'It certainly was the point,' he said. 'And for countless millennia, we believed it successful. Then Noah brought to my attention the fact that the deluge might have failed.'

Remy finished his own drink and seriously contemplated another. 'How did he know?' he asked.

'The old man was a tortured soul,' Sariel said. 'The longer he lived, the more obsessed he became with the things he had left to die. The guilt ate at him.'

'You kept in touch?' Remy asked, curious as to the Grigori's relationship with Noah.

'We saw each other from time to time,' Sariel said, waving his hand vaguely. 'We survivors of the deluge shared a kind of bond.' The Grigori leader smile but there was little warmth in the expression.

'When we spoke, he told me of the expeditions that he'd undertaken, traversing the globe, sparing no expense, searching for signs of those that had been left behind… signs that they-his orphans-may have somehow survived.'

The servant appeared to have finished preparing the wood, and leaned back as if to admire what he had accomplished.

'He said he could remember them all,' Sariel said, tapping the side of his skull. 'Each and every species that was deemed unworthy to board the ark. He could see them in his head. Awake or asleep, they were always with him.'

'I can see how that might drive you a little… crazy,' Remy acknowledged.

'The last time we communicated, Noah told me that of all the doomed species, he believed they might have survived.'

'They, meaning the Chimerian.'

'I tried to explain the danger if this was true, but he couldn't see it,' Sariel explained. 'All he cared about was the alleviation of his guilt.'

The servant had found the tin of fireplace matches and was attempting to ignite the fire.

'So you think Noah found the Chimerian… and that they are responsible for his death.'

'You saw his body,' Sariel snarled. 'You saw that thing scuttling away in the shadows.'

'Yes.' Remy nodded slowly. 'I did see something, although I have no idea what it was.'

Sariel's thin, bloodless lips pulled back in another attempt at a smile.

'What you saw was potential doom for humanity,' the Grigori said.

Remy was surprised by the intensity of the words.

'Don't you think you're being overly dramatic?'

The servant struck the match on the rough stone surface on the side of the fireplace. It ignited with a hiss, the flame growing so large that it consumed the matchstick in an instant, leaping down to the old man's fingers, and then to his clothes. A cry of surprise and pain escaped him, as he fell backward, the sleeve of his jacket afire. Remy reacted immediately, dropping to the floor and leaning across the thrashing old man to suffocate the flames with his hands. And all the while, Sariel sat, calmly watching it all unfold.

'That was dramatic,' he stated. 'What will happen to humanity if the Chimerian are allowed to thrive… that will be tragic.'

The servant seemed to shrug off the pain of his burns, and returned to the fireplace, taking another match from the tin.

Remy couldn't believe it.

'That will be enough,' Sariel ordered.

The old man stopped. 'Sorry for the delay, my master, but-'

'I said that will be enough,' the Grigori leader interrupted.

Without another word, the servant hauled himself to his feet using the marble mantel, and clutching his injured hand to his chest, shuffled from the room.

Remy had had just about enough of the fallen angel's company.

'Perhaps you should tell me exactly why you've decided to involve me in this,' he said as he got to his feet.

'You care for them a great deal,' Sariel stated. 'Those outside these walls.' He gestured with his chin to the world beyond his lair. 'I thought you would want to save them.'

'What can I do?' Remy asked. 'This is much bigger than I-'

'What can I do, asks the soldier of Heaven,' the Grigori mocked. 'You sell yourself short, my brother.'

'No,' Remy stated with a definitive shake of his head. 'That's not me anymore. I'm not going to allow you to drag me-'

Sariel had closed his eyes again, clearly not interested in Remy's rant.

'We must hunt and destroy them,' the Grigori proclaimed. His eyes opened and held Remy in an icy stare. 'We must find where they nest and finish what the deluge should have.'

'You can't be serious,' Remy said.

Sariel glared at him. 'They were never supposed to survive. They should have died when the Earth was young and the flood waters rose.'

'But you're talking about exterminating a species we know nothing about,' Remy said. 'We can't just…'

'If the current kings and queens of the world are to survive, we must.'

'You don't know that.'

'Do you wish to take that chance?' Sariel asked.

Remy should have known better. It always came to this- passing judgment, and death.

'I won't kill for you,' he said, moving toward the door.

'But the humans… will you kill for them?' the Grigori leader asked.

Remy stopped and turned. 'Why did you drag me into this?' he asked. 'You know how I feel about you and your brethren. You know I want nothing more than to live my life peacefully and to not be bothered with…'

'You are the powerful Remiel,' Sariel said. 'A Seraphim warrior that, as much as you are loath to admit, still retains the full extent of its heavenly might.'

Remy shook his head. 'I told you, that's not me anymore.'

Sariel smiled. 'I could have sworn I saw your old self driving back the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse a few short weeks ago, but I must have been mistaken.'

Remy pulled open the door. He'd heard enough.

'This isn't just for us, Remiel,' Sariel called after him. 'The Chimerian will hate humankind as much as they hate us. We'll need your strength if we are to succeed.'

Remy didn't even turn around, allowing the door to slam shut behind him as he strode across the ballroom. Just outside the grand room, he saw a gathered crowd of Grigori, and remembered the angel they had brought with them from the rig.

'The angel,' he said to one of the Grigori. 'Has he regained consciousness?' He craned his neck, trying to catch a glimpse of where they had taken him.

'He's resting,' the Grigori said.

Remy tried to move past and felt a hand suddenly pressed to his chest. He glanced down at the hand.

'I said he's resting,' the Grigori repeated more forcefully.

'I know your kind despises me for one reason or another, but I strongly suggest that you remove your hand from my person or I'll be more than happy to provide you with something to really hate me for.'

The hand stayed there a moment longer before it was withdrawn.

He considered pushing past the Grigori lackey to find the angel and ask him what he knew, but right then, he didn't have the energy.

He gave the fallen angel a final, nasty look, then quickly turned and left.

It was cold outside on the early-morning streets of Boston, but Remy didn't feel a thing.


Remy wandered up Tremont Street, onto Arlington, ending up in the lobby of the old Ritz-Carlton Hotel, now the Taj.

He glanced at his watch and figured that Ashley would probably be up by now, getting ready for school. Finding a phone, he dialed the number and got Ashley's mom. He explained that he was working on a case, and would she or Ashley mind zipping over to the apartment to give Marlowe his breakfast and take him out.

The woman said that there would be no problem, and Remy thanked her and hung up.

Now what to do? All the way up from the Zone he'd thought about what Sariel had proposed, and how freaked he was by what the Grigori had believed he'd do.

The sad thing was that no matter how disturbed he was, he couldn't really see much of a choice. If these creatures… these Chimerian were as dangerous as Sariel said, there could very well be human lives at stake.

Remy headed into the Club Lounge and bought a large coffee. The scotch had worn off a while ago and he needed something more stimulating to get his brain functioning the way it should.

He took the coffee and returned to the bank of phones in the lobby, digging through his pockets for change. In this particular instance, he

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