years. Well…they had.

She yanked the direction of her thoughts off that path. She didn't want to think about then, or the age difference, or anything. All she wanted was to explore the here and now. To have a great orgasm and a good fuck at the hands of someone other than herself.

No one said much. After the evening they'd all had, shock was setting in. Among the why and who, everyone would also be wondering if it would happen again and how to protect themselves and their property against it. Greg would be hard-pressed to hire security and upgrade their pitiful surveillance equipment. The sheriff, California Highway Patrol, and citizens' patrol from neighboring cities might offer drive-by checks as well. A determined vandal could work around that; so could vigilantes out for justice. She would hate to see it come to that, but Leigh also wasn't foolish enough to ignore the threat from either parties-vandals or vigilantes. Teachers would go to their cars in groups, be it day or night. She'd arrange it herself.

'There's my house. There's my house.' Hilary jumped up, waving her hand. 'Stop, Greg, stop!'

He slammed on the brake, nearly toppling her over the seat and people in front of her. Dan's quick reflexes

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