The student nurse proved that she had heard the same rumor.
“Enough idle gossip.” The surgeon’s looming presence in the doorway to my private hospital room cut short the women’s whispered confidences. “Mademoiselle de la Marachand must rest without anxiety.” He spoke in English for my benefit, but with a decided French accent. He’d been practicing medicine for many years in this Caribbean haven for money launderers, drug smugglers, and off-the-wall medicine.
I’d done a lot of research on him and his unique treatment for worn-out knees before committing to this strange and peculiar treatment. The AMA said it was unsafe and ineffective.
For me and other dancers staring at the end of a too-short career, his new technique looked like a miracle.
At twenty-eight I’d neared the pinnacle of success in the world of ballet. At twenty-nine I was close to losing it all because my knees were torn to shreds by the dance.
Faced with the prospect of never again melding my soul with movement and music into the glorious art of ballet, I searched for options. Even now, with the cold steel cage of the bed frame around me, my body twitched with the need to move with the canned calypso music filtering through the hospital.
Without dance the music was incomplete. Without dance I was less than half a person.
The drowse of pre-surgery drugs could not remove my need to dance.
“So will I kill myself?” I asked the surgeon as he lifted my gown to look at the markings made by the nurses on my knees. Perhaps the conversation I’d overheard was merely the product of my overactive imagination under the influence of those drugs.
“You speak French?” His eyebrows went up. He placed a warm hand on my foot. “Do not worry your pretty head about what these ignorant cabbages bandy about,” Dr. Bertrand reassured me. “They merely seek to thrill each other with tales of science fiction.”
So I had not imagined the whispered conversation.
“I do not fear voices.” Could these alien voices be worse than those of the mad choreographers, dictatorial ballet masters, and critics who think they are God?
“Yes,” Dr. Bertrand chuckled. “I have heard that dancers do not fear. You welcome pain as a necessary part of your art.”
“If it doesn’t hurt, you aren’t doing it right.” I tried to grin, but the drugs were making my face as well as my tongue numb.
“If you had not avoided treatment to your poor abused knees for so long, you would not require such drastic measures.”
“If I’d undergone corrective surgery sooner-a stopgap at best-I would have missed three of the most important years of my career. I might never have danced again.”
“Ah, but soon, I shall put that all right. My nanobots will repair all the damage you have inflicted upon your knees and keep repairing it for many years to come.”
“How long can you promise me?”
“My nanobots will last longer than the rest of your body. When you die of old age, your knees will remain as limber and strong as those of a teenager.”
“When can I dance again?”
“You will need a few weeks for the nanobots to work. Then you will feel the youth pouring into you.”
“I’m scheduled to open in London in eight weeks.”
“Eight weeks?” Dr. Bertrand shook his head and clicked his tongue. “Possibly you will be better by then, but I cannot promise peak performance in eight weeks.”
“We’ll see about that,” I said. The music played as I let the drugs carry me off. I could hear the music. I tried to move to the music. To dance.
Always, the dance.
Two days later, before breakfast, I ignored my physical therapist’s orders and rose up on tiptoe to test my balance. A big smile creased my face as I realized that Dr. Bertrand’s treatment had indeed worked a miracle. Pain-free, except for a tightness around the small incisions, I raised my arms and spun in a circle.
My body swayed and threatened to tumble. I caught myself on the bed railing and forced my feet to stay under me.
Someone sighed in relief. I looked around for the source of the whoosh of air through clenched teeth.
I was alone.
Perhaps I had made the sound. I certainly was relieved that I had not landed upon the still-healing surgery incisions around my kneecaps.
A few hours after that I tried again and accomplished five steps and a turn on tip-toe, then five steps back to the bed.
Etienne, the physical therapist, whisked me away to his gymnasium-or torture chamber-as the aides cleared away the lunch trays.
“You are a lot more limber this afternoon,” he said as he pushed my bent leg toward my chest.
I smiled at him but said nothing.
“Tell me when the muscles
I let my kneecap brush my breasts before I squeaked a protest. Etienne gently straightened my leg and let it rest upon the hard therapy bench. In truth I’d felt the burn in my thigh fifteen inches before I said anything. I needed to push myself harder and faster than either he or Dr. Bertrand thought prudent.
In my experience, all medical people were far too conservative. They didn’t
“That was amazing, Mademoiselle. But you really should not press so hard,” Etienne e said, shaking his head. He stood back, hands on hips, a stern frown upon his face.
“I am a dancer. I do not interpret pain in the same way you do.” I tried to temper my excuse with a flirtatious smile. Hard-nosed critics had been known to change their reviews when I smiled like that.
“Then allow me to judge the intensity of your therapy. The nanobots need more time to repair the damage to your bone, ligaments, and cartilage before you begin to stress them. Even miracles need time.” He stalked out of the gymnasium-like room.
Before the orderly could arrive with my wheelchair to take me back to my room, I rolled off the bench to the treadmill. I used the handrails as a barre.
Long habit settled my posture into a classic
Except my feet pointed straight forward.
I forced them to turn outward along with my thighs and knees. My kneecap should face the same direction as my toes. Both should line up with my shoulder.
I sighed in relief when I achieved an almost normal
My feet and knees whipped forward of their own accord. My left knee buckled. I clung to the railing with both hands, desperate to master my rebellious body.
I inched myself back to standing. Then I eased my feet and legs outward until toes, knees, and shoulders again aligned. Then before my muscles could protest and change my position, I bent my knees into a
Sharp pains shot from my knees into my brain. It felt as if someone drove daggers directly into my temples, again and again in rhythm with my elevated pulse.
I collapsed onto the floor, pressing the heels of my palms into my eyes. The moment I stretched my body flat on the floor the pain stopped. But the memory remained. I cowered there for many long moments, whimpering.
The orderly found me curled up in a fetal position. He carried me back to my room.
For the rest of the day I contemplated my situation from the confines of my bed. I let the nurses and Etienne do what they needed to do without protest, without interest. My entire focus and concentration riveted upon the overhead conversation just before the surgery.
Alien voices? Nanobots inside my body.
My mind looped around and around the problem. Could it be? Could the mad surgeon with his miracle procedure have done more. Much, much more?
The nanobots repaired damage. The doctor had hinted that they could even recognize new damage as it occurred.
Was the leap to recognizing
From there might they not need to discourage behavior that
No, I reasoned. That was madness.
I waited and counted the hours until after midnight. The rehab wing grew quiet. The PTs and doctors went home. The other patients slept. Occasionally a nurse walked the corridors on her rounds. I could listen to my head without interference.
With as little bending and twisting as possible, I rolled from my bed and stood. So far so good. The knees did not protest. I took one step, then two in the direction of the bathroom. Still no reaction from the
I turned my feet and knees outward-not the full ninety-degree angle I wanted, but enough to suggest a ballet stance.
Ten steps, then twelve. My knees felt a little shaky. A little hum of concern in my nape. I grabbed a towel bar for support. My knees stayed steady. The hum went away.
While I was in there I might as well take care of business. The raised seat of the john was a blessing in my condition. Once more, I turned my knees and feet outward and lifted my heels several times. My calf muscles welcomed the stretch and release.
Grab bars in all the right places helped me stand again. I left my legs turned and rose up on tiptoe. Slowly, ever so slowly, I lifted my right arm forward and up to
The hum in my head started up. I pretended it was music and stepped forward on tiptoe. The hum grew louder.
I overrode it by singing a jaunty little waltz. “One, two, step. One, two, step.”