Raise… raise shields…



Raise the shields.'

'Already done, my princeps.'

She was slowing down. The pain stole so much of her attention now. With a moan that was swallowed into silence by the water, she pulsed orders to the various decks and pushed both of her arms forward through the pinkish ooze.

Nothing happened.

She tried again, screaming into the oxygen-rich fluid, the stumps of her hands thumping against the front of her coffin.


'Plasma annihilator venting for sixteen more seconds, my princeps. Fourteen. Thirteen. Twelve.'

Fire the… the… other arm. Fire it.


Her stunted right limb thudded over and over against the glass side of her amniotic tank.

'Fire the hellstorm cannon.'

'As soon as it has recharged, my princeps,' Lonn replied, half-ignoring her now. She'd given the order to fire at will several minutes before. Drifting in her pain as the Titan fell to pieces, she was barely trustworthy now. Carsomir and Lonn worked almost independently of their princeps's wishes. They only had one more shot at walking away from this - the enemy Titan was already advancing over the mangled body of
The Ghoul,
which had lasted less than a minute beneath the
initial volleys.

The scrap-Titan was capable of a merciless amount of firepower. None of
command crew had seen anything like it before, let alone suffered on the receiving end. Only a few minutes into the god-machines' duel, and the Imperator was wreathed in flame, temperature gauges whining and warning lights flashing throughout the confined corridors threading through the giant's steel bones.

The multitude of layered energy screens that served the Titan as void shields had been torn apart with insane, laughable speed by the ork walker.

'I'm ready,' Carsomir announced. 'Firing.'

'Wait for the stabilisers to come back online!' Lonn yelled. 'They only need another minute.'

Carsomir thought his fellow pilot's faith in the tech-crews working in the shoulder joints was admirable, but unbelievably misguided given the circumstances. He blinked once, wasting precious seconds to even think about listening to Lonn's plea.

'The arm isn't badly damaged. I'm taking the shot. I can make it.'

'You'll miss, Val! Give them thirty seconds, just thirty more seconds.'


'You son of a bitch!'

knees locked in preparation and the plasma annihilator tower that served as its left arm began its air-sucking inhalation of coolant.

'You've killed us,' Lonn breathed, watching the enemy Titan through the steamed-up view windows. An unremitting torrent of incidental fire rained against
shields, turning them violet with strain.

'Void shields buckling,' one of the tech-adepts called from a side terminal.

'Enemy engine making ready to fire primary weapons,' another said.

'They'll never get the chance…' Valian Carsomir smiled with a wicked light in his eyes.

Lonn's shouted protest was drowned out in the roar of discharging sunfire. A beam of plasma - roiling, boiling and white-hot - vomited from the cannon's focusing ring, blasting across the four hundred metres separating the two Titans.
stood rigid, defensive, no longer advancing after the first two minutes of punishing exchange.
had not stopped its thunderous, slow charge.

'You bastard!' Lonn yelled. Carsomir had missed. The jet of plasma blanketed the ground to the left of the closing ork gargant, where it began to dissolve everything it touched in a vast pool of acidic corruption.

Lonn had been right. The arm-weapon had strayed despite targeting locks, as the supreme force of its own firepower sent it veering off-centre.

'I had the shot,' Carsomir shook his head.

'Void shields failing,' the tech-adept announced without any emotion whatsoever.

'I had the shot,' Carsomir repeated, unable to look away from the wreck-Titan bearing down upon them. Behind the moderati thrones, Zarha floated in her suspension tank, slack and unconscious.

'No, no, no…' Lonn worked at his console, his brow furrowed. 'This can't be.'

The Titan began to shudder around them as the void shields died again, the Imperator's dense armour taking the brunt of the alien attack.

Lonn had never worked like this before in his life. It was a flurry of effort, performed half in the flesh and half with the mind. He could feel the Titan falling into slumber, and its dimming consciousness dragged at his thoughts, slowing them to a crawl. Where he met resistance like this in the mind- link, he compensated by overrides on his command console.

The command deck grew dark as he worked. The enemy gargant eclipsed all outside light, looming before the idle

Why hasn't it fired?' Carsomir worked as Lonn did, cooling essential systems, ordering repair teams to afflicted joints, feeding power from the coughing shield generators to the thirsty weapon energy cells.

To Lonn, the reason was obvious. Like the savages that acted as the gargant's puppeteers, the scrap-Titan was built to kill with its hands. Several of the thing's weapon mounts were taken up by crude arms that ended in spears and claws of salvaged metal. It wanted to savour
death, like some many-armed daemon from the impure millennia of pre-Imperial Terra.

Zarha's augmetic eyes flicked back to active as the chamber grew dark. She awoke, seeing the doom bearing down on her, feeling secondary fire devastating her armour plating like she was being skinned alive.

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