bowl as reference.”
Jackson switched to a diagram of the plane.
“In the Fokker-100, fuel lines run under the cabin floor, above the baggage compartments, from wing tanks to aft-mounted engines.”
He traced the route with his pointer, clicked to a close-up of a fuel line, then zoomed in on a fitting.
“Our structures team has found evidence of a fatigue crack in a fuel line fitting where it passes through the bulkhead at the rear of the baggage compartment. In all likelihood, this crack was generated by a flawed through- fitting acting as a stress riser.”
A magnified image of a hairline fracture filled the screen.
“Heat from the incandescent combustion in Mr. Lindenbaum's duffel aggravated the crack, allowing minute quantities of vaporized fuel to dissipate from the line into the hold.”
He brought up a dirty and discolored chunk of metal casting.
“Localized heat degradation, manifested in localized discoloration, is clearly recognizable on the fuel line at the point of failure due to heat exposure. I'll go to simulation now.”
Keys clicked, the screen went blank, then filled with an animation of an F-100 in flight. Time ticked in one- second increments at the top of the screen.
The Lindenbaum duffel could be seen high in the left rear of the baggage compartment, immediately below seats 23A and B. I watched it ooze from pink, to salmon, to red, a cold lump in the pit of my stomach.
“Incandescent combustion in the duffel,” Jackson narrated. “A first ignition sequence.”
Pale blue specks began to seep from the bag.
The particles formed a fine, transparent mist.
“The baggage compartment is pressurized the same as the passenger cabin, meaning it is supplied with air containing an adequate proportion of oxygen. The significance is that there is a lot of warm air moving around down there.”
The mist slowly dispersed. Red colored the ends of the Lindenbaum suitcase.
“Though it was contained at first, the smoke eventually spread from the duffel. The heat eventually pierced, and then there was a development to laminar flaming combustion outside the duffel, igniting the suitcases on each side and giving off dense smoke.”
Tiny black dots appeared at a fuel line running along the inner wall of the baggage compartment. I stared, mesmerized, as the dots multiplied and slowly descended, or were entrained in the ambient air movement.
“Then began the second ignition sequence. When fuel began to dissipate out of the pressurized line, the quantity was so minute it vaporized and mixed with the air. As the fuel expanded in a vapor state it sank, since fuel fumes are heavier than ambient air. At that point an odor would have been present and easily detected.”
Traces of blue appeared in the passenger cabin.
“Smoke seeped into the cabin through the ventilation, heating, and air-conditioning system, and eventually to the exterior via the pressurization outflow valve.”
I thought of Jean Bertrand. Had he noticed the odor? Seen the smoke?
There was a flash, red spread outward from the Lindenbaum suitcase, and a jagged hole appeared in the rear of the baggage compartment.
“Twenty minutes and twenty-one seconds into the flight, vaporized fuel crossed a wire bundle, which apparently contained some arcing wires, and ignited in a deafening detonation. This explosion can be heard on the cockpit voice recorder.”
I remembered Ryan's account of the pilot's last words, felt the same helplessness he had described.
“The circuit failed.”
I thought of the passengers. Had they felt the shock? Heard the explosion? Did they realize they were going to die?
“The initial explosion blew from the pressurized baggage compartment into the unpressurized fuselage behind, and air loads began tearing parts from the plane. At that point, more fuel escaped from the line and flaming fire ensued in the hold.”
Jackson identified items as they separated and fell to the ground.
“Skin from the aft fuselage. Speed brakes.”
The room was deathly quiet.
“Air loads then blew up through the vertical tail and dislodged the horizontal stabilizer and elevators.”
The plane in the animation pitched nose down and plunged toward the ground, the passenger cabin still intact. Jackson hit a key and the screen went blank.
No one seemed to breathe or move. Seconds passed. I heard a sob, or perhaps only a deep breath. A cough. Then the room exploded.
“Mr. Jackson—”
“Why weren't smoke detect—”
“Mr. Jack—”