needed someone to go into the palace, I saw a chance to repay my debt.'

' You're part of the islander Resistance?' Lady Dela said, her eyes narrowing. She looked down, smoothing her skirt. 'You hid it well.' Her voice was cold.

Ryko had hidden it very well. I thought of Master Tozay and the Trang boy from the docks.

There was no doubt both of them were involved in some way. How big was this Resistance?

Ryko licked his lips. 'Forgive me, my lady. I would have told you if I could. But my orders are to gather information about Sethon, and to get close to the Emperor to protect him. Not to recruit.'

I had to state the obvious. 'But you are guarding Lady Dela,' I said. 'With all respect to you, my lady' I bowed to her then turned back to Ryko, 'that's not very close to the Emperor.'

'True. But the wait has been worth it. I am now closer to the Emperor than I have ever been.'


'You, my lord,' he said simply. 'You are the hope of the Resistance.'

The hope of the Resistance? The words seared me. More people relying on me. Relying on my power. It was too much. Too much. I would be crushed under all these needs.

'No!' I clambered to my feet. I had to get out of there.

'What do you mean, no?' Ryko blocked my way.

'I cannot hold the hopes of your Resistance.' I looked over at Lady Dela. 'Or yours.'

'My lord,' Ryko said, grasping my arm, his bruising grip holding me still, 'you may not like it or want it, but you have it. And unless you intend to join with Sethon and Ido, then you are bound to our struggle. The very fact that you have woken the Mirror Dragon makes you a threat to the High Lord. And you have already shown your allegiance to the Emperor.'

I pulled my arm out of his hold. This was not my struggle. I had to get away. Hide somewhere. But where? And what about my master and Rilla? What about Prince Kygo?

Their lives were bound as tightly to mine as I was to the fortunes of the Emperor.

'I do not want it,' I said, but it sounded feeble even to me. Everything Ryko had said was true.

And inescapable.

'I know you have more courage than that,' Ryko said.

I did not feel courageous. But I raised my chin and nodded. What else could I do? Even a cornered rabbit will fight with teeth and claws.

'Good man.' He clapped his hand against my shoulder, making me sway.

'If you have finished recruiting,' Lady Dela said snidely, 'maybe Lord Eon can tell us how he plans to steal back the folio.'

I had not told Lady Dela and Ryko the whole truth about the red folio. They knew it was the last Mirror Dragoneye text. They

knew it could not stay in Lord Ido's hands. But they did not know it was my only chance of learning my dragon's name. I could not tell them I had no power yet. It might lose me their support. Although it was too dangerous to be the hope of the Resistance, it was just as dangerous not to be.

'The plan is straightforward,' I said quickly. 'Dillon will meet us at the side entrance of the Rat Dragon Hall at the midnight bell. He'll let us in and take us to the library. Ryko will pick the lock, we'll find the folio, and then leave with all haste.'

There was silence.

'It's a bit loose on details,' Ryko said carefully. He glanced across at Lady Dela but she avoided his gaze, her posture still stiff and unforgiving. 'Do we know how many guards will be on duty? Do we know their positions?'

'No,' I admitted, 'but I'm sure Dillon will be able to tell us.'

Ryko crossed his arms. 'I think it would be more prudent if I did this alone, my lord. I've had a lot of experience and, no offence, it would be a lot quicker.'

Lady Dela nodded at me across the low tea table. 'He's right. You should not endanger yourself, my lord. You are too important.'

'But Dillon is already nervous. He won't let you in if you are by yourself,' I said, forestalling Ryko's objection. And he says that there is some force around the library that stops people from entering.'

'Dragon power?' Lady Dela asked.

I shrugged. 'I don't know. But if it is, I will have a better chance of deflecting it than Ryko.'

I said this with as much confidence as I could muster. I had no idea how to deflect dragon energy, but I was not going to wait patiently in my apartments while Ryko may or may not retrieve the only thing that could save my life.

'Lord Eon is right,' Lady Dela said, finally looking up at Ryko. 'You cannot get around dragon magic on your own.'

Ryko rubbed the back of his shaved head. 'We need more information. Are you even sure Lord Ido has this folio? Are you sure he keeps it in the library?'

'No. As I said, there is no record of it.'

'Well, at least if you do retrieve it, Lord Ido will not be able to say anything,' Lady Dela said tartly. 'Since he stole it himself.'

Ryko shook his head. 'It's too dangerous. We should delay a few days and gather information.'

'No!' I ground my palms together. 'It must be tonight. Lord Ido has ridden out to meet High Lord Sethon. He will be gone from the hall until morning. I swear, if you do not go, I will do it by myself

'I had heard that Sethon returns,' Lady Dela said. A dangerous time. Beside the victorious general, our Emperor will look old and sick.'

Ryko sighed. 'If Ido is gone, then it is probably the best time to do this,' he allowed. 'He will probably have taken most of his guards for the journey and left only a basic detail.' He paused. All right then, we will go. I will come to your apartments in good time to meet the midnight bell at the Dragon Hall. Listen for my knock at your window'

'Thank you,' I said.

'You will need to find some dark clothes. Can you ride?'

'No.' I had not even touched a horse, let alone sat on one of the huge beasts.

'Well, we cannot order a chair to take us to and from a theft. And it is too far for you to walk with that —' He stopped, suddenly aware of his discourtesy. 'I will carry you on my back,' he finished abruptly.

'Well, if being a spy does not work for you,' Lady Dela said coolly, 'at least you could hire yourself out as a donkey'

'I think I would have more luck as a bullock than a donkey, my lady' he said, bowing deeply She did not smile back. 'Be careful,' she said to me. Her eyes flicked over to Ryko but he had already turned to open the door. 'Both of you,' I heard her whisper.

Rilla opened the front door of the Peony apartment as I approached. Even from the pathway I could see the tight worry in her face. I should have returned earlier.

'How is the master?' I asked as I entered.

She shut the door. 'He is refusing to take the sleeping draught prescribed until he has spoken to you. The royal physician is here again.'

'Do you think he is worse?'

'I don't know' She shook her head as though chasing away her doubts. 'I think he just needs to rest. He has cancelled all the evening engagements. He wants to be well enough to accompany you tomorrow'


'Did you not hear? High Lord Sethon will be riding into the city triumphant and the Emperor has declared a day of celebration. Another feast for you to get through.' She smiled sympathetically 'Come. The master is waiting.'

Only one lamp was alight in the bedchamber, its glow shielded by a bronze cover. Above the bedhead, sticks of the same sweet incense that had burned for me a few days ago were smouldering in a gold holder shaped like two leaping carp. My master was propped up against the pillows, his features reduced to shadowy planes. Beside him, the royal physician was sitting on a small stool studying his patient's fingernails. He was dressed for the evening in a lush crimson coat worn over a silk tunic of soft rose that complemented his maroon physician's cap. He looked up as Rilla announced me.

Вы читаете Eon: Dragoneye Reborn
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