send tonight.'
After taking a few steps, Mike turned back around.
'Before I forget, one other thing.'
'As Admiral of the U.S. Navy, I expect you'll be getting a fair number of social invitations. You and your wife, both. Quite soon, in fact.' He raised his fist and coughed into it. 'Not to put too fine a point on it, I'll see to it. And I think it would reflect badly on the United States if you didn't accept them. It might give the aristocracy the notion that we don't have any manners, you know. Won't leave our houses because we're afraid we won't know which fork to use in polite company.'
For a moment, Simpson's face almost turned puce.
His shoulder heaved a little, suppressing a laugh. Then, smiling: 'Thank you, Mike. I'd appreciate that.'
Mike nodded and began to turn away.
'Mr. President.'
'Yes… Admiral.'
Simpson squared his shoulders. 'As a rule, I'd prefer formality. It's not a matter of personality. Well… not much. But I'm building a military force here, a
He paused, briefly. 'I will not interfere with General Jackson and Colonel Wood. They can create whatever traditions and customs in the Army and Air Force they choose. But I will insist they extend me the same courtesy. And you also.'
'Fair enough. Admiral.'
Simpson nodded stiffly. Then, for the first time since Mike had appeared on the wharf, the admiral seemed to relax completely.
'Did you have any horse traders in your family tree, Mr. President? I'm just curious.'
Mike grinned. 'Two, that I know of. And at least one horse thief. Family tradition has it that they never caught and hung 'im, neither.' Solemnly: 'Even though, of course, everyone agreed that was a great shame and he was a disgrace to the family name.'
Chapter 32
Rebecca returned to the prince's quarters early the next morning. 'My husband agrees to the alliance,' she said, as she began lowering herself into the seat offered.
Frederik Hendrik smiled. 'So. Overnight, no less. How nice to see that my advisers were wrong about something
Rebecca was so startled that she plopped onto the chair instead of sliding gracefully into it. She realized-too late-that she had not even considered what she would be revealing.
Sensing her unease, the prince waved his hand. 'Have no fear. Your secret will remain safe with me.' As he took his own chair, his expression was odd. Something like a combination of a scowl and a grin of pure glee. For a moment, with his gingery facial hair and ruddy plump cheeks, he looked a bit like a prosperous pirate contemplating another rich prize.
'And let's hope Richelieu doesn't find out until it's too late. Which he probably won't, the cocksure bastard. That's the one advantage to having a cardinal for an archenemy. He thinks God is whispering tactics into his ear.'
Once seated, Frederik Hendrik planted his hands on his knees. 'What I need, immediately-although I can't see what it would be-is whatever help you can give me in holding Amsterdam. We will be under siege here within a week, and it will be a bitter one. In fact-as I'm sure you know-the siege has begun already. Spanish warships fired on the city yesterday evening.'
Rebecca nodded. She'd heard the sound of the cannonade from the house the American delegation had taken for its quarters. The owners of the house had rented it to them shortly before leaving Amsterdam themselves, seeking refuge in a town further east. They hadn't seemed too concerned about how they'd collect the rent, either. Two months in advance, coin in their hands, and they were off.
'Within a week-two at the outside-the land approaches to the city will be completely invested,' the prince predicted. 'And since the Spanish also now control the Zuider Zee, there will be no relief from that quarter either. I will do what I can to smuggle supplies into the city, but… it will not be much.' A bit hurriedly: 'More than you might think, though. No Spanish fleet is going to be able to stop Dutch boatmen from getting at least a trickle of supplies into Amsterdam. Certainly not after winter sets in.'
Rebecca nodded. She knew, from her studies, that navies of the future would maintain year-round blockades. But that was not something within the capability of 17 th -century fleets.
'Still,' the prince said grimly, 'it will be a very difficult siege. Very difficult. Hunger and disease are certain, epidemic is very likely. Even if we succeed in holding off the Spanish, a large part of the city's populace is sure to die before it is over.'
'Oh, yes.'
She was a bit surprised by the quick and relaxed answer, and it must have shown. Frederik Henrik smiled.
'Trust me on
'The first thing he's going to learn-has already, unless I miss my guess-is that his victories have outrun his supply train. That means he has one of two choices: plunder the countryside, which would immediately undo everything he has accomplished by his light-handed policies. Or, stop everything except investing Amsterdam, and thereby give me the time I need to organize the resistance in what is left of the United Provinces. While he twiddles his thumbs outside Amsterdam waiting for supplies, money, reinforcements-everything. By the time he can resume his advance…'
The prince's chest seemed to swell. 'By then, I can and will have a sizeable force back in the field. Or, I should say, behind fortifications in northern Gelderland and Overijssel. The Spanish will be back to a grinding war of attrition-and this, after having paid a heavy price in blood and treasure for what they have gained already. Cardinal Richelieu used them as well as us, you know. By all accounts, it was the Spanish-not the French or the English-who paid the butcher's bill at Dunkirk.'
'But you do not think the cardinal-infante will want to negotiate a settlement?'
'Not right away, no. Why should he? He's come this far on audacity and boldness, why should he stop? If he were Spinola, canny from decades of warfare, yes. But he is a young prince, Rebecca-and still undefeated. He will inevitably go for the final and most dramatic stroke, hoping thereby to end the thing entirely on Spanish terms.'
'Take Amsterdam.'
'Precisely. And I will use that audacity for my own ends. Draw him into a siege of Amsterdam, which will tie him up and give me the time I need to fortify what is left to me in the eastern provinces.'
'How long can you maintain that situation?' she asked, frowning. 'I am not a soldier, to be sure. But… with only Overijssel left and part of Gelderland… Spanish to the south, Danes to the north-the French everywhere, it seems-'
'But-' She broke off.
The prince was smiling gently. 'Yes, yes. I realize that, at the moment, things look rather bleak for Gustav Adolf also. But-unlike me-he has
Rebecca laughed. 'Hardly that, Frederik Hendrik! Arminianism is a religious doctrine itself. What the Americans preach-and practice-is something far simpler. 'The separation of church and state,' they call it. Worship whatever you will, however you will, and do so in peace. The state has no business in it-nor, on the other side, do the churches have any business meddling in state affairs.'
The prince grunted. 'A month ago-a week ago, even-I would have said you were mad. And I am considered-accused, as often as not-of being an Arminian myself. Now…'
For a moment, he studied the same painting he had studied the day before. 'Odd, isn't it? The way your husband seems to force people to adopt his own practices in order to fight them. I've been getting continual reports, you know. The Dutch navy may be destroyed, but Dutch merchant vessels continue to ply their trade. It seems that Richelieu is setting up what he calls 'religious havens' in the northern towns and ports of France. Hoping, no doubt, to draw Protestant workmen there in order to build his own armaments industry. And now I hear that Earl Strafford has put a complete stop to any attempts to enforce strict religious adherence in England. Scotland too-even Ireland, if the reports are correct.'
He turned back to her, smiling. 'Of course, what else can he do? He-like every statesman in Europe now, probably even the Tsar of Russia-
He slapped his hands on his knees. 'That is my plan. In the long run, obviously, I am counting on Gustav Adolf to humble my enemies. In the short run, I can simply try to hold on to what I can-Amsterdam above all else. To be honest, Rebecca, I do not see what you and the United States can do for me in the short run. Throw your support behind the king of Sweden, of course, which I am sure you will be doing. I think you would be wise, therefore, to leave Amsterdam now. For the next few days, I am fairly confident I can get you safely back to Germany. But once the siege closes in, you will be trapped here for months.'
Rebecca took a deep breath. 'Well, actually, that is what I came here to tell you. I discussed this with my husband last night-no, you are right, we do not
'As dramatic as possible,' grunted the prince. 'The wife of the President herself. But-' He winced. 'Rebecca, the risk… if I did not make it clear yesterday, the siege is going to be terrible. Disease alone-'