through my body His face was so close to mine I could feel the heated wine of his breath and smell the sweet decay of the blood-soaked cloth at his neck.
'Do you have power?'
My hands clawed at his fingers. He tightened his grip, his teeth bared for an answer.
'Yes,' I gasped.
His eyes searched mine. 'You're lying.'
Desperately I pulled at his arm. 'I have power, but not all of it. There's a hook…'
He hauled me off the wall and slammed me back against it, the blow sending jags of black pain across my eyes. I fought for breath. For consciousness.
'Do you know what you have done?' he screamed. 'Everything was balanced on you. A woman.'
All of his contained rage was loose and slowly crushing my throat. He was going to kill me. 1
could see it in his face. I could not stop him. He was my Emperor. My lord. My master. His will was mine.
No! Never again. My will was my own.
I let go of his arm. Curled my fingers into my bandaged palm. And, with strength made of panic, drove the heel of my hand into the centre of the Imperial Pearl. For a moment, I saw the pain crash through his eyes. Then he hit the floor, writhing, his broken gasps ominously wet.
I looked at my hand. It was stinging from the blow, smeared with blood. Royal blood.
Holy gods. What had I done?
I fell to my knees and scrabbled across to him. He saw me coming and hit out, his fist wild, his face grey with shock.
'Your Majesty' I grabbed his flailing arms and forced them against his body. He panted, each indrawn breath a rasp of pain.
I pulled him across my lap. 'Lord, forgive me.' Sweat sheened on his skin. 'Don't die.'
'Not…going to…die.' He took a deeper wavering breath, clenching his jaw with the effort.
'I…am…going…to kill…you.' He tried to lift his head, but fell back against me.
I pulled the robe away from his throat, wincing as his elbow found my ribs, Clamping his arms down harder, I checked his wound. There was fresh blood around the Imperial Pearl, but only from the edges of the stitching and the bottom of his throat hollow. If 1 had hit straighter, if the bandage had not cushioned
the blow, I would have killed him. I must have struck downwards and the pearl had hit his chest bone, nol his windpipe. The gods had been merciful. To both of us.
'You can't kill me,' I s;iid. 'Yon need me.'
He struggled upwards again, his pallor darkening into fury. He was already recovering his strength. I did not have long to make him understand.
'Listen to me. The Mirror Dragon is the Queen Dragon,' I said desperately. 'She chose me and she is Ascendant. That is at least double the power of the others.' His eyes flickered at that truth. 'But I haven't united with her properly. Not yet. I have no way to call her power, but Ido has a book that holds her name. If I can get it, then I will have all her power. At your command.'
'How…do you know you can call her power?'
'Because I can call Ido's dragon.'
His eyes widened. 'You have Ido's…power too?' He cleared his throat. His voice was stronger.
I nodded, keeping my gaze steady. It was half true. I had called the blue dragon at Ido's library. But I could not let the Emperor see the other half of the truth: that Ido could steal my body, harness my will, through that connection.
He jerked free of my hands. 'Get off me.'
I backed away out of reach, as he slowly pushed himself upright. He looked over at me, his hand at his throat.
'That was a low blow,' he said, swaying on his feet. 'You have a woman's sense of honour.'
His barb bit deep. 'I am trying to keep our pact. Is that not honour?'
He snorted. 'Mutual survival? You nearly killed me.'
'As you did me.'
You're right.' He laughed, the sound breaking into a cough. 'But then, I am your Emperor.'
'And I am the only hope you have of keeping your throne.'
His lingering half smile shifted into harsher lines. 'A woman Dragoneye.' His eyes scanned my body and I felt heat rush to my foce. 'My father warned me to watch for men's hidden natures,' he said, 'but I am sure he had not reckoned on something like you. Why should I believe that you hold my interests? You are obviously a skilled liar.'
I bit my lip. 'I am here, in front of you. I could be halfway to the islands.'
I le tilted his head in acknowledgement. 'True. But I would say your presence is as much in your own interest as mine. I have no doubt Lord Ido would hunt down a woman who could poach his power.' He paused, his gaze sharpening. 'How did you move the King Monsoon?
Did you use his power?'
I clutched the silk of the Story Robe, forcing myself past the memory of Ido's brutal control.
'Then you have made a very dangerous enemy' He motioned for me to stand. 'Which is better for me. I trust the power of your fear and self-interest more than I trust your sense of honour, Lord Eon.' He caught himself. 'But, of course, you are not Lord Eon. What is your real name?'
I felt my skin flush again. I did not want to be a girl before him. I did not want to become less.
'It would be easier if I remained Lord Eon, Your Majesty. I will need the rank it gives until…'
'Until you have your power, or you are dead,' he said. 'Those are the options I give you, Lord Eon.'
I nodded. 'They have always been my options, Your Majesty'
He walked over to the table. 'You say Ido has a book?'
'It is the Mirror Dragon folio. The only record of the dragon. He stole it from the treasures before they came to me.'
'So Prahn was not mistaken.' He poured wine into another bowl. Even in the dim light, I could see his hand was shaking. 'If Ido has the book, he must already know its secrets.'
'No. I don't think so.' Hesitantly I walked towards him,
watching for any sign of his will, but hr did not stop me. 'It is written in Woman Script.'
He grunted. 'Stands to reason.' He raised the bowl to drink, stopping halfway as he saw my surprise. 'My mother my true mother — showed me a few characters of the script.' He threw back the wine and winced as he swallowed. 'I have always wondered why the Mirror Dragon left the circle. Why she,' he met my eyes in fleeting acceptance, 'was not in any records.
Perhaps your book will finally tell us.'
'Your Majesty, I don't know why she left us. But I do know that your uncle and Ido have plans to challenge your claim. We need to move quickly to retrieve the book.' There were no windows in the pavilion to gauge if it was night or day. I quickly estimated the time that had passed. 'The Dragoneyes will be back from Daikiko by now Ido should be in his hall.'
'Leave the ghost watch?' He looked over at the bier. 'No, you are right. My father would have understood the urgency We must ride to Ido's hall now and demand the book. He will obey his Emperor.'
I was not so certain. Nor did I want to face Ido again.
'No, Your Majesty. You must stay safe. I will go, with Ryko.' I paused, realising I did not know if the islander was back from his task or would even agree to accompany me. 'We know where it will be.'
'You will obey your Emperor too, Lord Eon,' he said coldly. 'I will go to the Rat Dragon Hall and we will finish this business.' He started towards the double doors. 'Come.'
I took a deep breath. At least we were moving. But towards what?