Amid all the muted practicality, a bright colour caught my eye — a red lacquer box on a small table, initially hidden from sight. The only vivid thing in the room. I skirted around the bed and stooped to study the finely made piece. It was trimmed in gold with a jade double-happiness character pressed into the lid. Probably worth a lot of money. Yet my master had not sold it. Did it mean something to him?
I picked it up, the weight giving no clue. Perhaps it was the last of his wealth. I ran my fingertip around the edge and found the small curved leverage. With a flick of my nail, the lid shifted then came away.
For a moment, the small object inside made no sense. It was too far from its place in the world. Then, as if my body understood before my mind, a ragged breath broke out of me.
My needle tube.
He must have found it hidden in my old clothes press. Why was it in this box? Kept like a precious jewel?
The answer was as stark as the room.
Because it was mine.
He had loved me. Wanted me. The knowledge of it rose from the same dark place where Eona lived. I had always known it. Always pushed it down into the deepest part of me. What else could I have done? What else could he have done?
1 laid my fingertip on the polished bamboo case, stroking the smooth wood. Such a plain everyday thing, but so treasured; first as a precious gift from a dying woman, and then as a secret keepsake for a dying man.
I sensed someone behind me and turned. Rilla was standing in the doorway.
'The household is assembled, my lord,' she said. Then she saw my face. 'What is wrong?'
'Nothing.' I slid the lid back and snapped it home. 'I will be there in a minute. Leave me.'
She bowed and withdrew. I placed the box back on the table and pressed the heels of my hands against my eyes, pushing back the sadness. Some things were best left denied.
I took the long passage that led from the main house to the kitchen. It gave me time to harden myself back into Lord Eon and prepare my words for the staff. I had not had a lot of time to make my arrangements, but at least the fundamentals were in place. I touched the thin metal tokens in my pocket. I couldn't wait to see Chart's face when I brought them out.
A few steps away from the doorway to the courtyard, I heard Irsa announce my approach. The household was already kneeling on the hard flagstones when I made my entrance. How many times had I listened for Rilla's call, or Irsa's? Always ready to drop to the ground at my master's arrival. Now I only kneeled for royalty.
Even Chart was bowing. Gardener Lon had propped him against his sturdy shoulder, and had one hand hovering protectively over the boy's back. Lon had always been a generous man. I saw the strain in Chart's neck as he fought to
stay in position, the weaving motion of his head revealing the corners of a wide grin. He, at least, was happy to see me. Irsa was stealing quick glances up at me, her lip caught between her teeth. No doubt worried that her bullying was about to snap back and strike her like a snake. It was tempting to make her pay for all those kicks and slights and petty betrayals, but I had already decided against it. There was a saying that a man's true character was revealed in defeat. I thought it was also revealed in victory.
The yard seemed smaller and shabbier than I remembered, but the same cat was still watching me from its sunning spot near my old dormitory door. I cleared my throat and everyone settled back onto their heels, waiting for me to speak. The silent deference suddenly blocked my words. All of my rehearsed speech was gone.
A movement jerked me out of my panic — Chart, flinging out a hand. He smiled and carefully scrunched one eye into a slow wink. My words returned.
'Lord Brannon, may his spirit dwell in the Garden of Heavenly Delight, has bequeathed this estate and all your service bonds to me,' I said, forcing my voice into an even tone.
There was no surprise on anyone's face — news travelled fast in the servants' quarters.
'I will be keeping this property and household as it is, except for a few changes.'
Irsa shrank back, probably expecting the slave market, but my attention was on Chart. It was not often I got to be the bearer of good fortune.
I held up the two liberation discs: brass pendants stamped with the freedom edict and the Imperial seal, hanging from thin leather thongs.
'Firstly, I free Chart and Rilla from their service bonds.'
Chart stared up at me, his body stilled by shock. Only his mouth was working, like one of the Emperor's giant carp. Beside
me Rilia gasped. It had not been easy to rush through the bureaucracy to free them, but I had quickly discovered that gold bought efficiency. It had been worth spending most of the mourning money to see the joy in their faces. I grinned at him. The best was still to come.
'And I name Freeman Chart as my heir to this estate.'
Chart pitched forwards, only saved from hitting the flags by the quick reflexes of Lon. I covered the short distance between us and dropped to my knees. Rilla squatted beside me a moment later, cupping her son's cheek.
'Are you all right?' I asked. He was lying cradled in Lon's arms.
'He's fine,' Rilla said, nodding her thanks to Lon.
Chart's thin hand closed around my wrist. 'Free?'
I nodded. And heir.'
'My lord.' Rilla grabbed my other hand and kissed it. 'Thank you, my lord. It is a wonderful thing you have done.'
'Heir?' Chart echoed. 'You…make me…heir?'
'Yes. You'll be head of the household while I'm at the palace. You'll have your own room and everything.'
Tears were mixing with the grime on his face, leaving pale tracks. 'Head…of house?'
I turned to the other staff. 'Do you hear? Chart is now heir of my house. His word is my word.'
I directed the last to Irsa, staring down her horrified disgust. 'Do you hear?'
She ducked her head, her mouth a tight line. 'Yes, my lord.'
I glared at the rest of the staff and they quickly bowed, echoing her obedience.
Chart's grip on my wrist became a stranglehold. 'How…can I…be…head of house?' he whispered, his face stricken.
Was he afraid? I had been so caught up in my plans that I had not even considered the possibility. 'It's all right,' I said. 'I'll get you a body servant. He can be your arms and legs.'
Chart shook his head. 'I…don't know…read or write. Or…anything.'
Rilla stroked her son's hair. 'You can learn,' she said firmly 'You've got a good mind.' She smiled across at me. 'Lord Eon has given us a great gift.'
Lon suddenly leaned towards me in a shallow bow. 'My lord, may I speak?'
'Yes. What is it?'
'May I offer myself as Master Chart's body servant, my lord? I am strong and I know the letters. I could start his learning.'
Lon could read and write? I had no idea. In fact, I didn't know much about him at all. I considered the man in front of me. He had always been friendly to Chart, unfazed by his deformity And he had ambition — the move from outside to indoor servant would be a big step up in rank and bond pay He'd be eager to do well. It could be a good solution. I met Chart's gaze, silently asking the question.
Chart slowly nodded.
'Rilla?' I asked.
She looked Lon up and down. 'I know you are strong and a good worker. But are you a kind man, Lon? Does another's weakness bring out the best or worst in you?
Chart rolled his eyes. 'Moth…er.'
Lon smiled down at him. 'Your mother is looking after your interests.' He bobbed a quick salute to Rilla. 'Freewoman,' he said, and she flushed at the new title, 'I would be bound by my honour as much as by my bond to treat your son with respect.'
'Fancy words,' she said brusquely, but her mouth had curved upwards. She turned to me and nodded. All