“I can help,” Galen said.

Fallon raised his brows. “And how is that?”

Galen moved to Larena’s side and placed his hand on her head. “Think of the best place for us to be, a place in the mountain that Warriors wouldn’t find us. Do you have it?”

“Aye,” she answered.

Galen then put his other hand on Fallon’s head. In an instant Fallon saw in his mind’s eye a place in the mountain. He didn’t hesitate, but jumped all three of them into the mountain.

The darkness of the mountain consumed Fallon. He squared his shoulders and looked at Galen. “You’re going to have to tell me how you did that.”

“As soon as we’re back at MacLeod Castle. Now go get the others.”

Fallon gave Larena a quick kiss and jumped back to get the rest of the Warriors.

Deirdre stared at the now immobile Marcail. The blue fire had been the perfect magic to hold the irritating Druid. Whereas the black fire that detained Lavena allowed her to speak to Deirdre with her visions, the blue fire that held Marcail kept her body alive but that was all. It also contained all the magic from the protection spells, keeping it from reaching out and harming Deirdre.

She was so excited about having Marcail and her spell locked away that she decided to spend more time looking at her handiwork. Quinn would be waiting for her from now on. After all, he thought his precious Marcail was safely out of the mountain.

What a fool he was, but then again, all men were fools. Deirdre had thought Quinn would be different.

However, once she had Quinn’s baby, the child of the prophecy, everything would change.

Deirdre rubbed her hands together in anticipation. She could very well conceive tonight. And the start of a new era would begin.

“Do you know where Ian is being kept?” Quinn asked Broc as they walked down the corridor.

Broc nodded. “He’s in no condition to help, though.”

“Damn. We still need to free him.” Quinn wanted to get to Marcail, but he knew he would need to time everything perfectly. With his brothers and the Warriors loyal to them coming to help along with his men in the Pit, they just might stand a chance in defeating Deirdre.

Broc led him down several hallways and stairwells before he stopped in front of a door.

Quinn unlatched the door to find Ian hanging from the ceiling by his wrists. “Ian,” he said as he rushed to his friend.

Ian lifted his head, dried blood coating his face and chest. “Quinn?”

“Aye, it’s me. I’ve come with Broc to get you out of here.”

Quinn and Broc released Ian from his chains and helped him to his feet.

“Can you aid Broc in releasing your brother and Arran from the Pit?”

Ian squared his shoulders and weaved on his feet. “Aye.”

“Then hurry. There are many in these dungeons that need to be freed. We need total chaos.”

“We’ll see it done,” Broc promised.

Quinn watched them leave before he stepped back into the corridor. Broc had told him how to reach the chamber to which Deirdre had taken Marcail, and he couldn’t get there soon enough. The fear that he was already too late propelled him faster down the hallway.

He knew Deirdre wouldn’t kill Marcail herself, but that didn’t mean Deirdre wouldn’t have someone else do it. Her wyrran would do anything for her, as they had proven countless times.

As much as Quinn knew it would be beneficial to wait for the disorder to begin with the release of the prisoners, he couldn’t. Marcail needed him, and he wouldn’t allow someone else he cared about to die because of Deirdre.

Quinn kept his strides long and quick as he followed Broc’s directions. As he turned a corner, he spotted two Warriors. They stopped and stepped aside for him.

When he reached them he halted. “I’m going to give you one chance. Either you fight for me or you die right here.”

The Warriors looked at each other and laughed. Quinn released his god and attacked both of them at once. While he used his claws to slice open one Warrior’s chest, the other cut the back of Quinn’s knee.

When Quinn tried to stand, he couldn’t use one leg, but that didn’t stop him. He punched the Warrior who had wounded him, knocking him back. Quinn wasted no time before he used his claws to sever the Warrior’s head.

Quinn tossed him aside and turned to the second Warrior. Though he was unbalanced with his wounded leg, Quinn wasn’t going to give the Warrior any chance to break free.

He leapt atop the Warrior, sinking both sets of claws into his neck. Blood flowed from the Warrior’s neck as his eyes bulged. With a twist of Quinn’s hands, he cut off the head.

“You should have chosen to fight with me,” Quinn said as the dead Warrior fell at his feet.

Quinn continued on his way, determined to convert or kill every Warrior he encountered. He killed another before he heard a commotion and lifted his head to see his brothers.

He forgot about the third dead Warrior at his feet and smiled as he moved toward Lucan and Fallon.

“My God, it’s good to see you,” Lucan said as he pulled Quinn against him for a hug.

Quinn had never been so happy to see his brothers. Lucan released him and a moment later Fallon’s arms enveloped him.

“I thought I’d never see you again,” Fallon said.

Quinn chuckled. “I wasna going to give up that easily.” He stepped back and glanced at Larena. “I hear you are married.”

Fallon frowned. “We should have waited for you.”

“Nay,” Quinn said. “You take what joy you can find.”

Logan cleared his throat. “Are we going to stand around and reminisce all day, or are we going to kill Deirdre?”

Quinn nodded to Logan, Galen, Ramsey, and Hayden. “We’re going to kill Deirdre, but first, we’re going to save Marcail.”

“Where’s Broc?” Ramsey asked.

“He and Ian have gone to free my men from the Pit. Then the four of them will begin releasing others from the dungeons.”

Lucan laughed. “I like your plan, little brother. Lead on, and we’ll save your Marcail.”

Quinn hurried down the hallway, Lucan’s words echoing in his head. His Marcail. Quinn liked the sound of that. He liked it very much.

They managed to climb two levels before they encountered a group of wyrran. The small pale yellow creatures didn’t stand a chance against eight Warriors. In a matter of moments, the wyrran were dead.

“I hope there’s more,” Hayden said.

Quinn wiped the blood from his hands on his tunic. “There will be. I’m giving all the Warriors I encounter a chance to fight for me. If they decline, they die.”

Hayden chuckled and nodded. “I’ve missed you, Quinn.”

Lucan walked beside Quinn with Larena and Fallon behind him. For every moment that kept Quinn from Marcail it was like a knife to his stomach.

It wasn’t much further, but it seemed millions of leagues away.

Below them Quinn began to hear shouts and cries from the dungeons. “My men releasing the prisoners.”

“Be careful not to kill the wrong Warriors,” Fallon cautioned everyone.

Isla slumped against the wall, the rocks digging into her wounded arm and back. She was so tired…so weary. When she’d awoken from the trance Deirdre had put her in, it was to find herself fighting for her life with a man three times her size.

It was only with the use of her magic that she had been able to get away, and as hard as she tried not to look, she had seen the dead bodies of a woman, a girl, and a small boy.

Isla had only woken from the trance while in the middle of her “duty” to Deirdre once before. She had tried to run, and paid dearly for it later with a punishment that had her confined to her bed for almost three months.

Yet a small part of her wanted to give it another try. She wanted as far away from Deirdre as she could go.

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