'Yes, of course,' I said hurriedly

'Your generosity is greatly appreciated, my lady,' Rilla said. 'I Iowever, only I am able to bathe and dress Lord Eon.' She leaned forwards and whispered loudly, 'My master is Moon Shadow I have been purified and sanctioned to serve him.'

Lady Dela's slim body stiffened with shock. 'Forgive me, my lord, I was not informed,' she said, dropping into a low bow in

front of me. The skin of her unpainted nape was red. 'I humbly apologise for intruding upon your arrangements. I will have your girl shown the stores and baths, and instruct the Imperial staff to enter your rooms only upon your order. When you are ready, send a messenger and I will come to you.'

'Thank you.'

The Shadow Man was watching me, his expression strangely tender. He must think me a brother. I looked away from the undeserved fellowship.

What was I supposed to do now?

Lady Dela was still crouched beside the bed. She lifted her head slightly. 'My lord, may I offer you the first lesson,' she said gently 'You must give permission for those lower in rank to leave your presence.'

'Oh.' Heat prickled across my face. 'Yes, of course. You may go.'

She bowed and gracefully stood, the Shadow Man ducking from the waist in a brief courtesy then taking his position behind her shoulder. Rilla and I watched her leave, dwarfed by the massive guard, the clink of her hair ornaments matching the sway of her walk.

'You may go too,' I said to the Beseecher, trying to sound more lordly. 'Thank you,' I added.

Best not to offend an intermediary of the gods.

He bowed and scuttled out into the passageway, giving Rilla a cold glare as he passed; wax candles were expensive.

'Rilla-,'I said.

She held up her hand for silence as she checked the passage. I heard the fading sounds of retreating steps and murmured conversation. Finally, she closed the door and pressed her back against it, as though stopping it from bursting back open.

We stared at one another for a second.

'Lord Eon?' she said, lifting her eyebrows. This is a deadly path the master has set you on, girl.' She sighed. 'Has set us on.'

'Did you always know the truth about me?' I asked, meeting her steady gaze.

'Perhaps. But it is easier and safer not to know some things too clearly' She walked over to the bed and smiled wryly 'How are you feeling, my lord?'

'My head aches.' I rubbed my temple and felt the lump where Ranne had hit me. 'And all of my skin feels like it is bruised. How did I get undressed?'

'Me.' She held out her burned hands. 'No one else would touch you. Not even the physicians.

The Dragoneyes said it was the Mirror Dragon's power sparking from your skin because you were not properly released from the pearl.'

I looked down at my arms and hands, free of the thick cover. 'I don't think I'm sparking any more. Do you think it might start again?'

Rilla shook her head. 'I'm no expert.'

Neither was I. Was sparking skin a good or a bad sign? I couldn't even tell if the dragon was still with me. I tried to focus inwards, but a new fear was dimming my mind's-eye. What if the dragon was gone? What if he had made a mistake choosing me? I took a deep breath and concentrated again. My mind's-eye slowly found the energy lines of my body. There was something different. A change in my Hua — it was faster, stronger — and an echo of another presence, like a shadow heartbeat. But it was very faint. I opened my eyes and fell back against the pillows, exhausted.

'I think the sparking has finished. I'm sorry you were hurt, Rilla.'

She shrugged. 'The master used it as an excuse to stop the doctors from poking at you.' She touched my shoulder. 'It's lucky you're slim-hipped and small-breasted. How old are you really?'

'Sixteen.' I hugged my arms around my chest to stop myself from grabbing her sore hands.

'Rilla, what am I going to do?' I felt the panic rise through me like a scalding geyser.

'You are going to be bathed and dressed by your body servant, and then you are going to go out there and be Lord Eon, the new Mirror Dragoneye.'

'How can I be a lord? It was hard ^enough just being a candidate. I can't do it.'

'Yes, you can,' Rilla said, wincing as she grabbed my shoulders. 'Because if you can't, then we are going to die. You, me, the master. They won't let us live if they find out what you really are.'

What you really are — her words brought a lurch of memory. 'Rilla, when you undressed me, did you find a pouch?'

'Calm yourself. I have it.' She patted the pocket of her gown. And your gift from Chart.'

'How long was I senseless?'

'Two days.' She nodded her understanding. 'Don't worry, the master told me about the tea.

You haven't missed a dose — I got a good amount down your throat, although you never fully roused.'

I sighed out my relief. 'Thank you.'

'I'll make today's dose now' She crossed the room to the bureau and poked at the coals in the brazier. Next to her, in the corner, was a small rack holding my ceremonial swords. I flexed my fingers, remembering the strange angry knowledge that had come from their steel.

I turned my back on them and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. 'Where's Chart?' I asked.

'He is at the master's house.'

'But who's looking after him?' The carpet was so thick under my feet they sank into it. I wiggled my toes, pushing them through the soft pile. Twice as deep as my master's carpets.

'Irsa.' Rilla's voice was flat.

I looked around. 'Irsa? But can't Chart come here?'

'The Emperor will not allow it. He will not have the bad luck of deformity in the palace.'

I stopped making imprints in the carpet. 'But I'm here.'

Rilla placed a pot of water on top of the brazier. 'Yes, but rank and wealth takes the stink off such things.'

Rank and wealth. I stared down at the jewel colours of the carpet. I now had rank and wealth.

Something surged through me: the beginnings of a fierce power that had nothing to do with the Mirror Dragon. I was Lord Eon. A Dragoneye. I drank out of gold cups and slept on silk sheets. People served me and bowed to me and no one would ever sneer at my limp again or make the ward-evil.

'I could order him here,' I said.

Rilla turned and smiled. 'That's a generous thought, Lord Eon.'

I felt the heat rise to my face again. The thought had not come from generosity.

'But I'm afraid even the new Mirror Dragoneye would not be able to overrule the Emperor's fear.' She stared into the heating water. 'It will be all right. The master will not let any serious harm come to Chart.'

True, but it was the lesser harms that left a sour taste in my mouth.

Something knocked against the door. I spun around to face it.

'Lord Eon,' a voice called from the other side. 'The Emperor's physician requests entrance.'

'Get back in the bed,' Rilla whispered. 'Don't let him poke at you.' She took the pot off the brazier and hurried to the door. A moment, please,' she called.

I clambered onto the bed and pulled the sheet back over me. Rilla gave me a nod then opened the heavy door, bowing as a small man strutted into the room. His clothes overshadowed him: five short tunics of the thinnest silk were set one on top of the other, each a shade of purple — violet to lilac — that created a glorious layered edging at neck and thigh. Under these was a pair of wide-legged trousers in puce with gold embroidery. A maroon physician's cap completed the magnificence; close-fitting but extravagantly trimmed with pink feathers. Amongst all this rich colour, the man's grey face drooped in sour lines, a sparse beard coming to a short frayed point. He was followed by two fat eunuchs in long blue cotton tunics, one carrying a tray with a goblet, the other carrying a box.

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