Tallon was in no position to notice. 'Taliya,' he said, one firm hand keeping the man on his knees, 'what was it you were saying about Sabre? What an excellent linehound he is?'
'Skunk!' the man squealed.
Tallon tightened his grip. 'Watch your mouth!'
'No, skunk, skunk!' Desperately trying to protect himself with his elbows, the man did a strange twisting dance on his knees and babbled away. 'They've got a skunk! Two skunks! Enhanced ones! They'll dump `em right in front of the dogs, damn curs won't be able to sniff an outhouse in a sweet spring meadow.' He jerked his head at Shiba. 'Her, especially. After she broke up the [
Crude! He'd said the true-name for
'Softly, son,' Taliya said, though she, too, had a gleam in her eye.
Shiba moved forward, her head low, her expression intent. The kind of expression that meant a linehound had scented prey, and scented it so close that nothing mattered but the nose and the prey; not even the linemen could deter a dog so focused. And Sabre, agitated, lifted his nose to the new
'Sabre!' Taliya said sharply, turning to point a warning finger at him… turning suddenly enough that her braid swung briefly out from her body, then thumped gently against her back.
Too much for Shiba. She leapt, belling
Astonished Taliya, standing there with her arms akimbo and her jaw dropped, crouching slightly as though to run and no time to do it…
Too much for Sabre-
Astonished Tallon, standing there with his arms akimbo and his jaw dropped, crouching slightly as though to run and no time to do it.
Taliya, bellowing at Sabre-as best she could with her hands clamped firmly around her long braid, bent at the waist in a futile attempt to get more leverage than Shiba, whose jaws clamped firmly around the thick rope of hair.
'Get off!' they finally managed, more or less in unison. '
No more
How and when the prisoner escaped, no one was quite sure.
How and when Taliya and Tallon came up with the idea to work together, Sabre couldn't imagine.
How and when they come up with the idea to work each
Maybe it had something to do with events when they'd tried to team up.
They had worked it slowly, carefully-and had to, because the smugglers were on horseback, and had taken wild leaps from one place to another, traveled some distance up a deeply running creek, and wound their trail around in overlapping circles. Together, they closed on the smuggler, running side by side, picking up speed-
Together, they had run into the skunk.
'God and goddess,' Tallon said now, his eyes watering visibly as he dumped another container of stewed tomatoes over Shiba's back, there in the side yard of his little cabin. 'There's got to be a better way to handle this. We're lucky the smugglers spooked back to the other side of the border.' He took a rough scrub brush to Shiba's back, smearing tomato into her coat-most unpleasantly, to judge by how flat she'd plastered her ears to her skull.
'They'll be back,' Tallon persisted, 'and we can't take the chance that they'll get through this time.'
'No,' Taliya said, dumping a big cold bucket of water over Sabre, a gleam coming into her eye. 'We can't.'
That might have been it, right there-the beginning of the idea. Not that Taliya had had a chance to say so just then, not after dumping another bucket over him, not after Tallon did likewise to Shiba, leaving the two hounds with their heads scrunched down between their shoulders, water streaming off their ears, dripping off their tails, running off their brows and sheeting across their flews.
They exchanged a glance, the dogs did, knowing the humans were engaged in developing some important Human Thoughts. Sabre felt a sudden kinship with Shiba the too-perfect, an admiration for the sly way she lowered and cocked her head, a sudden desire to emulate… humans distracted… wait till they lean closer… wait… wait…
Yes, maybe that had done it. And this partner-swapping was meant to be some sort of punishment.
It seemed entirely likely to Sabre. He'd somehow gotten
And why did Tallon call ahead to him, constant encouragements, using Shiba's name?
Until he struck the scent of magic, and forgot his woes in the thick glory of it. He forgot Shiba, he forgot Taliya… he even forgot about the skunk. He loped swiftly through the woods, nose to ground, thoughts consumed by
The scent was his, and he took it.
Skunk! He literally tripped over the creature, staked right in the scent trail on a short chain.
Mad skunk.
Mad skunk lifting its tail.
Sabre's eyes snapped shut, his trail cry cut short into gagging and sneezing. His sinuses instantly swelled; his nose began to run. He heard the skunk stamp its front feet imperiously-
At last, someone snagged his collar and dragged him away from the skunk.
When he was through, Sabre blinked up at him, panting, able to breathe and see again. He gave a tentative wag of his tail and Tallon smiled at him. 'Good boy.'
Oooh. A
Not far-though definitely upwind-Taliya called to them. Not her human voice, but two short yipping barks. Tallon answered in kind, locating them, and in