[1034] Binding Rudolf G. «Der Golden Schrein. Bilder deutschen Meister auf G?ldgrund». – Leipzig, 1934.
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[1046] Boszkowska Anna. «Tryumf Luni i Wenus. Pasja Hieronima Boscha». – Wydawnictwo Literacklie Krako'w, 1980.
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[1049:1] Brendan Lehane (texte), Richard Novitz (photographies). «Irlande». – Flint River Press, London, 1997; Booking International, Paris, 1997. Imprime' en Italie.
[1050] Brenon Anne. «Le vrai visage du Catharisme». – Ed.
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[1050:2] «British Museum. A Guide to the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Egyptian Rooms and the Coptic Room. A series of Collections of Small Egyptian Antiquities, which illustrate the Manners and Customs, the Arts and Crafts, the Religion and Literature, and the Funeral Rites and Ceremonies of the Ancient Egyptians and their Descendants, the Copts, from about B.C. 4500 to A.D. 1000». – With 7 plates and 157 illustrations in the text. Printed by Order of the Trustees. British Museum, 1922.
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[1052] Brooke Christopher. «From Alfred to Henry III. 871-1272». – The Norton Library History of England. W.W.Norton & Company. New York, London, 1961, 1968, 1969.
[1053] Broughton T.R.S. «The Magistrates of the Roman Republic». – Vol.1,2. – London, 1951-1960.
[1053:1] [Bruegel] Gerhard W.Menzel. «Pieter Bruegel der ?ltere». – VEB E.A.Seemann, Buch– und Kunstverlag, Leipzig, 1966. 2 Auflage, 1974.
[1053:2] «Bruegel. The life and work of the artist illustrated with 80 colour plates». Arturo Bovi. – A Dolphin Art Book. Thames and Hudson. London, 1971. Reprinted 1974. Printed in Italy.
[1054] Brugsch H. «Recueil de Monuments Egyptiens, dessines sur lieux». – Leipzig, 1862-1865.
[1055] Buck C.E., Gavanagh W.G., Litton C.D. «Bayesian Approach to Interpreting Archaeological Data». Series: Statistics in Practice. – John Wiley & Sons, 1996.
[1056] Bustos Gerardo. «Yucatan and its Archaeological Sites». – Monclem Ediciones, Mexico. Casa Editrice Bonechi, Florence, Italy, 1992.
[1057] Cagnat R. «Cours d'epigraphie latine». 4 ed. – Paris, 1914.
[1058] Campbell Tony. «Early Maps». – Abbeville Press Publishers. New York. 1981.
[1059] Campos Jose' Guerra, Lafuente Jesu's Precedo. «Guide to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela». – Aldeasa, Divisio'n Palacios y Museos, 1993, Spain.
[1060] Cantacuzeny Ioannis. «Opera Omnia. Patrologiae curcus completus. Series graeca». T.CLIII, CLIV. – J.-P. Migne, 1866.
[1060:1] «Carcassonne» (The City of Carcassonne. Cathar Castles). – Production LECONTE. Editions ESTEL – BLOIS. B.P.45 – 41260 LA CHAUSSEE – SAINT – VICTOR. Printed in E.E.C.
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