“Don’t mention it. I got Galiano back out of bed to see if we could track you down.”

“I’m sure he was thrilled.”

“The Bat’s flexible. We called FAFG. They had people working late but hadn’t seen you. I mentioned that you had raised a Zuckerman-Lucas connection, and Bat decided to chat up Lucas. Lucas wasn’t at home, so we thought we’d check the morgue. We spotted Zuckerman’s Volvo in the morgue parking lot, then the partly open bay door.”

“Where was the regular security staff?”

“Lucas had sent them home. We think he planned to do a hurry-up post on Maria Zuckerman.”

“Out of unbearable grief for his fallen colleague.”

Ryan nodded. “When we hit the autopsy room, Lucas’s brains were decorating the wall. You were unconscious, so we poured your pretty little butt into an ambulance, then headed back to sweat Serano.”

Ryan brushed bangs from my forehead, regarded me with an expression I couldn’t read.

“Lucas had ordered Serano to dispose of you. His method of choice was going to be asphyxiation. You accommodated by taking the shower of the century. The jackhammers provided sound cover. Commando boy laced your Coke, planned to wait in the closet for the big swoon, then apply your pillow. Problemo. A maid showed up. Serano blew out of there muy pronto.

“You’ve spoken with housekeeping?”

Ryan nodded. “Maid thought it was me.”

“What the hell did Serano slip me?”

“Who knows? Serano hasn’t said. We told the paramedics you had food poisoning. They pumped your stomach, and the hotel staff had discarded the can.”

“Knocked me on my ass.”

“That was the idea. Docs think the Pepto and Imodium blunted some of the effect, and kept you conscious. Also, you had upchucked some.”

He tickled a spot under my chin.

I batted his hand away. Winced.

“How’s the wrist?”

“Just a sprain.”

Ryan took my hand and kissed the fingertips.

“You had us worried, cupcake.”

Embarrassed, I changed the subject.

“Lucas had Nordstern killed?”

“Looks like Nordstern came here legit to write about Clyde Snow and his human rights work. In digging up material on Chupan Ya and other massacres, Nordstern got his hands on old army records naming Alejandro Bastos and Antonio Diaz. At some point he would have exposed Diaz, and Lucas would have lost his leverage. Lucas might have had him popped for that.

“More likely it had to do with Patricia Eduardo. Seems Nordstern was an equal opportunity snoop. Once he got to Guatemala City, he either read or heard about the missing girls, and started looking into the disappearances. When he found that one of the four was an ambassador’s kid, he sniffed off on that trail. When he discovered Chantale had problems and the ambassador was a sleaze, he wanted details.”

“Why go to Montreal?”

“At that point he was on the same page we were. Thought he’d have the story of the decade if he could tie Specter to the body in the tank. Great stuff. Sophisticated diplomat. Naive young girls. Sex. Murder. Mysterious death. Septic tanks. Diplomatic immunity. Foreign intrigue. I don’t think he knew Patricia Eduardo was pregnant.”

Ryan stroked the back of my hand as he spoke.

“God knows how he thought the ES cells fit in. We found a receipt from the Paraiso in Nordstern’s expense folder.”

“He actually stayed there?”

“Inquiring minds accept no limits. That’s how Nordstern got to know Jorge Serano.”

“Who led him to Zuckerman.”

“Which led him to an interest in ES cells.”

“Which is what got him killed, if the Diaz thing didn’t.”

We were both quiet a moment. Then, “What’s happening with Chantale Specter?”

“Restitution to the MusiGo store, then rehab.”

“Lucy Gerardi?”

“Parental lockdown. Without Chantale’s help she can’t break out.”

I was almost afraid to ask.

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